![Trapped in an imaginary matriarchy!](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/212826-the-wicker-man.jpg?resize=580%2C327&ssl=1)
MRAs spend an awful lot of time getting worked up by hypothetical injustices. On the Men’s Rights subreddit, angry Men’s Rightsers regularly post links to stories of women behaving badly – or who may have been charged with or convicted of a crime – with indignant headlines suggesting that the women in question would be treated far worse if “she had been a man.”
The latest example of this outrage over imagined injustices? This post, found in r/mensrights today, with 87 net upvotes:
If you follow the link, it goes to a brief story about the alleged incident in The Huffington Post. I say “alleged” because the woman in question has not yet been convicted of anything. As the story reports, the police arrested her because
school staff told them the assembly was halted and the cafeteria cleared after Meaders began dancing onstage and took off some of her clothes.
She’s charged with seven counts of endangering the welfare of a child and one count of public lewdness.
An Albany City Court clerk says Meaders was arraigned Friday afternoon and ordered held on $3,000 bail. She doesn’t have a lawyer yet.
There is no mention of putting her on a sex offenders registry because, and let me be blunt here, YOU HAVE TO BE CONVICTED OF A CRIME TO GET PUT ON ONE. She’s merely been CHARGED.
There is no “pussy pass” for women that enables them to bypass the sex offenders registry ONCE THEY ARE CONVICTED of public lewdness. The relevant NY State law can be found here; as you can see, the gender of the convicted offender is not an issue. (It took all of 30 seconds on Google to dig that up.) Meaders isn’t getting special treatment because she’s a woman; she’s not on the offenders registry because an arrest is not the same as a conviction.
Enjoy your imagined oppression, fellas.
katz, you should put that definition into the Urban Dictionary! I just read it at work and it caused great hilarity.
Flagon Slayer gets a B for consonance and an F for anatomy.
I don’t understand why the syllable emphasis changes from phiLOSophy > phiLOSopher > philoSOPHical.
The English language is such a mess.
Any theories on grade school or middle school teachers? Younger female teachers? Male teachers?
Seeing wtf you just said, I’m assuming you haven’t the faintest clue that teachers have traditionally been women, and that teaching was, not long ago, one of a very limited set of acceptable jobs for women.
Draggin’ Failer seems to think that women are only allowed to exist if they’re HB10 on his scale, and their only acceptable work (and boy would it be work) is attending to his boner.
Bog standard MRA garbage, in other words.
“…may not be able to pull alpha dick any more…”
Wow. Draggin sounds like an already bitter 16-year-old. Those god damned jocks are ruining your life, aren’t they Sluggo? Revenge of the Nerds was just a movie, by the way.
They give themselves away with every word, don’t they? They’re as good as admitting what everyone who reads their spewings – probably everyone who meets them, too – can see: that they’re extremely unpleasant, entitled men, with no insight into themselves, no empathy, no grasp of reality, nothing to offer anyone … who expect women to fight over their nonexistent charms.
Would anyone venture to guess what would happen if one did “pull alpha dick”
I think they would scream and cry. I had a Bobbit moment there when I read that.
I agree.
@bewilderness. Maybe that’s what draggin thinks oral sex is like.
The strange thing for me is that I know what a misogynist Mr K was in his earthly time. His society was more blatantly misogynistic than ours and he was noted for not liking women (though the court tended to side-eye any man who wasn’t promiscuous anyway) … and yet he was a damn sight more woman-friendly even then than these MRAs are now. It’s like … wow, I’d trust my life and safety to a seventeenth-century absolute monarch who didn’t like women much, and had only his conscience (rather than a fear of the law) to control his behaviour, and who had massive issues, sooner than I’d trust them to any twenty-first century MRA.
It says something about how much these creatures suck, what horrible low-lifes they are, and what an insult they are to the decent men they pretend to represent.
Sometimes, there are passages which are truely beautiful and bring delight to the soul. They are powerful, wonderful pieces that express themselves so exquisitely and you know it will be many years before you read something so perfect ever again.
This is what happens when someone takes one of those passages, puts it through the shredder, tapes it together, hands the result to a terrible yet pretentious rapper, and gets that rapper to recite it whilst they have a nasty case of phlegmy flu.
