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Men’s Rights Redditors outraged again by imaginary injustice, alleged-stripping-at-school-assembly edition

Trapped in an imaginary matriarchy!
Trapped in an imaginary matriarchy!

MRAs spend an awful lot of time getting worked up by hypothetical injustices. On the Men’s Rights subreddit, angry Men’s Rightsers regularly post links to stories of women behaving badly – or who may have been charged with or convicted of a crime – with indignant headlines suggesting that the women in question would be treated far worse if “she had been a man.”

The latest example of this outrage over imagined injustices? This post, found in r/mensrights today, with 87 net upvotes:


If you follow the link, it goes to a brief story about the alleged incident in The Huffington Post. I say “alleged” because the woman in question has not yet been convicted of anything. As the story reports, the police arrested her because

school staff told them the assembly was halted and the cafeteria cleared after Meaders began dancing onstage and took off some of her clothes.

She’s charged with seven counts of endangering the welfare of a child and one count of public lewdness.

An Albany City Court clerk says Meaders was arraigned Friday afternoon and ordered held on $3,000 bail. She doesn’t have a lawyer yet.

There is no mention of putting her on a sex offenders registry because, and let me be blunt here, YOU HAVE TO BE CONVICTED OF A CRIME TO GET PUT ON ONE. She’s merely been CHARGED.

There is no “pussy pass” for women that enables them to bypass the sex offenders registry ONCE THEY ARE CONVICTED of public lewdness. The relevant NY State law can be found here; as you can see, the gender of the convicted offender is not an issue. (It took all of 30 seconds on Google to dig that up.) Meaders isn’t getting special treatment because she’s a woman; she’s not on the offenders registry because an arrest is not the same as a conviction.

Enjoy your imagined oppression, fellas.

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11 years ago

@thenatfantastic, I know, super, super wrong, but there was nothing anyone could actually do about it as it was all rumour :S

You’re awesome, thank you 🙂 any advice or help would be amazing.

11 years ago

@Tulgey Vampire’s Kiss has proved to be quite a versatile text, actually, with applications ranging from education to public safety. As explained by the Nicolas Cage Terror Alert System, which I hope can be viewed internationally, because I cannot find this particular clip anywhere else. Dammit.

11 years ago

I don’t remember any overtly creepy teachers in my schools, but looking back, I’m pretty sure my 7th grade English teacher was a burnt-out drunk. Who gives 200 word spelling tests almost every day? Seriously, that’s the bulk of what we did. I vaguely remember my mom talking to the school about him and getting nowhere.

11 years ago

@Unpaid Help

The little cutie probably used the bottle as a place to hide from predators.

Some species will even carry shelter around with them. You don’t have to have a spine to use tools anymore!

11 years ago

So, are we all agreed that any given octopus is way cuter/smarter/better than any MRA?

11 years ago

We had the computer guy at our school (he was more maintenance but interacted with pupils) fired for sending inappropriate e-mails to some 16 year old pupils. Everyone had been wary of him before that, and I’d heard rumours of other bad behaviour.

Oddly, we also had a science teacher who said slightly inappropriate things who was tolerated by
the students as they thought he was just too socially stupid to hold sensible conversation. Not sure if that was fair.

My impression is every school had one or two people like that. Wonder if it is still the same today?

11 years ago

I missed Quackers! Hi Quackers!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hi Nepenthe! Ta for the explanation – and that video is way cool. 🙂

Bagelsan, no question! 😀

11 years ago

Stereotypically, it was my Jr. High gym teacher. Used to “fumble around for his keys” way too often, which was considered an open joke amongst the girls in class. I hear he did eventually lose his job over that.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hi Quackers!

And yes, any given octopus is cuter and smarter and everything than MRAs.

11 years ago

OT. but Scented Fucking Candles get a shoutout!

11 years ago

Octopi are one of my favorite animals. I mean, they can change color while being color-blind, fit into any opening bigger than their eyeball, use tools, and practice skills. They’re CLEVER little beasties!

11 years ago

What I really want to know is, why did the octopus get into the beer bottle, and did it think it was worth the effort afterward?

Hey, why wouldn’t you get straight into the bottle if you could?

11 years ago

Cassandra: On the other hand, the word is “mathematics”, so it’s logical to shorten it to maths. “Math” sounds as if you’re studying only one number, or kind of equation.

It’s not logic, it’s language. We don’t say, “She’s studying sciences”, even though we call them, “the natural (or physical, or biological) sciences.

The same argument could be made (and has been, with as much merit) that there is only one mathematics, appending the s” confuses the issue.

Really there isn’t any, “right” way to say it, only the conventional; for where one happens to be.

11 years ago

Kiwi Girl: The New York penal code suggests that a woman showing her nipples would be classified as public lewdness

Nope. New York law states that any place in which a man may reasonably be absent a shirt, so too may a woman.

Lewdness is also, in the main, an intent crime, so casual display of the nipples wouldn’t count. There is a lawmaker in some state trying to make it a crime for a woman to show her nipples, even by accident; unless she is engaged in breastfeeding.

11 years ago

My sixth-grade study hall teacher was charged with child pornography and child solicitation after sending polaroids of himself to a student and the police subsequently finding child porn in his house. This was about six years after I was in his class, but I remember drawing cartoons of him dressed like John Wayne Gacy while I was in study hall, so it would be fair to say I found him creepy at the time, even though he never did anything to me personally. He resigned from school, but I’m not finding him on the sex offender registry and can’t find any follow-up stories about a trial.

The sad thing is, he was only the second-skeeviest teacher in that school.

Anyway, this shouldn’t need pointing out, but I’d like to point out that people with a firm grip on reality (including most if not all feminists) think that women stripping in front of children is BAD. Also, hey, the comments on the HuffPo article are depressing and — I’m gonna say it — racist.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I have to, I apologize in advance.


11 years ago

[QUOTE]And if it was a man doing it, they’d find some way of saying it wasn’t lewd or endangering children or anything at all, it was natural and right that he should do it. Or that he was driven to it by women not catering to his boner, or something.[/QUOTE]

Or, if women did have sex with him, by the fact that he was surrounded by “sluts” or whatever

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

yutolia – absolutely. It’s always women’s fault with these creeps.

katz – um, if you don’t like beer? 😀

Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer
11 years ago

Female high school teachers are usually aging uggos who can’t bear the thought of dismounting the cock carousel. She may not be able to pull alpha dick any more, but teaching can be a sort of proxy, allowing her close contact with nascent alpha jocks. It’s not the same thing, but at least she gets ample material for when she goes home and shlicks her cavernous cockslot.

11 years ago

@pecunium While we’re discussing the oddities of singular/plural subjects in the maths and sciences, I’d like to register my complaint with politics. What the fuck, language?

11 years ago

Dragon Slayer adds ‘teachers’ to the list of people he has not the tiniest iota of a clue about.

Which frankly, explains everything.

11 years ago

While we’re discussing the oddities of singular/plural subjects in the maths and sciences, I’d like to register my complaint with politics. What the fuck, language?

It comes from “poly” meaning “many” and “ticks” meaning “bloodsucking parasites.”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

thenat- yeah, seems a fair bet that Draggin’ has never met any secondary school teachers. Or anyone ever, possibly. I’m beginning to think he’s never emerged from his parents’ basement at all.