announcements pledge drive

Man Boobz Party Time President’s Day Pledge Drive!

Party on, dude!
Party on, dude!

If you aren’t too worn out by all the Presidents’ Day revelry — and the ritual Donning of the Fake Lincoln Beards — I would like to welcome you to the first edition of the 2013 Man Boobz Pledge Drive! (There will be 3 in all.)

I’ll try to keep this brief and repeat what I said last time: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and sending a few bucks my way. Or, if you’d prefer, a massive quantity of bucks. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and I think there are other options as well.

There’s a bit more urgency to my request this time: I’m really and truly broke at the moment. Things should get better later in the year, but right now I could use all the help I can get.

I appreciate any and all contributions. And I’d also like to do a quick shout-out to the those who send me much needed $ between pledge drives, whether these are one-shot deals or regular infusions.

That said, if you’re also broke and can’t swing a contribution now, I completely understand. There are lots of ways to contribute to this blog besides cold hard cash, and lots of you contribute enormously every day with smart and funny comments and cartoons and silly parody MRA posters and so on and so on. Which is awesome. It’s the community here that keeps me going.

So thanks!

Oh, and if you need more persuading, here’s Tom Baker (no, really) begging for bucks during a PBS pledge drive.

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11 years ago

Usually it takes The First Joe some time to work up to full asshat mode, but today he’s starting there. How long until full meltdown, you think?

Oh and Preggo Punchout, I work and pay taxes, and I am thrilled that my taxes help provide a safety net for people. I wish more of them went for that purpose, and for fixing our broken USian infrastructure, and less towards war. But that’s because I, you know, care about my fellow human beings and want them to be safe and well-fed and healthy and stuff like that.

11 years ago

Oh Joe… CIA. MUSLIMS. Oh no, I spelled them correctly — now they’re coming for us with the DR00000NEZ.

11 years ago

Not only do I pay more taxes than both Warren Buffet and Mitt Romney, I *also* donate without noting so on my taxes.

And I give to David for his making the effort to provide us something to laugh at nearly every single day.

So stick that in your craw and choke on it PP. And CIA. 🙂

11 years ago

Joe: why don’t you fuck off? David actually provides something, the hot air you blow counts for nothing.

11 years ago

David is providing a service and we’re paying him for it. Why does Joe hate the free market?

Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer
11 years ago

Elam vacuumed up a few thousand from his followers last summer:

I’m sort of wondering how these pledge drives compare. Manbreasts has more commenters, but many of them are equally broke, whereas Elam’s men are more financially secure. This doesn’t say as much about Elam’s men as it does about the cribridden prepubes that make up feminism.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Um, dude, did you get that plenty of people here either already donated or said they (we) would after X event. Pecunium’s speaking at a conference related to *drum roll* his work (well, former work, but still) — I’m leaving tomorrow for Boston and don’t know how much money I’ll have when I get back, etc.

Guys, my mother’s got me paying for her shopping in Boston, she’s never been…I’m gonna be so broke. But hey, I’ll at least pitch in coffee money 🙂

11 years ago

It’s moot. If David makes a lot of money, wankers will say that proves he’s a moocher. If he doesn’t make any money, wankers will say that proves he’s irrelevant.

11 years ago

I was all reflexively ‘oh noes, but where will I get the money to donate?’ (which is a thing my brain does from long practice), but I actually just did my taxes. And because I’ve been so damn productive this year and because the US government allows me to deduct home mortgage interest, I’m getting back a snootful.

And this site was one of three places that actually changed my life in kind of a big way, and so I’m damn well going to help out, since I can.

11 years ago

Wait, Dragon Slayer?

This Dragon Slayer?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I notice that the turd brain still thinks US = the world. Amazing how none of their precious, precious money ever comes my way.

Hey fuckwit, I’ve supported your economy by visiting America twice. Bet you’ve never been out of your state. You clowns are a fucking disgrace to your country, among other things.

11 years ago

Whoops, that link is to a category of tags, with the Dragon Slayer entry at the top. Which is fine now, but in a year when somebody is reading the comments for the first time it will make no sense.


11 years ago

Is there a way in PayPal to set up a recurring donation? Or would I just need to put it on my calendar, and remember to do it?

11 years ago

Wow. GodDAMN, y’all. *puts on ‘Thrift Shop’* Sounds like some jerkasses don’t comprehend the basic concept that poverty says nothing about someone except they’re fucking poor.

Manbreasts has more commenters, but many of them are equally broke, whereas Elam’s men are more financially secure. This doesn’t say as much about Elam’s men as it does about the cribridden prepubes that make up feminism.

What? Feminists are poor? (Which doesn’t parse, but whatever.) Should we feel BAD about this? I refuse to feel bad about being poor, because it’s NOT A MORAL CHARACTERISTIC. Being poor doesn’t mean jack about you except that you’re poor. You can say it with as much disdain and disgust as you want, but you can not changee that.

It amazes me, y’all. One of my future webcomics is on misconceptions about poverty. When I was inking it yesterday, I was thinking, “Jeez, this seems incredibly obvious to me, that poverty is not a moral characteristic. Would this be condescending to my readers?”

But then prize jerkasses Joe, Draggy, and Preggo come and just reinforce the whole NEED for the damn things.

11 years ago

Also… since when does “make money” equal “important?”

Show of hands, y’all. How many of you have had your lives changed by something that you didn’t pay money for? *raises hand*

11 years ago

I’m sort of wondering how these pledge drives compare. Manbreasts has more commenters, but many of them are equally broke, whereas Elam’s men are more financially secure. This doesn’t say as much about Elam’s men as it does about the cribridden prepubes that make up feminism.

Wow, that’s amazingly pathetic of you.

Flora @ Subspecies (@florasubspecies)

Education makes you poor… I am a regular lurker/reader and would love to help out but can’t right now. Fortunately I am only a year away from a secure income, finally.

Flora @ Subspecies (@florasubspecies)

And since the trolls are coming out, I figure I should ask… since I’m currently mooching off my fiance, does this mean I’m exploiting his alpha status? Or the fact that starting next year I’m going to make more money than him make him a poor sad feminist beta?

11 years ago

‘whereas Elam’s men are more financially secure.”

Wait, I thought the lavish amounts of tax money big daddy gov’ment steals from them to pay for welfare queens, divorce court, child support, and spousal support had bled them all dry and they were forced to live in a tin can out in the middle of the street. I have been hoodwinked!

11 years ago

whereas Elam’s men are more financially secure.

Evidence needed for that fine piece of bumpluck.

11 years ago

If you are from the USA maybe you heard what Obama said about how much someone who works 40 hours a week makes. I work full-time (and overtime most months) and am not rolling in the dough. I even have a bachelors degree (which my job requires).
Being poor doesn’t mean you are lazy. I hate the attitude that poverty means you didn’t try. Admittedly, I have been lucky in regards to my expenses and think I live pretty well for what I make.

11 years ago

Long-time lurker, first-time poster here… morning, all! (morning here in Sydney, Aus, anyway). Mr Futrelle, I dig what you do and I’m very happy to contribute. And for those lumpish, guts-griping canker-blossoms* posting: you’re just miffed because you’re not loved by heaps and heaps of awesome smart supportive folks, and Dave is. I think you need to try to deal with that. (*PS: I’m trying to break the sweary-habit right now, using a 19th century curse generator instead).