a woman is always to blame antifeminism armageddon contraception evil women gloating grandiosity hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism taking pleasure in women's pain your time will come

Crystal Bawling: Spearheaders look forward to an apocalyptic future in which the ladies finally get their comeuppance


Over at The Spearhead, the boys are thinking about tomorrow – to be more specific, about the year 2020, the date at which an MRA calling himself The Fifth Horseman predicted in an eccentric online manifesto that a convergence of forces would lead to the popping of what he calls “the misandry bubble,” and that the ensuing gender apocalypse would put the uppity ladies of the world firmly in their place.

In a post, Spearhead head boy W.F. Price notes that “cliodynamicist” Peter Turchin is also predicting big changes around 2020 (though unlike The Fifth Horseman, Turchin doesn’t base any part of his theory on the development of super-hot Virtual Reality sexbots). This naturally inspires the assembled Spearheaders to start scratching their own crystal balls, enthralled with visions of a future Armageddon that forces the ladies to come crying to them for forgiveness.

Jay R, a sort of apocalyptic deficit hawk, blames the ladies for the US government’s big debts:

Government has acted as though economic principles don’t apply to it — borrowing can increase forever without significant consequence. Riiiiiiiiight. And let’s not forget that the bulk of government debt and spending is a transfer of resources from men to women. It is primarily women who owe this debt. Will they be able to repay it? Only with massive devaluation of the currency.

And then he imagines women owing men a whole other sort of debt, which he has simply made up, and predicts that this debt will come crashing down on women’s heads – a notion that seems to give him a bit of a rage-boner:

Similarly, women’s social debt to men — the incalculable damages resulting from women’s wholesale breach of the social contract — is unsustainable, and when the crash comes, women’s tears will be bitter indeed. This is justice — but still regretable, if one thinks how things might have turned out if radical feminist hatred had not comandeered the process of compromise between the sexes.

True equality for women is on the horizon. When they finally are accorded the same treatment as men, and realize how far they have fallen — how much they themselves have been devalued as a sex — they will think themselves in hell.

Rod Van Mechelen of has an even more elaborate apocalyptic fantasy – although he’s a bit less certain about its outcome being a good one for men. In this portion of a long comment, he speculates about a couple of possible (by which I mean completely and ludicrously impossible) outcomes:

Demographically, the relative value of fecund females is set to go hyperbolic by 2020, when insane policies in Asia and the Subcontinent will manifest a shortage of women of child bearing age. In the past, when war has created a shortage of men, peace and prosperity were the result. What will happen when we have a shortage of women? Will we see a rise in female power, with matriarchies like the ones in Robert Heinlein’s classic, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? Will we see rampant homosexuality and mandatory sexual servitude for women, as in J. Neil Schulmann’s The Rainbow Cadenza?

Uh, I think I’m going to go with “none of the above.”

Prolific MRA commenter and regular A Voice for Men contributor Keyster predicts (surprise, surprise!) economic collapse and riots in the streets.

[W]hen the money runs out and California becomes Greece, the federal government will step in with “emergency funds” and National Guard troops…a federal government that continues to borrow abroad to sustain itself. Do you see the snake eating it’s tail yet? And we have to wonder why there’s a nationwide shortage of guns and ammo?

Naturally, the rioters will be black.

If you thought inner city blacks were angry over Rodney King, just wait until they become desperate for food. Asian shop owners will be over-run in days, further distribution to these war zones will cease – and they’ll branch out to the tony suburbs seeking sustinence and easy prey. Drones will be called in to contain the rovering marauding gangs.

Keyster predicts that all these scary riots will lead the (presumably non-black, non-rioting) ladies to start batting their eyelashes at big strong (presumably non-black, non-rioting) men.

Men will notice a decided shift in women’s once hostile attitude towards them. “Can I get you a sandwhich honey?” “Are you thirsty?” “Need a back rub?”

They will be actively engaged in seeking out male protectors and openly using sexual allure to attract them as mates. Men are so much better at defending themselves from bad guys, so you’ll want one with you if you’re a woman.

Greyghost, meanwhile, imagines that the anti-uppity-female effects of an economic collapse will be enhanced by … the development of a male birth control pill. (You may need to read this one slowly; Mr. Ghost is not what you’d call a great communicator.)

[L]et’s say a male birth control pills comes out before cold fusion or some other extender of government wealth. What happens when even a coward to stand up to the femine imperative knows this misandry is unsustainable and figures out a male pill will maybe cause a correction while he still can be a coward. A woman without child is a worker drone and not eligible for entitlements.The US may look like China with low wage factories full of female workers with male mechanics/technicians keeping the machines running.

What is really funny and would be interesting to check out. Knowing women from reading and discussing female nature with you all here in the manosphere in general with the male pill being a pleasant wife might be the herd status symbol of the future. Take civil unrest combined with poor economic opportunities with men having the finale say so on who gets pregnant or not and we have a new status symbol.

