a woman is always to blame antifeminism armageddon contraception evil women gloating grandiosity hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism taking pleasure in women's pain your time will come

Crystal Bawling: Spearheaders look forward to an apocalyptic future in which the ladies finally get their comeuppance


Over at The Spearhead, the boys are thinking about tomorrow – to be more specific, about the year 2020, the date at which an MRA calling himself The Fifth Horseman predicted in an eccentric online manifesto that a convergence of forces would lead to the popping of what he calls “the misandry bubble,” and that the ensuing gender apocalypse would put the uppity ladies of the world firmly in their place.

In a post, Spearhead head boy W.F. Price notes that “cliodynamicist” Peter Turchin is also predicting big changes around 2020 (though unlike The Fifth Horseman, Turchin doesn’t base any part of his theory on the development of super-hot Virtual Reality sexbots). This naturally inspires the assembled Spearheaders to start scratching their own crystal balls, enthralled with visions of a future Armageddon that forces the ladies to come crying to them for forgiveness.

Jay R, a sort of apocalyptic deficit hawk, blames the ladies for the US government’s big debts:

Government has acted as though economic principles don’t apply to it — borrowing can increase forever without significant consequence. Riiiiiiiiight. And let’s not forget that the bulk of government debt and spending is a transfer of resources from men to women. It is primarily women who owe this debt. Will they be able to repay it? Only with massive devaluation of the currency.

And then he imagines women owing men a whole other sort of debt, which he has simply made up, and predicts that this debt will come crashing down on women’s heads – a notion that seems to give him a bit of a rage-boner:

Similarly, women’s social debt to men — the incalculable damages resulting from women’s wholesale breach of the social contract — is unsustainable, and when the crash comes, women’s tears will be bitter indeed. This is justice — but still regretable, if one thinks how things might have turned out if radical feminist hatred had not comandeered the process of compromise between the sexes.

True equality for women is on the horizon. When they finally are accorded the same treatment as men, and realize how far they have fallen — how much they themselves have been devalued as a sex — they will think themselves in hell.

Rod Van Mechelen of has an even more elaborate apocalyptic fantasy – although he’s a bit less certain about its outcome being a good one for men. In this portion of a long comment, he speculates about a couple of possible (by which I mean completely and ludicrously impossible) outcomes:

Demographically, the relative value of fecund females is set to go hyperbolic by 2020, when insane policies in Asia and the Subcontinent will manifest a shortage of women of child bearing age. In the past, when war has created a shortage of men, peace and prosperity were the result. What will happen when we have a shortage of women? Will we see a rise in female power, with matriarchies like the ones in Robert Heinlein’s classic, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? Will we see rampant homosexuality and mandatory sexual servitude for women, as in J. Neil Schulmann’s The Rainbow Cadenza?

Uh, I think I’m going to go with “none of the above.”

Prolific MRA commenter and regular A Voice for Men contributor Keyster predicts (surprise, surprise!) economic collapse and riots in the streets.

[W]hen the money runs out and California becomes Greece, the federal government will step in with “emergency funds” and National Guard troops…a federal government that continues to borrow abroad to sustain itself. Do you see the snake eating it’s tail yet? And we have to wonder why there’s a nationwide shortage of guns and ammo?

Naturally, the rioters will be black.

If you thought inner city blacks were angry over Rodney King, just wait until they become desperate for food. Asian shop owners will be over-run in days, further distribution to these war zones will cease – and they’ll branch out to the tony suburbs seeking sustinence and easy prey. Drones will be called in to contain the rovering marauding gangs.

Keyster predicts that all these scary riots will lead the (presumably non-black, non-rioting) ladies to start batting their eyelashes at big strong (presumably non-black, non-rioting) men.

Men will notice a decided shift in women’s once hostile attitude towards them. “Can I get you a sandwhich honey?” “Are you thirsty?” “Need a back rub?”

They will be actively engaged in seeking out male protectors and openly using sexual allure to attract them as mates. Men are so much better at defending themselves from bad guys, so you’ll want one with you if you’re a woman.

Greyghost, meanwhile, imagines that the anti-uppity-female effects of an economic collapse will be enhanced by … the development of a male birth control pill. (You may need to read this one slowly; Mr. Ghost is not what you’d call a great communicator.)

[L]et’s say a male birth control pills comes out before cold fusion or some other extender of government wealth. What happens when even a coward to stand up to the femine imperative knows this misandry is unsustainable and figures out a male pill will maybe cause a correction while he still can be a coward. A woman without child is a worker drone and not eligible for entitlements.The US may look like China with low wage factories full of female workers with male mechanics/technicians keeping the machines running.

What is really funny and would be interesting to check out. Knowing women from reading and discussing female nature with you all here in the manosphere in general with the male pill being a pleasant wife might be the herd status symbol of the future. Take civil unrest combined with poor economic opportunities with men having the finale say so on who gets pregnant or not and we have a new status symbol.

Like Keyster, who once boasted on The Spearhead of dating a 14-year-old when he was 25, Greyghost seems enamored of relatively weak and dependent gals:

Next to a dog female fear is a mans best friend. Fearful insecure women tend to be more polite and pleasant to those around her.

Dream on, guys. Dream on.

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11 years ago

Oh yeah, I can be a pet wrangler. And I’m good at telling creepy blokes to fuck off so I can help keep the MRAs at bay.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

You’re in! 😀

I love the way this is turning into the Manboobz Bunker Job Interview.

