announcements pledge drive

Man Boobz Party Time President’s Day Pledge Drive!

Party on, dude!
Party on, dude!

If you aren’t too worn out by all the Presidents’ Day revelry — and the ritual Donning of the Fake Lincoln Beards — I would like to welcome you to the first edition of the 2013 Man Boobz Pledge Drive! (There will be 3 in all.)

I’ll try to keep this brief and repeat what I said last time: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and sending a few bucks my way. Or, if you’d prefer, a massive quantity of bucks. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and I think there are other options as well.

There’s a bit more urgency to my request this time: I’m really and truly broke at the moment. Things should get better later in the year, but right now I could use all the help I can get.

I appreciate any and all contributions. And I’d also like to do a quick shout-out to the those who send me much needed $ between pledge drives, whether these are one-shot deals or regular infusions.

That said, if you’re also broke and can’t swing a contribution now, I completely understand. There are lots of ways to contribute to this blog besides cold hard cash, and lots of you contribute enormously every day with smart and funny comments and cartoons and silly parody MRA posters and so on and so on. Which is awesome. It’s the community here that keeps me going.

So thanks!

Oh, and if you need more persuading, here’s Tom Baker (no, really) begging for bucks during a PBS pledge drive.

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11 years ago

Social.justice: a movement of compassion by receptive, caring people 🙂

11 years ago

Sure, if you wanted to (hint, you already have). So much for your big gotcha, loser.

It’s cute that this dipshit thinks we should feel bad for Marky Mark after all the hateful shit he spews about women. Sorry, chump.

11 years ago

sonichu: this isn’t social justice, it’s mocking misogyny. Go read the header, you can move your lips while doing it, it’s OK.

11 years ago

“this isn’t social justice”

The sidebar, tags, and the content say otherwise. But nope, our repugnant behavior isn’t representative of social justice communities. Compleeeeeetly unrelateded, yup.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Also, according to the peanut gallery, David’s poverty is now fair game if I wanted to attack it because he put that info out on the street

Only because you are extra-special not-bright. Reading for comprehension is hard, huh?

11 years ago

*shakes head* This is the most oddly obsessive off-topic troll we’ve gotten in a bit. They haven’t responded to ANYONE.

Maybe pikasemechu and brz can hang out. They can continue talking past each other about their topics of choice. It’ll be an Arabic poetry social justice fest. We could put ’em in public and call it Dada.

11 years ago

My favorite Brz moment was when I made a joke about him being dumb and he asked if it was a euphemism for “vagina”.

11 years ago

RE: semechu

The sidebar, tags, and the content say otherwise.

…uh, no. We’re telling you, we are not social justice. We mock misogyny.

I mean, by all means, keep hallucinating those pink elephants, if it makes you happy. I’ll just keep listening to good rap songs.

11 years ago

“It’s cute that this dipshit thinks we should feel bad for Marky
Mark after all the hateful shit he spews about women.”
No, but you would not be defending a racist if he used racial slurs against someone you disagreed with. You wouldn’t, right?
Classism is not magically okay because the SPLC is full of classist scumbags.

11 years ago

I would ask what in the sidebar and tag cloud say that this site is about social justice, since neither word is mentioned either place, but trolly is really, really on autopilot and so there’s no real point.

11 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

But no, they might get people thinking they were busking and (possibly) tossing money to them. Wouldn’t that mean they were moochers who shouldn’t be getting anything? That is, after all, what the first few trolls where whining about … though I don’t expect SolidSkull to grasp that.

I thought of freitag this morning – saw two bulldogs playing in the park. 🙂

11 years ago

This one is beyond stupid. I wonder if his mommy knows he’s hijacked the computer.

11 years ago

“We’re telling you, we are not social justice. We
mock misogyny.”
Oh, so then the rabid defense of the SPLC I see here is just happenstance. :l
So honest, too.

11 years ago

New troll doesn’t yet understand how futile what he’s doing is, because…

11 years ago

the SPLC is full of classist scumbags

Proof needed for this assertion, idiot.

11 years ago

Noooo, the blockquote monster got me!

11 years ago

I love how you know you’re awful people and don’t want your actions to reflect poorly on internet social justice.

11 years ago

Scroll up, titan. Seek and ye shall find.

11 years ago

So many levels of wrong!

Did David cite that SPLC article? No! (Quite the opposite; it cited him.)

If he had, would that mean that he approved of every word of it? No!

If he did, would that that comment be classist? No!

If it was, would that make the whole SPLC classist? No!

If all of that were true, would this be a social justice blog? No!

11 years ago


Nope. You’ve given one example of one sentence which could be construed as classist in a dim light by an ungenerous reader. Hardly “full of classist scumbags”.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I am shocked – SHOCKED, I tell you – that you can’t count on assholes who oppose social justice to accurately point out bigotry.

11 years ago

I have it! Men are a class (this is stupid, but go with it for now). MRA sites claim to represent men as a class. The SPLC called out some MRA sites as being full of nasty stuff. Therefore, the SPLC is classist!

This argument may work better if you try to read it again while really stoned.

11 years ago

Well done, though, @soidiotic. Slightly less boring than before. *Pats troll on head. Wanders off in search of disinfectant*

11 years ago

Cat videos are the hand sanitizer of the internet.

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