antifeminism creepy misogyny MRA the spearhead

Betty Friedan: Communist homewrecker?

Ladies Love Cool Joe (Stalin)
Ladies Love Cool Joe (Stalin)

Last week marked the 50th anniversary of the publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, which inspired a flood of commemorative essays everywhere from Slate to the New York Times.

It also inspired what I think is one of the most hilariously dumb sentences I’ve ever read on The Spearhead. In a post talking about Friedan’s “youthful Bolshevik activism” – she spent a number of years as a labor journalist – Spearhead head boy W.F. Price offers this assessment of the book that jumpstarted feminism’s second wave:

Although I haven’t read the book, it apparently stresses the need for women to engage in work outside the home, which is a basic Communist tenet.

Yeah, that’s why most women work. Not to pay the bills, but because they are pawns of the worldwide communist conspiracy.

Weirdly, Price is well aware that he’s full of shit here, and that most women throughout history have worked, not because of Communism but because of economic necessity. Indeed, he even points this out in his post. But he follows this acknowledgement with more thoughts on Friedan’s evil commie ways:

[I]t looks as though Betty Friedan was one of the many dedicated Communists who caused so many problems immediately after WWII. I once looked up a list of known Communist front groups in the US, and noticed that quite a few of them were women’s groups. Combined with accounts I’ve read from former Cheka agents, it makes for pretty convincing evidence that feminism was deliberately fostered in the US by Soviet agents. It makes sense to use women in that manner, because authorities are not as suspicious of women, and they can operate under the radar far more easily than men. Women also make excellent spies.

Although I’m sure resurgent feminism would have emerged in one form or another with or without Betty Friedan, it is interesting to note second wave feminism’s Cold War origins in Marxist infiltration of US society. …

It turns out she was little more than a loyal Bolshevik pawn who suddenly stumbled onto success by writing a thinly-veiled Marxist critique of American capitalist society from a woman’s perspective.

In the comments, TheTruthishere enthusiastically agreed with Price’s feminism-was-a-Soviet-plot thesis:

You are right a read the same thing on another site …  feminism was thought up in a russian thinktank to basically destroy the family as the states smallest cell. Basically so communism could be introduced in the western world. Well, it worked, it just took them longer than expected. By the way the Rockafellas are involved in this as well

RockEfellers. Not RockAfellAs. Or even RockAfellERs.

Uncle Elmer gave us this weird socio-sexual fantasy:

Speaking of Freudian, all feminists have a major clit-boner for “1963”, though it was not technically part of the mythic “50s”. Based on their persistent mention of that era, it’s clear they would gladly trade in their Birkenstocks for a chance to be slapped and rogured by Ward Cleaver.

They didn’t call him “The Cleaver” for nothing.

And Towgunner, for some odd reason, used the opportunity to express his disdain for “female” – in quotes – music composers.

I have a lot of classical music as my pandora stations, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, etc. So, guess what gets inter-mixed with the play sets from time to time…yep, the token “female” composer. I’m usually doing something else while listening and this never fails – I always know its a female composer because it, well, is bad music. Also, all of the female composers I’ve heard basically sound the same. All things aside, forget I’m an MRA, it has very little aesthetic value for anyone, except for those who think talent is the same thing as “social justice”. female composers create music that is akin to cold coffee left over from breakfast and now its 2:00 PM. And its not after a few minutes, I can tell a female composer in the first few seconds…that too never fails. Many of them painfully subject their listeners to simple scales and scattered and disagreeable harmonies…kind of like the background music for greys autonomy or any chick flick. Above all, it’s not, even in the slightest, original…frankly female composers are a perfect case study in that you can hear the innate female tendency towards conformity.

By the way, here are some songs by female composers – sorry, “female” composers. I’m not sensing a lot of conformity here.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I do hope all the waiters are wearing appropriately sheik clothing. I also hope they don’t look like Rudolph Valentino.

12 years ago

If I’d read that and went there expecting Bedouin food I’d have been pissed. Though to be fair, it’s expensive enough that having some oil money would certainly help.

12 years ago

When Romana was on the show, she actually became one of the other characters on a regeneration. It’ll be interesting to see what they do as they approach 12, though; canonically, time lords are supposed to stop at 12; part of why the Master was evil was because he was stealing other peoples’ bodies and lives to stay alive.

I like a lot of the companions. Actually, I miss when it was Tegan and Nissa and Adric – Nissa was an awesome scientist cum computer programmer, and of the three of them Adric got in trouble the most. I miss when aliens joined the Doctor’s ranks (both Nissa and Adric were not human), too. Ace was probably my all time favorite, though; or Leela.

12 years ago


*interrupts impolitely*

I got my tattoo! It took seven hours! It really hurt!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

thenat – that looks magnificent! I’m sorry it hurt. Seven hours …hell, just the cumulative effect of it taking that long would be hard to take.

But it looks superb!

12 years ago

OMG that looks fucking awesome. I can imagine it took a long time. Did you take any breaks?

12 years ago

Oh wooooow, love it!

12 years ago

Yeah it was only so bad because it took seven hours, if I’d done line and colour separately it would have been fine. But we were both being really stubborn, I wanted it done because I didn’t want to have to take another day off work to go to London and she wanted it for her portfolio.