Like Keyster, who once boasted on The Spearhead of dating a 14-year-old when he was 25, Greyghost seems enamored of relatively weak and dependent gals:

Next to a dog female fear is a mans best friend. Fearful insecure women tend to be more polite and pleasant to those around her.

Dream on, guys. Dream on.

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11 years ago

Showing my age, that was a Madness reference for all you lucky younger bunnies.

11 years ago

Argenti: Pecunium — sign me up for sewing duty or something.

You can be in charge of aquaculture.

I’ve played with the idea of “post apocalypse” because it’s an interesting gedankenexperiment.

“If the “end of the world happened, and this is where I live, what do I do to rebuild afterwards”.

It’s a lot different in NJ than it was in SLO. LA was probably the easiest, in some ways.

The Zombie Scenarios are actually the easiest (in terms of hostiles) and the hardest, in terms of survival. One can, to a degree, posit that one hies one to the hills and waits out the “collapse” and then comes back to the remains of “civilisation” later.

The family who fled persecution of the “old beliefs” in the 1930s in Russia (packing out into the deep Taiga of Siberia), and were completely off the grid until the 1970s (yep, they missed WW2) shows it can be done (they had a close call with utter ruin when their rye was wiped out by a sudden freeze; but one stalk came up the next spring and they hoarded it to reseed).

But zombies requires one to get co-operative survival going in a hurry, and one can’t be all super-picky about “survival skills”, because one has to have other people to help, since sleeping without a sentry is a poor idea for the long term.

It’s really funny, I was on a panel with Johnny Ringo, about how to survive an apocalypse. I have a pretty good set of the skills he thinks one needs (and I’ve done things he admits he hasn’t, like work a farm), but he sneered at my saying I had books.

Books are knowledge, and knowledge is power. I know, for example, that one can make a lathe with a lathe (only self-replicating machine tool there is). I’ve never done it, but I know how to run a lathe. Give me a book on how to do it (which I happen to have) and I can do that.

Which means I can make a shaper, with those I can make a mill; and with that I can make anything you want.

No books, no spare parts.

So yeah, I’ll take my library, over a dozen people with, “survival skills” any day. Because most of those dudes are thinking about living as mountain men, or soldiers.

Both of which are not really the tickets to a comfortable old age.

11 years ago

Oh, and a piece of informational news. I’ll be in the Bay Area (milpitas, palo alto, walnut creek) for the first ten days of March.

A meet-up might be arrangeable, if anyone is of a mind (I’ll be speaking about torture at convention in Walnut Creek, and attending a different convention in Milpitas).

11 years ago

@pecunium, but we’ve been told that women can’t farm hunt or, more importantly, read. Bonbon eating and shoe collecting will take all our time. All a zombie needs to do is lurk outside waiting for the scented candle to go out while trying on our ill gotten stilletos and WHAM! Mind you the poor zombies have to worry about our basic misandric tendencies .
If they’re not careful we’ll stake them while we wait for a richer zombie.

11 years ago

There’s a a reason people have been keeping books since books existed.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aquaculture! w00t! I have issues with eating fish, but post-zombies? Yeah, I can breed ’em, and Dx them, treating them without pharmaceuticals would be a challenge though (malachite is an absolute must, because ich spreads silly fast and can wipe out everything in a matter of days…I once lost 3/4ths a tank overnight, ich is definitely icky)…catfish are happy to eat half rotted fruit and veggies though, so food rotted? Feed it to the fish!

…reminds me I have to pull the peas out of the 29g, the cories are done eating them…

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Staking zombies…I Am Legend, that is all (zombies or vampires? I never did figure that out. Please ignore the movie if weighing in on this)

11 years ago

Books, skills, cooperation, and what have you notwithstanding, some of us just die any way you slice it, which really makes planning a lot less fun.

11 years ago

katz: Yep. Since I don’t think such an apocalypse is going to happen; and that if it does I’m prolly dead in the first week, I don’t really worry about it.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — figure out how get here, we’ve weapons to spare (and a castle of sorts, on a nice sized hill, with a stream at the bottom…just watch out for the rattle snakes…granted sleeping giant is probably impassible currently, wtf is this snow?!)

But yeah, odds are vanishingly low. Odds of needing to survive massive flooding and other such climate change issues? Far too likely. Odds of zombies? Yeah, probably not.

11 years ago

Some of the weather events in the last few years have been hitting my panic button really hard. It feels like the climate change debate is pretty much over at this point, and we’re already seeing the impact.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Unless you’re my parents, in which case there’s no proof that it’s anything important and absolutely no evidence that it’s human caused.

See, I’d start a twitter for the stupid shit they say, but it’d just be fox talking points.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Mind you, since I moved back here, we’ve had Sandy, a storm storm the very next week and a blizzard…yeah, totally normal, nothing to see here, move along (by wading through waist deep snow)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@Argenti – whew! The brain feels much better after that bleach. That dog is gorgeous. 😀

“(zombies? Meh, it’s self-defense! Spiders? *screams and jumps on a chair*)”

Y’know that’d make the best z-grade schlocky horror movie –

Zombies vs Spiders!

filmed in Eastmancolour!

