announcements pledge drive

Man Boobz Party Time President’s Day Pledge Drive!

Party on, dude!
Party on, dude!

If you aren’t too worn out by all the Presidents’ Day revelry — and the ritual Donning of the Fake Lincoln Beards — I would like to welcome you to the first edition of the 2013 Man Boobz Pledge Drive! (There will be 3 in all.)

I’ll try to keep this brief and repeat what I said last time: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and sending a few bucks my way. Or, if you’d prefer, a massive quantity of bucks. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and I think there are other options as well.

There’s a bit more urgency to my request this time: I’m really and truly broke at the moment. Things should get better later in the year, but right now I could use all the help I can get.

I appreciate any and all contributions. And I’d also like to do a quick shout-out to the those who send me much needed $ between pledge drives, whether these are one-shot deals or regular infusions.

That said, if you’re also broke and can’t swing a contribution now, I completely understand. There are lots of ways to contribute to this blog besides cold hard cash, and lots of you contribute enormously every day with smart and funny comments and cartoons and silly parody MRA posters and so on and so on. Which is awesome. It’s the community here that keeps me going.

So thanks!

Oh, and if you need more persuading, here’s Tom Baker (no, really) begging for bucks during a PBS pledge drive.

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11 years ago

If new troll was sincere about thinking the SPLC was classist he’d go tell them so directly, but instead he’s here whining at David. Guess they’re still hurt that the SPLC doesn’t like them, huh?

11 years ago

sonichu, your arguments are not the amazing slam dunk of rational victory that you think they are. Thanks for playing but you suck at this.

11 years ago

So… finances are relevant to an article about views and totally not classist. Brilliant.

11 years ago

Sonichu, at least please reassure me you’re not that comics guy. Then I only have to dislike you for being a douchebag whining and trying to play the gotcha game with strangers on the Internet.

11 years ago

RE: sonichu

David DIDN’T POST the fucking link to the article! GO TAKE IT UP WITH PREGGO.

Seriously, what exactly do you want us to do? Say it is classist. So? Does this somehow magically invalidate everything the SPLC does? Is this supposed to be some overwhelming shock realization in a classist world?

Stop being a dick and fuck off.

11 years ago

Oh, I see now. So the SPLC gets a free ride but people you disagree with better damn well be perfect. Well, that’s our standard to bear. 🙂

11 years ago

In an article that briefly summarizes the content of a number of hate blogs, mentioning that someone who frequently complains about being lonely and broke is in a bad financial situation is not a classist attack.

It’s not the phrasing most of us would have used because it’s easy for self-satisfied trolls to abuse, but even with a problematic statement it doesn’t devalue the fact that the article is a summary of hate blogs.

All this shit has already been said, but you seem to have some issues reading things clearly.

11 years ago

Actually, please let zir be the sonichu guy. Because that would be much more funnier.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

The tagline for this site isn’t about mocking classists. Go start your own blog.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Show of hands, y’all. How many of you have had your lives changed by something that you didn’t pay money for? *raises hand*

::waves both hands:: me me me me!

11 years ago

Wow is sonichu dim. WE DIDN’T POST THAT LINK, DIPSHIT. Go take it up with the SLPC.

Also, because you’re extra-special not bright, go take it up with Marky Mark, because he’s the one putting his personal shit out in the street.

11 years ago

New rule for blogs! Bloggers must vet everything that hostile trolls post in their comments. Failure to do so makes you a bad person. On the flip side, not allowing trolls to post whatever they want is censorship.

11 years ago

Is it just me, or is this conversation feeling a wee bit one-sided? We’re saying and asking things and then getting no response.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Welcome, SpleenyBaggage! ::waves from Melbourne::

Love “canker blossoms” – do you have a link for that curse generator?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

katz – well, half these trolls are like bots that fail the Turing test anyway. Probably why they’re all so keen on getting sexbots.

11 years ago

Who votes we ignore sonichu and just pretend that they’re that person who created the infamously bad webcomic? (“Enjoy, learn, and stay straight!”) They’re a boringass one-note troll.

Instead, I’m going to name things that changed my life and cost me no money: my husband, Pervocracy, Fugitivus, the LJ soulbonding and multiplicity comms, my friends, my attic crawl space, Justice League fanfiction…

11 years ago

Also, again, need I repeat the modus operandi of trolls here:

Us: Let us discuss X.


Us: We aren’t talking about Y. We’re talking about X.


Us: Y is totally irrelevant to the topic at hand. You aren’t adding anything. Now, back to X…


11 years ago

Yeah, I think this troll’s initial amusement value has already been exhausted.

Thing that changed my life most that didn’t cost me anything? Living in lots of different places as a kid. Not only did it not cost anything the way travel usually does, my Dad was actually getting paid to be there.

11 years ago

Also, here is a random kitty video, but this time it’s a really big kitty.

The woman he’s cuddling found him starving in the woods, took him home, and nursed him back to health. This was his first time seeing her since being re-homes at a zoo.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Agree, boring troll is boring.

I love that lion video. Ever time I see it, it’s WANT LION HUGS NOW.

This one’s good too:

11 years ago

“Also, because you’re extra-special not bright, go take it up
with Marky Mark, because he’s the one putting his personal
shit out in the street.”
Ooh, some wonderful and unprovoked attacks on those “specials” too. It’s funny how the people who think they are the most compassionate and kindest are actually the most awful.

11 years ago

sonichu, you are so dumb, you are really really dumb, for real. Go away now, the grown-ups are talking.

11 years ago

And now for something completely different.

11 years ago

Sonichu, fuck off.

Everyone else, here, have some ENTERTAINING gibberish.

11 years ago

Also, according to the peanut gallery, David’s poverty is now fair game if I wanted to attack it because he put that info out on the street. I’m not a classist dirtbag nor do I condone them and so I won’t, but it’s still fair game.

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