announcements pledge drive

Man Boobz Party Time President’s Day Pledge Drive!

Party on, dude!
Party on, dude!

If you aren’t too worn out by all the Presidents’ Day revelry — and the ritual Donning of the Fake Lincoln Beards — I would like to welcome you to the first edition of the 2013 Man Boobz Pledge Drive! (There will be 3 in all.)

I’ll try to keep this brief and repeat what I said last time: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and sending a few bucks my way. Or, if you’d prefer, a massive quantity of bucks. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and I think there are other options as well.

There’s a bit more urgency to my request this time: I’m really and truly broke at the moment. Things should get better later in the year, but right now I could use all the help I can get.

I appreciate any and all contributions. And I’d also like to do a quick shout-out to the those who send me much needed $ between pledge drives, whether these are one-shot deals or regular infusions.

That said, if you’re also broke and can’t swing a contribution now, I completely understand. There are lots of ways to contribute to this blog besides cold hard cash, and lots of you contribute enormously every day with smart and funny comments and cartoons and silly parody MRA posters and so on and so on. Which is awesome. It’s the community here that keeps me going.

So thanks!

Oh, and if you need more persuading, here’s Tom Baker (no, really) begging for bucks during a PBS pledge drive.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

What are you blathering about this time? “Your lot”? Marky Mark is a rabid MRA. That’s how he got listed among all the other MRM hate groups.

11 years ago

Ugh, the trolls have figured out time zones and now they’re going to try to sneak a word in while everyone is asleep.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Not while us Aussies are around! 😀

(And the Kiwis if anyone’s around, though it’s getting late over there.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

PS have a look at the Ultimate Nice Guy thread, there are lots of kitty pics there now.

11 years ago

“Ugh, the trolls have figured out time zones and now they’re going to try to sneak a word in while everyone is asleep.”
No, I’m up late and using the Internet. And that’s okay, because I have a job that pays taxes which are then used to pay bums like you to sit on your butt and formulate conspiracy theories. I mean, the fact that you’re screaming at me on my own dime is kind of adding insult to injury, but I guess one kind of “fuck you” is as good as any other to a social justice warrior.
Enjoy my money.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

So … you are a worker sitting up late on the Net, but everyone else doing the same thing is not a worker because … ?

Your logic fail’s worse than usual tonight. Time zones, what are they? People in other countries who you don’t support, how does that work?

The stupid is strong in this one.

11 years ago

In a couple weeks I shall happily contribute – just moved into a new flat so I have the moving-month expenses to overcome right now. And thank you, David.

11 years ago

Sent you a bit.

11 years ago

Donated 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh no, I collect welfare a cuz the state considers me too nuts to work, how ever shall I cope with IR’s judgment?! I know! Donating some of his money to David when I get back from Boston!

Wtf conspiracy theory is he talking about anyways?

11 years ago

Who gives a shit about Preggo Punchout? No one here.

It’s funny that a man who created a game like that thinks he has valid judgements about anyone. Fuck off, IR/FF/PP.

11 years ago

Ha! That was literally my comment hellkell (though you worded it better) and mine would have started with isn’t that Preggo Punchout?

11 years ago

Oh… is preggo assuming we can’t understand intersectionality, and since Merky Mark is disabled that males him “one of us”?

Nope. “us” is people who see all people as people. “you” are a lot of people who don’t.

Some of you, by way of example, think pregnant women should be exploited in gladitorial combat for your twisted pleasure; and expected others to share in this to the point of earning money by touting a game about it.

How’d that work out for you P-P? Oh, right, there weren’t enough people as twisted as you to make trying a kickstarter worth it. Pretty much the only hope you’d have of getting your, “game” off the ground would be to sell it as a way to make us unhappy. Sort of sad that your closest claim to fame is attempts at reflected glory from us thinking you to be a worm.

You need us.

That’s sad.

11 years ago

Thanks for a great blog, David. I love lurking here and have made a donation as a heartfelt thank you.

11 years ago

“Nope. “us” is people who see all people as people. “you” are a lot of people who don’t.
Sort of sad that your closest claim to fame is attempts at reflected glory from us thinking you to be a worm.”
Beautiful. Sometimes you make it too easy.
I didn’t create any game. Nice try, though.
@Argenti Aertheri
I’m sorry you are “too nuts to work” and think you should receive treatment and training, but you aren’t encouraging our charity.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aw he’s precious!

You think the state will just magically decide you’re mentally ill? It’s a 10 page form my psych(s) had to fill out.

Precious how the people who complain loudest have the least clue what they’re complaining about.

While we’re here, anyone kow why ie8 keeps crashing on google maps? I kind of need directions for Boston!

11 years ago

P-P: Beautiful. Sometimes you make it too easy.

Too easy for what?

You think that calling you a worm means I’ve said you aren’t entitled to the same treatments, rights, privileges etc. of anyone else?

It doesn’t. It just means you are a sad little excuse for a human being. Not that you aren’t one, just that you are a bad one.

11 years ago

Argenti: that’s what happens when one listens to those who are against any sort of social safety net. They start to think it’s trivial to “get on welfare” and then one lives, “the high life”.

Sort of the way the MRM bitches about “all the money single mothers get”.

11 years ago

I didn’t create any game.

Not for lack of trying P-P that was the point.

11 years ago

Oh, excuse me. Your STORY for a game. Nice try, jackass.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — my father was ranting just yesterday about some conservative email forward supposedly laying out how welfare recipients took all these trips and cruises on “his tax dollar” and how the trips were probably by illegals for drugs anyways. He still rants about how he can’t get food stamps because he’s white and male and oh yeah, those groceries he’s eating? My food stamps bought ’em!

I’m well used to the damned talking points in other words. It’s just so darned cute to see one in the wild, I want to pinch its cheeks and offer cookies 🙂

11 years ago

Funny how the same guys who are constantly claiming that women are narcissists spend so much of their time trolling comment threads of places where they aren’t wanted, trying to steer the conversation toward themselves.

11 years ago

IR you’re right it is despicable that you have to read things that you disagree with written by people using your dime. Well not literaly your dime more like your miniscule fraction of a dime but still people who get even the tiniest amount of money from you shoudn’t be allowed to express their opinions especially not on the internet!. Luckily I’m not getting any money from you so I can happily say go fuck yourself you selfish idiot.

11 years ago

Offline, people just walk away from him.

The First Joe
The First Joe
11 years ago

@Futrelle – Oh, you’re broke?
Here’s a golden gift of advice for you:
Get a job doing something useful and productive – instead of begging on the Internetz.