announcements kitties pledge drive

Thanks for the support!

High five!

Just a quick note to let you all know that the response to the Man Boobz pledge drive has been amazing. I am once again humbled by the outpouring of support.

Thanks, everyone, for the donations! I appreciate each and every one of them, big or small. (Sorry I’m a little behind in sending out the personal thank yous; I’ve been sidelined a bit by migraine this week.)

Given how well it’s gone, I’m going to wind the pledge drive up a little early this time, and stop with the naggy reminders, because I know how annoying those can be.

Thanks again, everyone!

Oh, just one more naggy reminder, and that’s it!

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11 years ago

Maybe you shouldn’t be blowing all of your money on child erotica, Dave.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Projection much, IR?

11 years ago

It must be Make Up Shit About Futrelle day again. The actual day must change from year to year.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m glad you linked to that, cloudiah, it’s one of my favourite threads ever. Sat and read the whole thing recently and nearly fell off my chair laughing.

11 years ago


11 years ago

BigMomma, see the Warren Farrell thread for why IR is going down this particular rabbit hole. Backwards. Into a septic tank.

11 years ago

*pets the kitteh*

Glad it was helpful, no need for a personal email…I might be tempted to request floor space for my next trip north.

11 years ago

Oh and David, no worries about an individual thank you. In fact, thank YOU for doing this blog.

11 years ago

IR: shut the fuck up, PreggoPunchout.

11 years ago


I’ve made a donation to manboobz in addition to my ongoing quarterly charity donations on the Scalzi plan; my criteria are that if it will help people that VD loathes then it’s good 🙂 so keep up the good work!


11 years ago

Thanks, cloudiah, just spotted it.

11 years ago

Wow, Preggo. You truly are such a pleasant person to be around. I can’t fathom why you hang around on sites you’re not wanted, being a douche and insulting people.

11 years ago

Oh P-P. So charming to see your little man-crush.

11 years ago

I know there are a lot of new readers & de-lurkers, so here’s an explanation for why we refer to ideologuereview as both FF (i.e. FactFinder) and Preggo Punchout.

If we ever start nattering on about our inside jokes and old stories, feel free to raise a hand and say “WUT?”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LBT – PP et al probably hang out here because nobody likes them in real life either, and here they can’t get drinks thrown in their faces, etc, etc. which they’ve doubtless experienced many times elsewhere.

11 years ago

I don’t know what universe these feminists live in, but I have never had a drink thrown in my face. I’m also glad a lot of these violent children are (deservedly) unemployed and stay at home.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL and just where are you typing from, idiot?

If you’ve never had a drink thrown at you, it’s because

1) you’ve enough sense of self-preservation (or cowardice) not to trot out your charmless sallies IRL, or

2) since you fancy stereotypes, you never come out of your parents’ basement.

11 years ago

It really bothers him to see other people being happy, huh?

11 years ago

Parents’ basement? Thanks for proving sonichu right, you really are classist dirtbags.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Why do none of our trolls understand conditional clauses?

11 years ago

Oh yeah, you guys seem like you’re bursting with joy. Well, at least herniating with it.
Okay, so happy people are defensive and angry all of the time. What other wisdom do you have to impart?

11 years ago

you’ve enough sense of self-preservation (or cowardice) not to trot out your charmless sallies IRL, or
Do you think it’s normal for people to murder each other statements? My, you feminists really are horrible monsters. No wonder people see feminists as charmless ogres who are only suffered in their little women’s groups and topless drum circles.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

And more demonstrations of ignorance. Y’know, guys, that gets really old, really fast.

11 years ago

There, there, Preggo. Go lie down, the straw feminists in your head are acting up again.

11 years ago

Hey Pregs? If we’re such charmless ogres, why do you insist on coming here?

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