announcements pledge drive

Man Boobz Party Time President’s Day Pledge Drive!

Party on, dude!
Party on, dude!

If you aren’t too worn out by all the Presidents’ Day revelry — and the ritual Donning of the Fake Lincoln Beards — I would like to welcome you to the first edition of the 2013 Man Boobz Pledge Drive! (There will be 3 in all.)

I’ll try to keep this brief and repeat what I said last time: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and sending a few bucks my way. Or, if you’d prefer, a massive quantity of bucks. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate; you can use a credit card, and I think there are other options as well.

There’s a bit more urgency to my request this time: I’m really and truly broke at the moment. Things should get better later in the year, but right now I could use all the help I can get.

I appreciate any and all contributions. And I’d also like to do a quick shout-out to the those who send me much needed $ between pledge drives, whether these are one-shot deals or regular infusions.

That said, if you’re also broke and can’t swing a contribution now, I completely understand. There are lots of ways to contribute to this blog besides cold hard cash, and lots of you contribute enormously every day with smart and funny comments and cartoons and silly parody MRA posters and so on and so on. Which is awesome. It’s the community here that keeps me going.

So thanks!

Oh, and if you need more persuading, here’s Tom Baker (no, really) begging for bucks during a PBS pledge drive.

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11 years ago

Hey sonichu! sonichu-who-I-totally-believe-knows-nothing-about-MRAs-because-that’s-super-credible! Since you’ve never ever ever been exposed to MRAs and what they have to say, maybe this would be a good place to start. Yes, yes, it’s a Man Boobz page, and Man Boobz is written by a mean meanie, but the part I think is interesting is the part that is directly quoted from MRAs. Take the following, about Big Brothers/Big Sisters:

Basically, for our purposes, without intending any disrespect to the pious, we can compare the Big Brother service to a kind of prostitution agency, specializing in providing uber-manginas to attend to the fatherly duties of the harlot’s absconded alpha daddy, or the cuckolded beta wallet in exile; furthermore these manginas are free-range certified not to be paedophiles, or likely to have any real parental influence in lieu of the mother’s. Big Brothers is basically a volunteer organization that makes the logical connection between single moms and pathetic beta chumps trying to score brownie points, and attempts to exploit it for the perceived benefit of the children.

Most pathetic is the fact that these volunteers know for a fact that they will not be getting any tail as part of the deal. Unless you have a bleeding heart for abandoned bastards, you’d have to be a fool to waste your time on such a fool’s enterprise.

There! Now you’ve read something an MRA has written! Your first experience with MRAdom! Does it bother you? Because if you can read that, and shrug, and not give a damn, but you can’t deal with us not liking MRAs, your impartiality might fall a little bit into question.

Not that it has already. Because I totally believe you don’t have a vested interest in this. You just happened to drop by.

11 years ago

@ Spleeny Damage

I guess it makes him feel better to vent his bitterness at us? Kind of like popping a zit, allows him to get all the internal pus out.

Would be nice if he could find a way to vent that didn’t involve spraying pus all over other people, but that’s true for most trolls, and hey, at least this one is too incompetent to hurt anyone’s feelings.

11 years ago

SpleenyBaggage, sorry.

11 years ago

I’m not poor. I am not swimming in dough but I have a pension (from a career in the Army), and I have a part time job (because it makes my life easier, though I can survive without it).

What I am, at present, is a bit tight for money. Why? Because I do things. I am paying my way to Calif. to speak at a conference, where I’ll be discussing interrogation/torture (because I am a subject matter expert). This conference can’t afford to pay for my airfare/accommodations; much less the usual fee I get for such engagements. Because I care (and because there are other; intangible recompense I’ll get for this trip), I’m paying for it out of pocket; and taking a hit for not working for a week or so.

But Dave is working (anyone who thinks doing the research, and spending the time Manboobz requires has never had a regular column to fill, nor moderated a web-based forum). That he does it for free (which he does, this is a request for donations of appreciation; not a subscriber-based model) speaks volumes. It means he cares; as much as I do about torture and interrogation.