“So, young boobzer, what skills do you bring to our organisation? Have you read our annual report? Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? Do you think you will fit the company culture?”


Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer
11 years ago

MRAs aren’t creepy, almost by definition. We have taken the red pill, and for the most part have no use for women, unless they come to us ready to agitate for the cause.

Creepers are far more likely to be bluepillers- drooling betas and prostrate male feminists. They’re the ones you’ll catch sniffing your panties in the washroom.

11 years ago

Hey, Mr Bona Drag, the conversation moved on.

11 years ago

I have fencing and archery skills, and I’m a really good cook. Just don’t ask me to actually hunt for food, because I’ll get squeamish. If our hypothetical hideout has horses I can ride patrol, and in a pinch I could probably teach other people to ride too.

11 years ago

We could get horses if we are going to my mates’ place. Shit, I have no survival skills other than cooking. I can make candles but only if I’m given the wax. Hey, just remembered my friends have bees too.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Whoot! Captain CassandraSays!

We’ll need some snazzy practical leather riding gear, won’t we?

11 years ago

Apparently I also have quite a talent for sending dragons into a defensive snit.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Speaking of bees, nobody bring any bees with ’em from England, please! Fierce beggars almost killed Black Caviar last year when a swarm of ’em attacked her. (For those not into horse racing, Black Caviar is the fastest sprinter in the world: she’s won 23 races from 23 starts.)

11 years ago

@cassandrasays, what did you say? What with the time zones and all, I forget. Plus the threads move so damn quick for me (I blame old age, job and 2 youngish kids)

11 years ago

If our ranch/bunker is in Australia someone else is going to have to be on spider wrangling duty, because I’d rather take my chances with the zombies.

11 years ago

@Cassandra,re spiders…it’s not as bad as it’s made out. Most spiders are pretty shy, the ones you see are harmless and the rest hide in dark places. Well, around here anyway. Good idea to wear gardening gloves though when gardening.

11 years ago

@Natfanatstic – if you’re in the UK, you can always come join me in Norfolk. I’ve got my eye on a farmhouse with its own well and solid fuel aga. Not too far from the local watermill (for milling flour) or the coast (shellfish & fish – yum).

My plans include raiding the local library for agricultural, vetinary science and handicraft books as well as the local shire horse centre for horses and horse-drawn farming equipment. I mean how many seasons is that diesel going to last?

Ok, I admit it, my cousin & I had a rather drunken Saturday evening in, a few years back, when we planned the whole thing out.

11 years ago

See, you guys want to come to the UK for the manpocalypse – no big predators, only one (extremely shy) venemous snake, temperate climate, lots of kittehs ….

11 years ago

Titianblue…I’m from Scotland and I say unto you…temperate? : )

11 years ago

BTW I think I forgot to tell people about my Christmas spider adventure. So, I had some work to finish up before heading out for Xmas dinner and I was sitting at my desk all bleary-eyed, and this fucking spider lowered itself down about 2 inches in front of my face while I was typing. Little bastard seemed to be headed for my keyboard. I blew on it really hard until it ended up on my desk, then squished it with a book. It wasn’t a tiny one either, though not huge, body maybe about 2/3 the size of my iPod nano with brown stripes.

11 years ago

@Bigmomma – Aah, but which part of Scotland? Hard to get more temperate than Glasgow – continuous rain, I’ll admit, but not that huge a variation in temperature.

11 years ago

I haven’t been able to figure out what kind of spider it was, btw, but there was one living in front of my window for months, and then one got into the house. This is the closest image I’ve been able to find, though the one I had had very clear stripes on the body.

Horrible fucking thing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Well, we could always move near Inverewe.

I’ll do the spider wrangling if we end up here. At least, if nobody else is going to volunteer. And if we’re talkng huntsmen, I’m finally getting to the point of being able to deal with those (only taken the better part of fifty years).

Except when they do the ninja thing like that one in the bathroom … look up, it’s on the ceiling. Okay, STAY THERE for five minutes, will ya? Then I’ll get you outside. Look up again about half a minute later and it’s sitting on the wall a couple of feet away from me. Never saw the rotten thing move.

… yeah, Scotland’s sounding good.

11 years ago

Years ago, I was teaching at a school in France, in the middle of nowhere (un petit bled paumé). The flat I was in was attached to the school, in the middle of a field. I was reading at my desk when I heard a pitter patter, I looked up to see a spider the size of my hand crawling over the wall. I fear spiders but there was no-one but me to deal with it. I rolled up my magazine and hopped up on my chair and I swatted at it. It leapt onto my magazine and advanced towards me. I screamed, dropped the magazine, grabbed my Collins french-english dictionary and dropped it onto the magazine /spider. It was crushed.

I then felt awful.

11 years ago

I’ve seen pictures from rural Japan of older people who’ll just pick huntsmen up and move them from one place to another. Just looking at the photos makes me shudder.

11 years ago

Titianblue…Edinburgh…sooooooooo cold.

11 years ago

I feel no guilt for killing spiders that are in the house. If they want to stay alive they can stay outside.

11 years ago

Waverly Station in Edinburgh is kind of a vortex that sucks in cold air. It’s weird, even when the rest of the city is fine it’s freezing in there.

11 years ago

@BigMomma I hear you. Once went to the Edinburgh tattoo & nearly got hyperthermia.

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