feminism misogyny woman's suffrage

Should men be allowed to vote?


Mocking misogyny: It’s not just for the present day. Here, from 1915, a pointed parody of misogynistic anti-Suffrage arguments by writer/poet Alice Duer Miller. (Note to extremely literal-minded MRAs: She was not actually advocating that men have the vote taken away from them. Nor are we.)

You can find many more examples of Miller’s sharp wit in her 1915 collection Are Women People? The whole thing is available online and in various ebook formats on Project Gutenberg.

Graphic via Roqayah Chamseddine (@iRevolt on Twitter).

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11 years ago

Also ostriches are well known for their peacocking.

11 years ago

Going to chop & splice several comments, so I hope I don’t mess up the coding.

Diogenes is dumber than usual. I wonder if he’s drunk posting…

This is what I was wondering too.

I am sending my ostrich right over to pillow in hell with chocolate and alcohol. He should be pecking at your front door any minute now!

Would the arrival have the same flair as Beyonce?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“The men often died in battle, or were away from home on galleons. ”

BWAHAHAHAHA fucking moron.

In more interesting news, I tracked down a copy of How To Train Your Dragon today. 🙂

Also went to Rippon Lea estate today. They were advertising a heritage apple day. Unfortunately it didn’t live up to the advertising – the “great range of food” available consisted of take-away vans selling German sausages or French crepes, and the apple business was just a stall selling the young trees and offering tastings of a couple of varieties. I expect a festival to have a lot more going on than that. However it was pleasant to walk around the gardens, although it was too hot to stay very long.

11 years ago

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago


Watched How To Train Your Dragon tonight. Loved it! “Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile.” Toothless was adorbs. Cat + oversized puppy = dragon.

Going back to what moreorlessdan was saying about the macho vs fatherly figures with Stoick and Gobber – they seemed like both to me, now. Big hairy Vikings (Vikings with Scots accents – odd) and OTT macho, but also paternal in a baffled sort of way to Hiccup (offspring of Scots Vikings with American accents – understandable for target audience but even odder).

Has anyone else found the sound drops out on their DVD, or do Target just by seconds? Every time we get a disc from them, something’s wrong with it. Weird.

11 years ago

@Howard Bannister

I don’t disagree that religions are usually patriarchal. The thing is that today, its voluntary. If you don’t like it, you can get up and go. And since you don’t seem to like it, why not just go?

Because you actually believe in it? Because it’s as much your church as theirs? Because you’re not the only one suffering, and you have a duty to stand up to injustice?

Walking away can’t be any harder than cognitive dissonance.

You really don’t understand how important church is to some people, do you? Walking away from a church you love, especially one you were raised in, is like walking away from your extended family, your whole community. No one should have to do that because someone else is being an asshole.

But it’s interesting that your response to sexism boils down to “out of sight, out of mind”.

I make a distinction between social, and institutional unfairness. Sure, there are examples of social sexism today, but there aren’t that many institutionalized (meaning you can’t not deal with it) sexist organizations.

So the fact that women make up 50% of the US electorate but less than 20% of its elected positions…is just a coincidence? Doesn’t count because it’s not an official policy? Doesn’t count because the electorate is not an organization? Why did you even specify “organizations”, when the rest of us are talking on a societal level?

11 years ago

(Sorry I’m only talking about the US there – I don’t know enough about the other countries represented here to speak for them)

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