advocacy of violence are these guys 12 years old? dozens of upvotes evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men taking pleasure in women's pain why can't men punch women?

Hitting Women: Is it a Man’s Right?

Booster Gold: Woman Puncher, Men's Rights Hero
Booster Gold: Woman Puncher, Men’s Rights Hero

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And now back to our regularly scheduled post:

Someone posted this picture in the Men’s Rights subreddit yesterday with the title “Equality.”

[Trigger Warning: Depiction of violence against women.]







Yep, that’s right, equality is all about hitting women.  (Click the image for a larger version.)

The punchy superhero in question, Booster Gold,  is from the future, and “in the future he is from there is actual equality, or at least enough of it for the “you wouldn’t hit a girl” thing to not be any kind of issue,” as one Men’s Rightser explained in the comments,

Yep, in MRA-land, men hitting women – sorry, girls — is considered “progress.”

And a critical men’s rights issue. Responding to a Redditor who thought the picture was “fantastic” but wondered if it should be in the Men’s Rights subreddit, BlueOak offered this explanation:


Making it socially acceptable for men to hit women, evidently a key plank on the Men’s Rights platform.

Wouldn’t it make a little more sense to work towards a world in which, you know, neither men nor women were getting punched on a regular basis?


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Is it just me (I skimmed the article) or is this bloke going down the “how dare you call them entitled whiny creeps who think kindness coins should get sex” path? He seemed fucking clueless in his oh-so-measured article.

11 years ago

“is that he is so loyal and loving to his older and not as hot wife.”

Heh, noblesse oblige.

11 years ago

Interesting article pillow, esp the comment about why we focus on the nice guy behaviours rather than the sense of entitlement.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Yes Kitteh, I got that too. Along with the subtle shift towards blaming women because obviously we want the goods without paying for them.

I’m strongly tempted to email the author with a link to Heartless Bitches International. Those women had some very pointy things to say about nice guys, and good advice on how to spot them, and especially…what to do with them.

11 years ago

Lets remember that Psychology Today is the online home of Satoshi Kanazawa. It’s not like this is the first time they’ve put a sexist slant on things.

11 years ago

Tyrians the best, the books suck by the way. I pillowed through many thousand pages but whenever you like a character he kills them off. Kitteh, I also didn’t finish the article, mea culpa, blaming slowww end of month downloads, but could be total laziness.

11 years ago

Psychology Today is the Daily Mail of science magazines.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Cassandra, the blog is filled to the brim with PUAs, MRAs, wannabes and the tradcon women who are “speaking on behalf of men”. Its also rife with relationship advice to women on how to hurry up and get the man crap.

There are a whopping two outright feminist women. And its not unusual for them to defend themselves. There’s also a feminist guy who also posts for the Good Men Project, and holy shit does he reek of protective paternalism.

11 years ago

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that’s an insult to the Daily Mail. At least they don’t pretend to have anything intelligent to say.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

You pillowed your way through thousands of pages?

No wonder I’m always so tired.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Gakkkk! Warning enough.

What’s the bet that the guy writing the article is a NiceGuy™. He sure spends enough time weaseling around to get out of using the term that way to distinguish it from a genuinely nice guy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Yoyo – I feel for you about the downloads! I just had to upgrade ‘cos I was getting the Telstra Crawl every damn month.


11 years ago

melody: I don’t care if folks say it is a satire it isn’t funny. It is screwed up.

I looked at more of his site.

It’s not satire. It might have elements of tongue in cheek, but at core he’s deadly serious.

11 years ago

Marie: *inches away slowly from voxday*

The only reason one has to not move quickly from the presence of Theodore Beale (sometimes going under the name VoxDay) is that one is about to slug him.

I say this as someone who thinks violence is, as a rule, a bad thing. I cannot, honestly, say I eschew it entirely, as I made a living in the profession of arms. Of the people I have encountered in this life, he is one of the few for whom initiating violence seems to me to be not indefensible.

11 years ago

nopestories: Don’t forget the super hero comics where the ladies all like “you wouldn’t hit a woman would you?” and super man is all like “YOUR NOT A WOMAN” and punches her.

I think that trope is, “you wouldn’t hit a LADY”. As such it’s a comment on the moral character, not the sex, of the woman in question.

