misogyny MRA PUA question time

Question Time: MRAs and PUAs in the real world


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And now back to our regularly scheduled post:

Reading through some of the stranger comments from MRAs and PUAs and other manospherean types I often find myself wondering to what degree this “new misogyny” reaches beyond the internet. I don’t mean old-fashioned misogyny and sexism, which are obviously fairly common offline. I mean the elaborate misogynistic ideologies we discuss here – the “feminism runs the world,” “all women are hypergamous bitches who will dump you in a second for an alpha,” “we hunted the mammoth to feed you” kind of stuff.

I run across much less of this offline than on, though the people I hang out with aren’t exactly a representative sampling of the general public.

So I’m asking you, dear readers, to tell me a bit about your own experiences. Do you run across MRAs/PUAs in the real world on a regular or even an irregular basis? Where (online or off) did you first encounter MRAs and/or PUAs? What aspects of what we might call the manosphere ideology are the most common offline? If it seems less common offline, is this because the beliefs are not that widespread, or is it that people are less willing to say the kind of horrific misogynistic shit they say online to other people face to face?


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Shaun DarthBatman Day
12 years ago

I had a man, less than two weeks ago, offer to fuck me in a public men’s bathroom. I, of course, politely (the phrase “not even if I were fucking dead” may have been used) declined. He, misunderstanding my hesitation, took great pains to point out how convenient it would be for me because the bathroom was “right there”. I had, I admit, been under the assumption that public bathrooms only existed in other cities (Dave, can you insert your sarcasm GIF here, please?).

I am seriously not making this up. Dude thought I just didn’t realize how geographically attractive the men’s room was. He truly seemed to believe that pointing out its enviable location would change my answer to “YES! You have won my heart with your degradation of me, let’s get married tomorrow and have lots of sex and babies!”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

URGH doesn’t even begin to describe that.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

But… public loo… oh… oh god… oh god… why… eww… eww… oh gross… eww… eww…

*washes hands*

12 years ago

That penguin kitty is somehow completely adorable.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Don’t anyone tell Owly, but it’s a SUPERPENGUIN.

The only reason to be in a loo with Creepster there would be to see him get a swirly. Okay, I know, that’s nasty, but oy, it might clean his brain out.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
12 years ago

*passes everyone brain bleach*
Welcome to Alberta.

12 years ago

I don’t understand why a cat would need to be bathed regularly, though, unless the owner had an allergy to dander. I tend to think of cats as self-cleaning.

My first thought is that old quip, “cats aren’t clean, they’re just covered with cat spit!” But aside from that, I can think of a few reasons to bathe a kitty regularly:

*Kitty can’t groom itself
*Kitty has really a really dirty mouth/bad breath and would stink without the baths
*Kitty has a skin condition that requires a medicated bath
*Kitty gets a lot of hairballs so fur needs to be removed early and often

At the clinic where I volunteer, we have a cat-in-residence who gets regular haircuts and is discouraged from grooming himself, because his uneven teeth make him drooly and he gets all wet and gross when he tries. (He’s also incontinent and has stumpy little legs and a funny, raspy purr. We love Butters, but he’s definitely from the shallow end of the gene pool)

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

Here’s somthing on-topic for you, courtesy Heartiste (pussy be upon him):

“Put your number in my phone.”


Cause I said.

12 years ago

Bugger off.


Because we said.

Hermn… I suspect that won’t really work any better than Roissy’s scam.

I happen to have the local PD’s direct line memorised. Handy for all sorts of things.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago


Ninja’d by pecunium!

Shaun DarthBatman Day
12 years ago

Unfortunately the Canadian carrier is something something, so the Hotline is looking for a new carrier, but this is the best service ever.

Only in the States and Canada, as far as I know, but I’m sure if there were enough interest they would consider expanding.

12 years ago

I worked at at a pizza shop and had an MRA coworker. He didn’t admit he was “MRA” but held almost identical views about Feminism and “Men’s Rights.” I also had a heated discussion one night with him and another male co-worker about rape and CHILD rape! They were being rape apologists disguised as moral relativists, denied rape culture and were getting very defensive about the notion that women and children could never enjoy/consent to rape? Morons.

I think this anti-feminist (anti-woman) attitude is very pervasive offline.

12 years ago

The thing which amuses me about Roissy is that he (to a lesser degree than Roosh, but only in degree) has every reason to lie to his followers.

He’s a guru. He’s offering “salvation”, and the trick is that if you do it, “right” it works. But (as with any other form of cultic thinking) if it doesn’t work, you did it, “wrong”.

So he doesn’t need to tell the truth. The truth, in fact, would be counter-productive to his standing. So he has incentive to make shit up.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@emilygoddess – the thing that always strikes me with our kitties is that even when their breath is bad (Hadji ‘cos he only ate red meat, Fribs ‘cos she’s had tooth trouble all her life) their fur smells gorgeous. Stinky cat spit changes when applied to cat fur! 😀

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

@cassandra: If you’re still around. I’m a tad confused about “were getting very defensive about the notion that women and children could never enjoy/consent to rape?”. I’d like to know the details, if you’re comfortable sharing.

12 years ago

I want to click on Inconvenient’s link, because it seems to me that there’s something there in the dynamic of what he has posted that would interesting to analyze, some kind of power play. Intellectually, I want to analyze it.

But every time I mouse over the link I feel dirty, and can’t click.

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