There’s nice use of alliteration and onomatopeia but the rest of it is utterly terrible. And I haven’t even covered the content…
I wanna know who Alpha Dick is.
“Pull”? Ew, he’s British. I would like to apologize on behalf of my homeland, everyone. We do try to keep people like Draggy chained in the attic, but occasionally they escape and find someone’s iPhone. This is where trolls come from.
I’m seeing him looking like this.
I was imagining the Ladies Man version of SMT’s Mara.
So basically a suave, dapper version of a green tentacled penis in a golden chariot.
You’re welcome.
That’s the second time today I can say “Thank goodness I’d finished my tea before I read that!”
Green tentacled penis sounds like someone’s invented Cthulhu porn.
And no I don’t want to know that they already have! 😀
This is Mara: http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/File:376.jpg
This is Cthulu:
Please note that he has a, uh, ‘Mara’ for a tongue.
… I think Atlus (SMT franchise creators) may have a slight obession with genitalia in general. There’s also Arioch, Diana, Rahu… and Albion, who is based on the Cerne Abbas Giant.
RE: Dragon Slayer
But please, pray tell, what are your opinions on yaoi?
(Also, sorry dude, but I MST g0y porn. You can try, and try, and try, but you just can’t beat them for sheer purplitude, regarding sexual euphemism.)
The recent trolls are so boring. Put some more effort into it, Dragon Slayer!
In terms of “pussy pass”, I have one example in mind : Amanda Wheeler banged a 13 13-year-old boy and spared jail.
We learn in this article that a child can fully recover from a sexual abuse, that in some case the major impact on an abused child come not from the act itself, but from its “coming to light” and that a sexual abuse of children is not necessarily considered as pedophilia when you’re doing it drunk and that it’s OK when it’s just a “one-off offending”.
Now, if that’s not a clear “pussy pass” we’ve got here, let’s see if a man will spare jail after having coerced a 13-year-old into having sex because that was a “one-off offending” which he did when he was drunk and because the girl has fully recovered from it anyway and suffers because it has gone public, so it’s better to “step back”.
Although, that’s UK, like De Gaule said :” God must have had his reasons to put English on an island”. The amount of ridiculous PC stuff coming out of this rainy island is just incredible.
First: it said sexual assault, indecently touching the children. It did NOT say rape. I don’t have the full details of the case or why the judge made that decision any more than you do, so it’s not possible to make a reasonable comment about it. (Doesn’t stop you, though, does it?)
Second: are you calling the idea that it’s wrong to rape or assault (sexually or othewise) children “political correctness”? As in, sneering at the idea?
Third: do you actually know what the term means? It’s used by “conservatives” (ie. reactionaries) to deride any criticism of the status quo. Doesn’t matter whether it’s things like racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia – those in power, or part of the most privileged group, use it to attack anyone seen as threatening their position, and to defend their own ability to “other” those groups and keep them down.
All of which boils down to this: you’re an insult to men and an insult to France trotting out this BS. Go fuck yourself, sonny.
“it said sexual assault, indecently touching the children. It did NOT say rape.”
In the article : “A housewife who performed a sex act on a 13-year-old schoolboy […] Amanda Wheeler, who also indecently touched two other boys”
“I don’t have the full details of the case or why the judge made that decision any more than you do, so it’s not possible to make a reasonable comment about it. (Doesn’t stop you, though, does it?)
The words of the judges are quoted in this article, I made comments out of them.
“are you calling the idea that it’s wrong to rape or assault (sexually or othewise) children “political correctness”? As in, sneering at the idea?”
So I quote an article that shows clearly that a Briton judge gave a “pussy pass” to a woman who had sex with a 13-years-old boy and call it ridiculous PC and you suspect me of “calling the idea that it’s wrong to rape or assault” PC.
I don’t know what to think : Do you have cognitive deficiencies which forbid you to make logical reasonings or had you just tried awkwardly to avoid the question of the morality of this sentence by redirecting the blame on me?
Yeah, the real question : do you find this sentence normal?
“It did NOT say rape”
Neither did you.
Do you imply that the justice can consider the consent of the child who had sex with an adult?
Neither did “I”