advocacy of violence are these guys 12 years old? dozens of upvotes evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men taking pleasure in women's pain why can't men punch women?

Hitting Women: Is it a Man’s Right?

Booster Gold: Woman Puncher, Men's Rights Hero
Booster Gold: Woman Puncher, Men’s Rights Hero

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And now back to our regularly scheduled post:

Someone posted this picture in the Men’s Rights subreddit yesterday with the title “Equality.”

[Trigger Warning: Depiction of violence against women.]







Yep, that’s right, equality is all about hitting women.  (Click the image for a larger version.)

The punchy superhero in question, Booster Gold,  is from the future, and “in the future he is from there is actual equality, or at least enough of it for the “you wouldn’t hit a girl” thing to not be any kind of issue,” as one Men’s Rightser explained in the comments,

Yep, in MRA-land, men hitting women – sorry, girls — is considered “progress.”

And a critical men’s rights issue. Responding to a Redditor who thought the picture was “fantastic” but wondered if it should be in the Men’s Rights subreddit, BlueOak offered this explanation:


Making it socially acceptable for men to hit women, evidently a key plank on the Men’s Rights platform.

Wouldn’t it make a little more sense to work towards a world in which, you know, neither men nor women were getting punched on a regular basis?


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Shitstains bring more value to the world than this guy.

12 years ago

Alice and Kev is really interesting!

12 years ago

“Wouldn’t it make a little more sense to work towards a world in which, you know, neither men nor women were getting punched on a regular basis?”

Quite the opposite, MRAs have never expressed any desire for this kind of world. They are quite willing for some men to take a few sissy slaps to the arm or face from women if it means they personally will get the right to give their woman a good uppercut every now and then. Its not the perfect world domestic abusers used to enjoy a hundred years ago, but its the closest MRAs think they can get in these dour feminist times.

12 years ago

Yeah, that’s not satire. I see Mr. Forney is one of those morons who thinks he’s oh-so-smart and edgy. He can die alone.

12 years ago

Marie and Elle, yep voxday routinely argues that rape is better than females being able to work or vote. Mind you I never expect much from a rascist who calls his partner space bunny.

12 years ago

Ashley, you are right and those damn female helping cops better not intervene when they are giving their women some necessary chastisement. They already celebrate any psycho who kills family court judges.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

The more you read forneys blog the more you realize that it not just women/gays/people of color he hates, he hates everyone that’s not him. And those he doesn’t hate he has contempt for, like all those email supporters of his.

Only he and a small select few know the truth (and he bitch slapped Elame), only he is brilliant (and some few dead white men like nieztche) and soon he’ll be dazzlinly good looking when he starts going to the gym.

He’s traveled through out the US and partts of Canada, but can’t find anywhere to fIt in, and the babes aint hot enough. So, obviously, the problem is the bitches and general stupidity of humanity. So then he takes off for somewhere else.

Yup, another guy just on the edge of finding lifelong happiness and the woman of his dreams…

12 years ago

Hellkell but hopefully forley has some kittens or puppies that can feed on his corpse. Waste not want not.

12 years ago

It says something about how jaded I’ve become when it comes to MRA nonsense that the thing that amused me most about Forney’s blog was when he attempted to gain some cool points by talking about his youthful love of that really “obscure” band Sonic Youth.

Obscure? Sonic Youth? Yeah, dude, you are such an iconoclast.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

CassandraSays, you caught the Sonic Youth thing too? I was sitting here thinking about all the times it was on the radio, then I thought that me being Canadian, maybe they didn’t catch on in the US.

Also, fresh baked buttermilk bread still warm from the oven and fresh creamery butter for anyone who wants some!

12 years ago

You’re serious? Sonic Youth? Ha haha hahah aha. I can’t even laugh coherently at that one.

[Runs over to pillow in hell’s house for bread and butter, still laughing]

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Fresh-baked bread and butter!

::elbows cloudiah out of the way::

nom nom nom nom

12 years ago

Holy shit that link was creepy. Now I enjoy murder mysteries and I keep trying to write one so I have spent more than a little time coming up with ways to kill people and dispose of bodies. It’s a morbidly entertaining thing to do but writing it down as a fucking how to, even satirically (and I’m not sure how much satire that is versus his personal fantasy), is disgusting.

12 years ago

Anyone else getting a Hugh Jackman vibe?

12 years ago

Hugh Jackman!! (wipingdroolcanttype)

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Now now Kitteh I made two loaves. There’s plenty to go around.

*gives Cloudiah an extra slice*

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Hmm, butter that promises a delight lack of consequences AND has Hugh Jackman promoting it?

YES PLEASE!!! Where do I get me some?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

nom nom nom

Sir wants one too, please! 🙂

12 years ago

But Tina do you like him in his wolverine buffeted to f..k state or in his more slimmed down boy from oz state. What I really like about Hugh j is that he is so loyal and loving to his older and not as hot wife. The exact opposite of what mras and puas say is the only way to be.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Well of course Kitteh! How rude of me not to offer.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Yoyo, if Hugh Jackman and I were singles, I’d take him any way I could get him.

12 years ago

Booster Gold is one of my top three favorite supermen. I am glad and relieved that he has already been defended in the comments! *laughs* Yeah, there’s a difference between “supervillain who has been slugging the crap out of you” and “person I can terrorize.”

In other words, I’ma just leave this contextually appropriate comic strip here. It (and the creator’s comments underneath) pretty much sum up my feelings.

12 years ago

Pillow, I used to feel the same about johnny depp. Mind you I think I could lurk around bondi til I happened to “bump” into Hugh. (Still trying to work up the courage to do the swimming thing again but Hugh would be a decent reason) mind you there’s some gorgeous British actors out there. like pretty much the whole male cast of game of thrones.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Erm, remeber how so many of us noticed all the nice guys and the pushback against feminism. Here’s one reason for it:

There has been a marked increase in bullshit, gender stereotypes and general anti woman dogwhistling in places there really shouldn’t be.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

I watched a bit of game of thrones, I couldn’t really get into it. The only character that really interested me was Tyrian.

Now there’s a devious man who’s mind I’d like to pick. And he has such presence!