advocacy of violence are these guys 12 years old? dozens of upvotes evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men taking pleasure in women's pain why can't men punch women?

Hitting Women: Is it a Man’s Right?

Booster Gold: Woman Puncher, Men's Rights Hero
Booster Gold: Woman Puncher, Men’s Rights Hero

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And now back to our regularly scheduled post:

Someone posted this picture in the Men’s Rights subreddit yesterday with the title “Equality.”

[Trigger Warning: Depiction of violence against women.]







Yep, that’s right, equality is all about hitting women.  (Click the image for a larger version.)

The punchy superhero in question, Booster Gold,  is from the future, and “in the future he is from there is actual equality, or at least enough of it for the “you wouldn’t hit a girl” thing to not be any kind of issue,” as one Men’s Rightser explained in the comments,

Yep, in MRA-land, men hitting women – sorry, girls — is considered “progress.”

And a critical men’s rights issue. Responding to a Redditor who thought the picture was “fantastic” but wondered if it should be in the Men’s Rights subreddit, BlueOak offered this explanation:


Making it socially acceptable for men to hit women, evidently a key plank on the Men’s Rights platform.

Wouldn’t it make a little more sense to work towards a world in which, you know, neither men nor women were getting punched on a regular basis?


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Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

The Kitteh, at the moment I figured out she was into me, yes I was taking advantage of her. I thinking going to someones house, and making them dinner isn’t really a friendly thing to do. I’ve only done it for women, and only women have done it for me. Did I act differently? Yes. I asked for more rides because I knew she would be cool with driving me around.

But owing sex? Nope. I see your point as far as thats concerned.

Deliberately ignoring romantic gestures to continue favors? That is not cool.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

Oh look, Cassandra is propping up her fragile sense of self by attempting to put down others.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Men don’t cook for each other? Strange, all those bbqs, and hunting trips and just hanging out doing whatever together that never actually happened. And all this time so many men have been lying to me…

12 years ago

The jokes, they write themselves.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

“Go away, sweetie, the women are talking.”

An example of a comment that cannot come from a bitter person.

12 years ago

The best part is that we’re tooling along, chatting, having fun, offering advice on problems, and GENERALLY BEING NICE TO EACH OTHER. The only people we’re mean to are ones who come in and say bigoted or hurtful things and don’t apologize for them.

But we’re bitter and angry?

12 years ago

You’re right, I’m not bitter. I’ve had a great day. Even your juvenile attempts at trying to cut us down can’t change that.

Look at how shitty he gets when we’re not nice to him. Poor baby. Maybe if he took his dumb smug self away from here he’d feel better.

12 years ago

Probably not. Happy people don’t troll sites where everyone keeps telling them to get lost.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Who the hell here has time to be bitter and angry? We’re too busy laughing, thinking and pursuing our passions in between taking care of all the small details that make up life.

12 years ago

“hellkell, I’m glad to hear you’ve had a great day!”, cloudiah said bitterly.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

“bigoted or hurtful”



I’m terribly juvenile. Thats why I try to marginalize people and act like a vindictive ass on internet forums.

12 years ago

“I hope you’re able to get out and enjoy the sunshine after your repair guy is done”, Cassandra said with great rage.

12 years ago

Once Mr C wakes up I will go have some angry lunch, then maybe the scones of bitterness.

12 years ago

I’m about to make a Roast Chicken of Bitterness and Rage.

12 years ago

I’m also trying to figure out (angrily and bitterly) what to cook for dinner tonight. And once the dryer is fixed, I’m planning to mop the floor with great fury.

12 years ago

Maybe the Potatoes of Spite will be the side dish.

12 years ago

I’m not sure though, maybe we should have the macarons of discontent instead. Depends what flavors they have today.

12 years ago

I already cleaned the nmotherfucking cocksucking bathroom, so I’m good.

12 years ago

hellkell, I hope you’ll be serving patatas bravas on the side, because the red pepper makes them look angry. Also because aioli is so tasty.

12 years ago

I should recycle my goddamn newspapers too. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

12 years ago

Mr C is talking about making the Korean BBQ of sorrow for dinner, but I may make the jambalaya of angst instead. Depends how we feel.

12 years ago

There’s a place the just opened up right by us that has fabulous macarons of discontent. The lavender ones are quite good.

cloudiah, I don’t know what patatas bravas are, BRB.

12 years ago

I want that to be the new Metallica album – BBQ of Sorrow. It’s not like they have any credibility left to lose, so why not?

12 years ago

I’m leaning towards a crustless quiche with kale, and some kind of cheese that hates the world and wants to see it burn.

12 years ago

Naïf: Melody didn’t mention one. But the girl that was into me? She was probably too shy to say anything.

Keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better.