I think I had about four five-minute breaks for cigarettes and Lucozade. But we were the last people in the shop by about two hours so we just stuck on some loud music (we like the same bands yay) and worked through that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

How long ago did you get it done? It was a week or so we were talking about it, wasn’t it? It looks like it’s healing well. Did you have to keep it covered in cling wrap for a while?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I’m off for a bit. Mum read today that Time Team is finished and has a yen to watch some of our many recorded episodes. Later, y’all!

12 years ago

I got it done yesterday, that picture is from literally as it was finished. Yeah, I’m wrapped in clingfilm but only for one more day, which is good. I know it’s making me safer but it’s so uncomfortable and gross. No one told me tattoos were this gross.

Have fun with Time Team, it’s one of my favourites. The most truly British programme there is – it’s all about drizzle, regional accents and disappointment.

Wally Wick
Wally Wick
12 years ago

When no one was looking, Betty Crocker baked 40 cakes. With pre-packaged cake mix. And that’s terrible.

12 years ago

Ha, we did forget to mention the grossness. You’ll be molting colorful scabs for a while.

12 years ago

I woke up this morning in a puddle of ick. *shudders*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Don’t forget to put lots of antibiotic cream on! Don’t know if you have Bepanthen in the UK but it’s what my tattooist recommended.

I love Time Team. Only stopped watching it when Channel 4 fucked around with it and Mick Aston quit. We just watched one about two A26 bombers that went down during WWII, and now we’re about to watch one about a Roman fort in Scotland (which will probably have the wonderful Guy de la Bédoyère in it).

I saw a guy who looked like a young Phil Harding a few days back. Same wonderfully tragic hair and sideburns/whiskers, and a redhead, too. Sadly he was not wearing The Hat.

12 years ago

I’m using Bepanthen, yes.

I do really love Time Team. When I went to my mum’s last week, they all had to go to school and work and stuff, so I just sat and watched a Time Team marathon for six hours. It was amazing. But no one will watch it with me and play the Time Team drinking game


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

OMG that game is perfect! Except you’d be paralytic by the end of one episode. Well, I would be, anyway.

Love the bit about taking seven sips if Tony makes a valid point.

12 years ago

I really like Romana ii and the fact that she was so much more intelligent than the doctor. She was naive though, but in a sort of nice way. I also remember Zoe being cool. The new companions are boring and replaceable by comparison.

I wasn’t keen on Donna in the Christmas episode as I thought it was an insulting stereotype of working class people, and women in general with her being desperate to marry and not being accepted. She was supposed to be pathetic. I think the character changed, but she was introduced as a figure of fun.

12 years ago

Yeah, Donna as a regular companion came off as pretty different from Donna in the Christmas special. In the Christmas special she seemed like a real bimbo. When she was a regular, she was smart and capable, and I really liked how her crappy work-life as a temp on various companies actually was of help to them in several situations: “Donna Noble – super-temp!”.

12 years ago

Can I offer my ideal head casting for the next stage of the Bond films?

James Bond: Idris Elba

M: Cate Blanchett (I see no reason why we can’t have a non-British M, and she’s Australian after all. I can see some fun being had with riffs about “colonials” :P)

Miss Moneypenny: Naomie Harris as present (but seriously they need to script her better, I love the actress but where is the banter? Bond and Moneypenny need banter! I think that’s Craig’s fault though, he doesn’t strike me as an actor able to do banter well. But Idris Elba would have that down pat, also he would be charming, I miss having a Bond with charm.)

Q: Richard Ayoade (I cannot for the life of me understood why he wasn’t cast instead of Ben Whishaw. As far as I can work out Ben Whishaw is just a whiter, less funny version of Ayoade)

Bond Villain: Lena Headey! (Like seriously! Her turn as a crime boss in Dredd was awesome and we need a female Bond villain, the series is crying out for one. One that isn’t a caricatured, butch, Russian lesbian that is, damn you From Russia with Love.)

Bond Girls: Here I struggle, as they usually have up and coming actresses in these roles and I don’t really know that many. Angel Coulby maybe? I’d also put in my plug for Louise Brealey. I’d have her as a genius, socially awkward hacker who Bond keeps hitting on and she’s all like “Whut? No. Mission.”

12 years ago

For any fans of Industrial music here, Unter Null is a female composer, and is one of the very few truly innovative artists in the genre today. She’s also pretty much the only artist in the harsh EBM subgenre who I’ll still listen to.

12 years ago

As for Doctor who stuff, my dream Doctor is Alan Cuming. Just imagine him and Barrowman in the same episode, it would be glorious.

Painis siniaP
Painis siniaP
12 years ago

Also by female composers: the bulk of the soundtracks to Street Fighter II, Castlevania from Symphony of the Night onward and F-FUCKING-ZERO. Plus Cowboy Bebop.

12 years ago

If they cast Idris Elba as Bond, I would actually watch one of those movies. He is stunning.

12 years ago

Ben Whishaw was really good in Nathan Barley, although his role involved not saying much, being picked on and jumping out of a window. I can see him being cast as Q based on that. Not seen the James Bond film though, the photos suggest he was dressed stupidly. It might be the wrong role for him. I likes Pingu a lot.

I’m not sure how the role would be for Ayoade, I have only seen him in comic things and so it might put his career on a tangent he doesn’t want to take. That said with the money doubt anyone sensible would turn it down. He was also good in Nathan Barley although his role had less screen time (but probably more dialogue). Ayoade also writes doesn’t he?

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