Both are deserving of recompense, and sometimes they generate it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Spleeny – that kitteh in your gravatar looks like it’s being the trapdoor spider of the cat world! 😀

11 years ago

BTW, I just reread the thread from the top. The number of people defending SPLC “rabidly”? Pretty close to zero.

A number of people have said it was a problematic phrasing, essentially agreeing with poor sonichu. (including me)

But we’ve repeatedly asked for citations for their ‘class-based attacks’ that are apparently something they are so HUGE on.

Zip from sonichu.

Now, do they take potshots at poor white men all the time? So far as I know, most of the Klan is poor white men. Is it classist to call them a hate group?

Show your work, sonichu. Otherwise what you’re doing is utterly transparent trolling. Trying to take the focus off, y’know, the hateful dreck posted in every post but this one.

“They can’t be so bad if David’s against them.”

For realz? And… the post before this one? The post after this one? You DEFEND that?

11 years ago

Ha! I just read sonichu’s entry in the other thread.

To sum up:

Here: “I never heard of MRAs before, but if you’re against them, they must be okay.”

There: “David virgin-shames people ALL THE TIME.”

So… if he’s familiar with David’s writing, then he heard of them before. There’s a word for people who misrepresent like this. What was it again?


11 years ago

You’ve been told that david did not post the link you are upset. The folks you are arguing with did not post the link that you are upset with.

I’m gonna have to disagree with you here, because David certainly did post a link to, and comment on, that SPLC report when it came out. The real question is, does Sonichu actually care about classism, or are they just using it as a stick to beat the “SJWs” with?

I mean, a person who complains that people here are ~so mean~ to people they disagree with, while calling everyone (here and at the SPLC) names and accusing them of things without evidence doesn’t exactly have a lot of credibility, you know?

11 years ago

This “THE SPLC IS EVIL” line seems to be freshly in the minds of some MRA, as someone recently necroed another thread with this line of gibberish.

11 years ago

There! Donated. I meant to do that the other day but it’s taken forever to catch up on all the comments. I see Arks is back and making an early, if insipid, bid for the 2013 troll of the year. And this new jack-ass.

Thanks for everything, David!

11 years ago

sonichu is just a sad tone troll and a painfully dull one at that. He needs to go spend some time scouring 4chan and youtube and come back with some high quality trolling, not this lame shite.

11 years ago

If anyone was curious how my first attempt went…well…the chicken did not bake like I wanted but the rest was awesome. I threw the cheese on for the last ten minutes and that melted it properly without being too crackly.

11 years ago

Looks like he gave up. Whew.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


It has got to be hard to be that boring for more than a day or so. 🙂

William Heck
William Heck
11 years ago

Please only send comments on how to acquire a female when the guy is broke.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

William Heck: You could try thinking of women as women (y’know, people) instead of talking about “acquiring a female” like we’re property.

Troll quality has plummeted of late.

11 years ago

Wow, William Heck is necroing old posts too:

Try reading for comprehension, dude.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

He seems to be another of the women-are-commodities trolls. “Oh but I neeeeeed to have sex!”

How is it that guys who are total wankers seem never to have heard of masturbation? It is a mystery.

11 years ago

Please only send comments on how to acquire a female when the guy is broke.

Have you tried being awesome or, alternatively, not being an asshole? Works for a lot of people.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

How hard is it to say the word “woman”? From William Heck, we’ve had “girl to screw” (in the necro-thread) and “female.” It’s gross and creepy (and that is leaving aside the “to screw” and “acquiring” bits).

11 years ago

So far as I know, most of the Klan is poor white men. Is it classist to call them a hate group?

Zie actually said that more or less outright earlier, by saying that the SPLC disproportionately targets poor people.

11 years ago

Well, let’s all take a moment to shed a tear for those poor KKK dudes. Oh wait, I have a better idea.


11 years ago

@katz, exactly. If you want to talk about the Klan without talking about the economics of it–how the mindset is fueled by privilege denied leverage, by people promised the world and given shit, then you can’t really talk about the causes and the mindset very much at all, can you?

And if acknowledging that is classism… what is attempts to help deal with that poverty? TOTALLY CLASSIST TO TRY TO END POVERTY, BRO?