feminism misogyny woman's suffrage

Should men be allowed to vote?


Mocking misogyny: It’s not just for the present day. Here, from 1915, a pointed parody of misogynistic anti-Suffrage arguments by writer/poet Alice Duer Miller. (Note to extremely literal-minded MRAs: She was not actually advocating that men have the vote taken away from them. Nor are we.)

You can find many more examples of Miller’s sharp wit in her 1915 collection Are Women People? The whole thing is available online and in various ebook formats on Project Gutenberg.

Graphic via Roqayah Chamseddine (@iRevolt on Twitter).

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Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago


Its funny being accused of being unoriginal and at the same time being accused of “dominance.”

Of course its a need for dominance! Just a byproduct of toxic masculinity, really. I know this because a fembot told me to think this way.

11 years ago

Cynic you aren’t helping your case. I’ve heard all the stuff you are saying before from other trolls.

11 years ago

Its funny being accused of being unoriginal and at the same time being accused of “dominance.”

In what way are they mutually exclusive?

11 years ago

Okay, good female hive-mind reference, you’re hitting nearly all the tired cliches… BUT WHAT ABOUT OUR CATS?

11 years ago

RE: cloudiah

Aw. Now I just feel oddly alone with nobody to fixate on. Guess I’m back to shipping trolls again.

Also, I’m very glad I failed my diet; it was killing me. As for childhood rejection… hasn’t everyone?

11 years ago

Its not too hard to read people.

Unh hunh. Tell me again why you wanted to know my story?

As to the, “fixation”. One of the amusements ’round these parts is whomping the piñatas. Why, just to keep you from getting the same sort of “oh, you must feel threatened by me, because you treat me like the idiot I present myself to be”, should we refrain from treating you as the idiot you present to be?

Its funny being accused of being unoriginal and at the same time being accused of “dominance.”

You are waving your ignorance again. No one said you are dominant, merely that you are trying to assert it.

Again, full of fail.

11 years ago

It smells like a million failed diets, and thousands of childhood rejections.

This is some of that disdain for women/misogynist/lack of respect for people I was talking about.

If you’d respected them as people you’d not be lumping them into, “fat, rejects”, and using language typically aimed at females (failed diets) to do it.

Bog-standard you are.

11 years ago

The thing is, someone who was as above it all and unperturbed by us as Diogenes claims to be? Wouldn’t keep coming back here. He’s not just a troll, he’s a troll with hurt feelings and a grudge, and that’s just sad.

11 years ago

I’m on my tablet so not sure this link will work — but have you all seen that weird Sony ad with the headless woman with two sets of breasts? Pretty funny response:

11 years ago

RE: cloudiah

Oh god, the first makes me D: and the other made me laugh in a horrible way. (I had a nightmare along those lines once. “You don’t like having boobs? Fine! Have TEN THOUSAND BOOBS!” )

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Diogenes is just like a less intelligent, more boring version of the Riddler who doesn’t kill people. And from now on, I’m going to read all of his posts in the Batman: The Animated Series‘ Riddler’s voice.

Makes me wonder how many other of our trolls can be compared to Batman villains.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Also, Diogenes, when I find a community boring and they don’t accept me, I do something absolutely novel: I don’t try to associate with them anymore. Imagine that.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago


You were in the military, and you’re liberal. Thats unusual. You’re not Jewish, but you speak the lingo which isn’t common. You’re right to say I don’t have a complete read of you. But stuff like that is what makes me wonder.

To another point, I have never heard of one of my trust-fund friends complain about having money. They never want to change their life situations either, because they know they’re at an advantage over others. They have it better, and they know it.

Same thing with attractive women. My attractive friends don’t complain about how being pretty gets them further along in life (admit it, it does) because they enjoy the advantage. They like things the way they are. They’re not the ones complaining about how things are.

So, who are the people who complain about things? Usually marginalized people. When I read this website, and see complaints about shallow men, its pretty obvious to see where they come from.