“Not standard in household kitchens, but industrial meat grinders *shudders*”

Remember that Fourth Doctor story The Seeds of Doom? Harrison Chase and his compost machine? Scary. (Trivia: the actor who played him was in the original The Italian Job.)

@Cassandra – “Actually the greatest unsung weapon in most American kitchens, if you could get someone’s hand down it, would be a garbage disposal.”

Sigh, if only Magnus was still with us. He was a garbage disposal in feline form and twice as dangerous if you got caught.

@delurkers – welcome! (To the thread and the bunker.)

@LBT – that’s like a much grimmer version of what happens in Pratchett’s Hogfather. There’s an excess of belief in the world when the real Hogfather is removed, and all sorts of strange little creatures appear – things like the monster that eats socks, or the Verucca Gnome; minor jokey superstitions gaining reality.

@katz – in a real situation I’d be dead too; I haven’t the survival skills and frankly I’d rather not survive a real apocalypse and the destruction of all I hold dear on this plane.

However if we’re talking something a whole lot less dangerous than even a fantasy zombie apocalypse … well, the MRM apocalypse would be about as weak sauce as they get. Those blokes are so damn incompetent in their cushy present lives that they would never cope with anything harsh. Hell, they’d have to have sexbots powered by wound-up rubber bands, because somehow I don’t see Slavey’s milking-machine-technician skills being terribly useful. Well, unless they start using the milking machines as sexbots. I wouldn’t put it past them.

11 years ago

I think part of the issue is that the original term used was global warming, and that’s led to people assuming that if things aren’t getting hotter where they are then everything is fine. If people acknowledged that an increase in catastrophic storms is part of the pattern it would be a lot harder to deny that climate change isn’t a someday thing, it’s already happening.

11 years ago

…I think I need to hunt down you guys and stay close in a zombie apocalypse! I’d be fair useless, though I could give you all therapy. XD

11 years ago

and frankly I’d rather not survive a real apocalypse and the destruction of all I hold dear on this plane

That’s the other part of it.

I have, however, found the perfect building in which to hole up. (Yes, it’s downtown and I’d never make it alive, but there’s a similar building in Pasadena which is my backup.)

11 years ago

Cassandra: Yeah, that’s my only real fear, in terms of systemic collapse; climate change could break the food cycle. No way to really prep for that, so I just bumble along.

11 years ago

I worry about some regions running out of potable water, too. It’s possible to desalinate sea water, but first of all that’s expensive, and secondly we may reach a point where the oceans are too polluted for that to be a viable option any more.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — I’ve not watching old who, I’m terrible, I know!

Re: climate change: yeah, getting fox fans to admit that it isn’t just the thermometer reading higher, well, it’d help. Sort of, not like most of us use enough fossil fuels and what not for it to really matter (thanks for ruining the planet Walmart)

Planet Walmart! Coming soon to a theater near you!

Also, catfish — not the best food source, but they’ll eat anything, adapt to a wide variety of water parameters, and are at least a food source. Much as my babies are catfish, come food chain break downs, they’d do fairly well.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh dear. This is really getting into genuine sad and serious now. 🙁

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Back on the topic of chess-playing zombies – there’s an easy way to get around that. Kittehs! Kittehs can ruin any board game, any time. Mr Hadji gave a fine example of Chess Sabotage last night. First, roll the removed pawns off the table; then march across the board; then have a sudden urgent bot-wash on the other side; then go into a flurry and run back across the board, taking what few pieces remained upright with you.

11 years ago

too many mental images…must stop reading comments…

1. MRAs post-apocalyspe will bravely remain at their keyboards, ‘cuz they have no other skillz.

2. MRAs post-apocalyspe will be used for zombie bait, even though there is barely a snack onboard (yes, it is plagerism HAHAHAHAHA)

3. MRAs post-apocalyspe will have even the zombies kicking sand at them ‘cuz the pecking order won’t change (much): alpha boys, alpha zombie boys, beta boys, beta zombie boys, MRAs dead or alive.

4. MRAs post-apocalyspe will die quickly, because they are fucking annoying and it will no longer be illegal to shoot them.

5. MRA zombies will will hasten the end of the zombie problem ‘cuz they will annoy the other zombies to death.

11 years ago

It’s possible to desalinate sea water, but first of all that’s expensive, and secondly we may reach a point where the oceans are too polluted for that to be a viable option any more.

If you’re desalinating by evaporation, then assuming you’ve got a sensible setup that allows you to distill out any other solvents, pollutants will all be removed. If you’re using filtration, though, then yes, you’re in trouble.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

#4! *dies* here I was too um trained in not being violent? to think of that!

Post zombies we’d also need alpacas, one, because alpacas, and two, because warm and furry and soft (I have new alpaca arm warmers, I love them and maybe my alpaca gloves can get a break this way)

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