feminism misogyny woman's suffrage

Should men be allowed to vote?


Mocking misogyny: It’s not just for the present day. Here, from 1915, a pointed parody of misogynistic anti-Suffrage arguments by writer/poet Alice Duer Miller. (Note to extremely literal-minded MRAs: She was not actually advocating that men have the vote taken away from them. Nor are we.)

You can find many more examples of Miller’s sharp wit in her 1915 collection Are Women People? The whole thing is available online and in various ebook formats on Project Gutenberg.

Graphic via Roqayah Chamseddine (@iRevolt on Twitter).

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11 years ago

I think it is supposed to be a good movie, hippodameia.

I would like to encourage everyone to admire my avatar. I know it’s a little small, but if you clickie clickie you can see it bigger and admire the woman riding on the back of the (no doubt male) ostrich, flaunting her female privilege and rubbing the ostrich’s beak in his own male (ostrich) disposability. I’m sort of sad that Owly isn’t around to see it.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

@Howard Bannister

I don’t disagree that religions are usually patriarchal. The thing is that today, its voluntary. If you don’t like it, you can get up and go. And since you don’t seem to like it, why not just go?

Walking away can’t be any harder than cognitive dissonance.

I make a distinction between social, and institutional unfairness. Sure, there are examples of social sexism today, but there aren’t that many institutionalized (meaning you can’t not deal with it) sexist organizations.

Just for the heck of it, imma mention some patriarchal/matriarchal societies so you can get a feel for what would constitute one such society for me.

Vikings=matriarchal society. The men often died in battle, or were away from home on galleons. So, the culture, child-raising, even the way people spoke was dominated by women.

Sparta=matriarchal society. The men lived in barracks, and owned next to nothing. Administration of the city-state for all intents and purposes was in the hands of women.

The USSR= another matriarchy. But after WWII because more than half of the Soviet citizens were women, communist theory treats women as equals to men (they even had a campaign to remove the stigma of single-motherhood after the war), and men were conscripted.

Patriarchal societies? That would be most of them until women were allowed to vote. Women live longer than men, so they make up more than half the electorate.

11 years ago

But is the ostrich pretty, and is the woman? This is key to our understand of the social dynamics involved in ostrich riding.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

Das Boot is a fantastic film. Lots of tension.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Has Diogenes gotten dumber? He seems even dumber.

11 years ago

I see his Dullness doesn’t understand what a matriarchal society is. Or a galleon, either.

I suspect the cultivator is misandry, making men more disposable as they are no longer required to help with digging.

11 years ago

Of COURSE the woman isn’t pretty. She’s older than 25! This is why she is a feminist.

11 years ago

I’d love to see a psychological study that attempted to examine why people do this particular form of trolling. What is it that they get out of it?

11 years ago

But what if the ostrich is pretty? Then it wouldn’t resent being harnessed and ridden. We need someone who’s a good objective judge of ostrich beauty.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Diogenes proving once again that he needs an education.

Not every man in Sparta fought. In fact, most didn’t. Which means that most men were still around while children were being raised.

Same with Vikings.

11 years ago

Diogenes is dumber than usual. I wonder if he’s drunk posting, or if his kink is being fractally wrong in public.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

So…what am I doing this weekend?

Paying off karma at a vastly excelerated rate. It has been a very frustrating, shitty week.

Please send chocolate and alcohol.

11 years ago

It’s a male ostrich, CassandraSays — it may not be pretty, but it hunted the seeds, leaves, and small bugs for you!

11 years ago

I am sending my ostrich right over to pillow in hell with chocolate and alcohol. He should be pecking at your front door any minute now!

11 years ago

But, alas, our fair but elderly rider did not want seeds and bugs, she wanted cupcakes. So she’s extra super bitter.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Pillowinhell…ruining males (ostriches) lives since 1974!

11 years ago

We haven’t had a bitter hug and booze party in a while.

pillow in hell, what’s your poison as to chocolate and booze?

11 years ago

He may also offer you some locusts, pillow in hell. Do not feel obligated to accept.

11 years ago

It’s those picky bitches who refuse a man’s locusts that lead to male ostriches becoming PUAs. We drive them to it.

11 years ago

Now I think we need a cartoon about a PUA ostrich.

11 years ago

Also a cartoon of Vikings riding off to war on their galleons, singing their famous sea shanties and talking on their iPhones.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Homemade chocolate brownies and rum and coke.

Yeah those Viking sea chanties!

Well hey, they had to something while they were off at sea for years and years!

Also, those Canadian islands where Vikings settled, clearly proto MRA settlements where the men disappeared to on all the women and kids.

Imma guess that russian culture isn’t matriarchal based on the extremely crude and sexist thinking I’ve heard from Russian men who emigrated here. Its a small sample size I know. And we’ll totally ignore that there are several cultures within Russia.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I think my house is a matriarchy (by troll logic) because there are two of us “females” (me and the cat) to one “male.” It isn’t nearly as matriarchal as my sister’s house where the ratio is three “females” (she has two dogs) to one “male.”

That is how the logic works right? Do I have to send the boyfriend to war or hunt or something in order to count as a matriarcy? The boyfriend leaves the house way more than I do, so that should be enough, I hope.

11 years ago

Now I think we need a cartoon about a PUA ostrich.

You mean a PUO.

11 years ago

The best part is that ostriches already have the erratic, confusing behavior and the tendency to invade people’s space down.