“Women are judged on the basis of their weight.”
Yeah, and who’s the one complaining about it? What drives a person to complain about something like that unless its a raw issue for them?

pecunium, its not you who complains about weight judgement. You can sympathize, but not empathize because its not happening to you. I’m sure you got the flip side of that coin in your life. Being judged by how much you earn is just as dehumanizing.

But who are the guys who complain about being judged by how much they make? Yeah, its the broke guys.

So, when I see complaints like that, guess about how I reached my conclusion. I try my best to look at every subject from a fresh perspective, without bias when I first read about it. I didn’t come in with the preconceived notion about who would be bitter about what, but reactions here reinforce my suspicions.

If many people from the general culture view you askew, it might be you. Think of how many people share your views, where they disagree with you, and why. A lot of what is said here is from a small self-reinforced community.

This isn’t a bandwagon argument, mind you. You know you hold opinions that are in the minority. There might be a reason for that.

One example is the use of the phrase “patriarchy.” Its a word thats loaded with connotations, and an entire perspective behind it. Want to know why most guys reject the concept? Its because they’re not gathering every Tuesday at 7:00 to plan on how they’re gonna subjugate the womenfolk. Now, I know I am not going to change anyone’s mind here. It is the internet, after all. But I want you to ask yourself this: under what circumstances would you be willing to change your views?

If you are able to come up with criteria, you probably have reasons for your beliefs. If you can’t, it probably means you hold your positions from a deeply emotive place, and not a logical one.

11 years ago

Emotions and logic aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive, “Diogenes”. For example, much of what you wrote above is profoundly illogical.

11 years ago

Also rather emotional, as he often is.

11 years ago

I couldn’t read it all because it was too stupid and wrong. People don’t complain when they have advantages that others do not enjoy? Srsly?

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

When I can reverse the gendered pronouns in most articles and advertisements and the resulting texts don’t sound absurd or offensive, I’ll consider the possibility that our society is no longer patriarchal. See Jailbreak the Patriarchy app to try this exercise for yourself:

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

Zanana, pleasure to meet you.

Could you elaborate?

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

I have had my mind changed by evidence. I wasn’t always a feminist, but then the evidence I encountered suggested that feminism is ethical and necessary.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I know I’ve not touched half of what gets discussed.

You left out cats!

I am shocked. Shocked, I say.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

Try the link, there’s an app that switches gendered language in your internet browser. Use it for awhile and gendered bias should be easier to spot.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

This went into moderation ‘cos stupid WordPress changed my handle:

Alas, David said a while back that Diogenes isn’t SteelAlButthead. He’s just another failtroll. I’d swear there’s a troll factory somewhere, they’re so much alike these days.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

I’d like to hear what kind of evidence would change you mind, D. I’ll look for your answer when I get back. I’m going jogging (TO COMPENSATE FOR MY FAILED DIETZ!!11!) Have fun with the pinyata, y’all.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Oh crap, now he’s going into NWO territory. Don’t do it, Diogenes! If you stare too long into the milk machine, THE MILK MACHINE STARES BACK!

Dammit, you owe me a cup of coffee now.

::goes back to wiping screen::

11 years ago

RE: Diogenes

Same thing with attractive women. My attractive friends don’t complain about how being pretty gets them further along in life (admit it, it does) because they enjoy the advantage.

Diogenes, in society’s eyes, I was an attractive woman for a good number of years. It’s actually a JOKE with one of my friends how Mary Sue my body is. (One of the things I miss most about our pre-testosterone body is that my sweat no longer smells like burnt sugar. FUCKING. BURNT. SUGAR. Not even joking.)

But I hated it. We were a fetish object for a few nerdy men, had to organize our wardrobe such to keep our boobs out of notice, and it concealed some health problems we had for a long time.

Now I’m not nearly so hot, conventionally. The boobs are gone, my sweat smells like sweat, the long hair is short, and I’ve gained a good chunk of weight, (Thank god.) And I am SO MUCH HAPPIER. It was not an advantage I wanted, and it was a false advantage that I didn’t want or deserve.

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