Mocking misogyny: It’s not just for the present day. Here, from 1915, a pointed parody of misogynistic anti-Suffrage arguments by writer/poet Alice Duer Miller. (Note to extremely literal-minded MRAs: She was not actually advocating that men have the vote taken away from them. Nor are we.)
You can find many more examples of Miller’s sharp wit in her 1915 collection Are Women People? The whole thing is available online and in various ebook formats on Project Gutenberg.
Graphic via Roqayah Chamseddine (@iRevolt on Twitter).
I went to high school with a girl who had almost white blonde hair and black eyebrows. It was the oddest looking thing.
Long-time lurker here.
I think that that picture is honestly inspiring, for some reason. I don’t know. I just get tired sometimes. I’ve recently been getting past my fear of people and taking them to task on feminist issues when they come up. It’s really exhausting and discouraging sometimes. Hearing about feminists daring to speak out during a time when it was considerably more unpopular than it is now gives me hope for the future and for things to get better though. And coming here gives me hope too. Rational AND compassionate people all in one spot. Awesome. You guys rock. Keep doing what you’re doing.
This one struck me as particularly apt when dealing with MRAs:
I’d love to see the misogynists of the time react to these and compare them to how modern day misogynists react to things like imnotamisandristbut and other obvious works of feminist satire.
Same here. Jewel tones seem to work best on me. I’m super pale and there’s colors I love, like yellow, that just make me look ill if I try to wear them. Earth tones or muddy colors don’t work either.
My hair is going silver grey, but only in the front, and not in a cool pattern, or else I’d let it do it’s thing. The sliver seem to wash me out too, so we’ll see. Maybe I’ll let go eventually and have lowlights put in. The silver is starting in my eyebrows as well, thank FSM for Smashbox brow tech stuff!
Most people think I’m of Mediterranean origin, which is partly right, but the majority of the family tree is Scottish and German, with some French and Italian thrown in on Mom’s side.
Hi Alex!
I’m of Romanian decent (mothers side). Dark brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Supposedly, my father is hispanic, but I don’t know him. My brother is blonde, w/green eyes and tanner skin. Genetics are weird.
My hair has been so many colors, all on its own.
I started out with hair black as ink. In my teens and early twenties it went a rich cinnamon flecks auburn. Then it went a lovely shade of chocolate brown.
Now, I can’t say I particularly like the color of brown I have, but I also have quite a bit of grey through it and the development of streaks. The grey is promising though, it may end up a really nice shade of silver.
As I said, I don’t like the shade of brown my hair has gone, but I like dying my hair even less. And when the roots show I end up with three different colors. What I want is a dye that colors everthing but the grey.
Hi, hellkell!
Ah, clothes colours. Black, burgundy, crimson, magenta, fuchsia, charcoal grey, silver, pure white, pink, pale pink, pale violet, royal purple, pine green, true green, mint green, turquoise, ice blue, navy blue, pure blue, pale yellow, and lemon yellow. I can’t do orange at all, most browns look terrible on me unless they’re really dark and incline to red (like my hair lol), cream is awful, and so is olive green and most yellows. And neon colours make my skin look grey…I love colours, but I have to admit, I have more black in my wardrobe than any other colour.
@hellkell – I look like I’m dying of consumption in yellow. I can’t even explain how that happens. I don’t own a single piece of yellow clothing. I have one orange t-shirt (it’s Beaker from the Muppets!) but I steer clear of that too.
A LOT of people have thought I’m Irish – very dark hair, pale skin, hazel eyes. I’m actually Polish/Italian/German. Sadly my hair is about half-grey now. I’m tempted to start dying it again but it’s also wicked long and I fear how much time and $$ it would take to maintain.
All these comments about being misidentified suggest as a species we should maybe stop trying to guess the ethnicity of other people. :
I’m lucky in that I can wear any colour except black. The downside is that black is our national colour and I have to wear a heap of it for rugby. People keep telling me that I need a black suit, but I say I’ll get a navy blue, or brown one which will be still sombre enough.
Argenti, long black skirts are part of the uniform. They were probably staring at you, but I doubt it was with scorn.
Its just a thing we do.
Weeboy, try a black blazer with charcoal slacks. I rock it, and like the look.
Cassandra: I went to high school with a girl who had almost white blonde hair and black eyebrows. It was the oddest looking thing.
I have red hair, and very dark brown eyebrows. I’ve been accused, with vehemence, more than once of dying my hair.
Because if someone says that they don’t suit black then the obvious solution is for them to wear a black jacket, which is right up close to their face, and pants of a different color*. Obviously WeeBoy meant that black clothes clash with his ass, rather than his face.
(Is Diogenes ever right about anything? He’s batting about 0/1000 so far.)
*Also, blazer plus slacks that don’t match? Not a suit.
Diogenes, no one cares what you think or what you rock.
Also, “blazer and slacks” and “rock” really don’t belong in the same sentence.
Cassandra, I missed your snark. It’s why I cam back
hellkell, that sounds like the type of comment a very mature person would make.
Are you going to go around telling people not to be my friend next?
Blazer and slacks are pretty fucking dull, which would suit Diogenes to a T.
Well, now you’ve had your dose for the month you can leave again. Glad to be of service.
I don’t need to tell them not to be your friend, Diogenes. No one here can stand you as it is.
I’m really rocking my button-down shirt and my khaki pants today.
(Except not.)
You have hurt me to the core. This should reinforce to you what a good moral person you are. Only someone with a wonderful, non-bitter attitude would write such posts.
Snark =/= bitterness. I’ve yet to see anything from the regulars here that suggests bitterness. Trolls, yes, most of them are wallowing in it.
Cassandra – I’ll see your button-down and khaki and raise you a yellow and orange sweater with shoulder pads.
Seriously, slacks? Nobody rocks slacks. Attempting to do so is particularly sad when you’re as young as Diogenes.