11 years ago

Pillow , I’d ont know hoe I ended up with that, I meant I struggled through… Brain glitch I hope. I’ve been a bit vacant since hospital yesterday. Is there a word for being so angry you could explode but you are not allowed to because someone is worse off than you?
Pecunium, every week or so I look at Theodore’s site in absolute horror but I never comment there because he’s so aggressive and disgusting. It amazes me that anyone would public ally hold those attitudes.
Kitteh, Optus is no damn better arghh!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I wouldn’t touch Optus, for sure! Telstra are the only ones who seem to have *cough* coverage *cough* in my area. We have Optus at work and the boss calls them ‘Opeless.

Maybe you were thinking of “ploughed through” when you wrote “pillowed through”? Sort of works for heavy reading while in bed, though. 😀

11 years ago

I think ploughed through was right kitteh, thanks. Mind you just the other day I had a debate with someone about Plow vs plough.. My life is full of excitement ;-(

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Ha, I was tossing up which way to spell it when I typed it here.

… long lost sister?

11 years ago

Here’s the tip-off in that piece:

So why the discrepancy in women’s responses, but not men’s? Perhaps it’s simply due to the magic of video editing, where only certain responses were kept to make a point, but, working under the assumption that’s not happening,

He doesn’t have any evidence, but he’ll pretend he does,and then make claims as if there were data to support them.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

In my opinion, its when he mentions “womens discrepencies”. The simple fact that a) men present a more unified viewpoint and b) that women don’t universally agree with the mens viewpoint has always been the jumping point for viewing women with suspicion or contempt. The other is the word “discrepency”. A pretty word to use when you want to accuse someone of lying while covering ones own ass by appearing to give the benefit of the doubt.

The author is deliberately using weasel words to subtley shift the readers viewpoint. But the author is sloppy towards the end, and becomes transparent.

11 years ago

when a woman is receiving benefits from her male friends, keeping the knowledge that her male friends are trying to get something more from her out of mind can help her defend against the criticism of being a social cheater, as well as avoid the need to pay her male friends back. On the other hand, when it’s her boyfriend who’s now being “nice” to other women, there are benefits to her being rather aware of the underlying motives.

If a woman wants to either (a) reap the benefits of nice guys, (b) avoid the costs in not reciprocating what the nice guy wants, or (c) both, then the label of “nice guy” can be quite effective.

The poor menz! Women abusing their power. All women know when a guy is being nice in order to get something and when a guy is being nice just to be nice.

This article is very women blaming. Women know when guys wants things and take advantage. I’m sorry, but my nice guy experience involves me trying to stay as far away from the creep who pretended to be my friend and once rejected started calling me on the phone while masturbating. I now won’t talk to him.

11 years ago

Damn you blockquotes.

I also note this: Jesse Marczyk, M.A., is a post-doc at New Mexico State University;

He is an MA (psych, SUNY Albany), who is also a Post-Doc, and a Ph. D candidate.

Poking about (googling his name and publications) there is no mention of his getting a Ph.D; and I can’t find any peer-reviewed writing.

His other writing has some interesting quirks:

. What I find so interesting about this surprise is what it would seem to imply: the default assumption is that when a woman is being discriminated against, a man ought to be the culprit.

Granted, that interpretation takes a little bit of reading between the lines,

He also fails at self-awareness: I have a completely reasonable, accurate, and unbiased high opinion of myself and my abilities. I’m just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.

11 years ago

Wow! Science ” granted that interpretation takes a little reading between the lines”. The mans a god damn genius. I just read a piece of research that said cigarettes are bad for you, BUT if I read between the lines they’re only bad because of the wommenz . Wow all solved.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

In my opinion, its when he mentions “womens discrepencies”. The simple fact that a) men present a more unified viewpoint and b) that women don’t universally agree with the mens viewpoint has always been the jumping point for viewing women with suspicion or contempt. The other is the word “discrepency”. A pretty word to use when you want to accuse someone of lying while covering ones own ass by appearing to give the benefit of the doubt.

“Discrepancies” attacks women two ways. It can read as discrepancies from the men’s viewpoint – ie. male = default, anything else = odd, different, wrong. Or it can read simply as a man who’s unable to see women as individuals with individual reactions.

Given the guy’s looking more misogynistic every moment, it’s probably both.

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