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Men’s Rights Redditors outraged again by imaginary injustice, alleged-stripping-at-school-assembly edition

Trapped in an imaginary matriarchy!
Trapped in an imaginary matriarchy!

MRAs spend an awful lot of time getting worked up by hypothetical injustices. On the Men’s Rights subreddit, angry Men’s Rightsers regularly post links to stories of women behaving badly – or who may have been charged with or convicted of a crime – with indignant headlines suggesting that the women in question would be treated far worse if β€œshe had been a man.”

The latest example of this outrage over imagined injustices? This post, found in r/mensrights today, with 87 net upvotes:


If you follow the link, it goes to a brief story about the alleged incident in The Huffington Post. I say β€œalleged” because the woman in question has not yet been convicted of anything. As the story reports, the police arrested her because

school staff told them the assembly was halted and the cafeteria cleared after Meaders began dancing onstage and took off some of her clothes.

She’s charged with seven counts of endangering the welfare of a child and one count of public lewdness.

An Albany City Court clerk says Meaders was arraigned Friday afternoon and ordered held on $3,000 bail. She doesn’t have a lawyer yet.

There is no mention of putting her on a sex offenders registry because, and let me be blunt here, YOU HAVE TO BE CONVICTED OF A CRIME TO GET PUT ON ONE. She’s merely been CHARGED.

There is no β€œpussy pass” for women that enables them to bypass the sex offenders registry ONCE THEY ARE CONVICTED of public lewdness. The relevant NY State law can be found here; as you can see, the gender of the convicted offender is not an issue. (It took all of 30 seconds on Google to dig that up.) Meaders isn’t getting special treatment because she’s a woman; she’s not on the offenders registry because an arrest is not the same as a conviction.

Enjoy your imagined oppression, fellas.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


Good to see you here, Quackers! We never really overlapped when you were commenting, but I always enjoy reading your stuff in the old threads. (Yeah, I’m a saddo, I read old Manboobz threads when the current ones are slow.)


11 years ago

Woah, it’s Quackers! Hello there, sort-of name twin. Didn’t recognise you as a kitty instead of a giant duck.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

WHOA for the first time in yonks I’ve sat down and taken dictation for a dual blog entry with Mr K!

::does small* happy dance::

*too hot to get energetic

11 years ago

My school had our creepy teachers, but I was generally super oblivious and didn’t get creeped on (by adults, at least), so I don’t know exactly who they are. One guy apparently looked down girls’ shirts?

11 years ago


What’s it like down there? Still unusually hot?


My favourite maths teacher did that, I later learnt. :/

That made two teachers who did that.

11 years ago

Le sigh. Some guys are just way WAY too keen to get their jollies from nonconsenting underaged people. There are adult women who will let you look down their shirts; the only reason to perv on students is the thrill of the noncon perving.

11 years ago

Also, aw, you say “maths”! ^^ It must be an Americanism to say “math” singular, or at least that how it’s said where I’ve lived.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

It’s more like what I’d expect of summer. Not unusually hot – mid thirties – we’ve just had a longer run of hot days than most of this summer. It was an odd pattern until now. We’d get a build-up to a hot day on the Thursday, and then the temps would drop right back, down to 18 on one occasion. But we’re in for mid-thirties and high twenties all this coming week, which is a bit of a bummer. Only going down to 23 tonight – yuck!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Bagelsan – yeah, I think math is the US way of saying it. Maths is defintely the Oz way. πŸ™‚

Funny, isn’t it – a little abbreviation is different. I wonder why it went that way? To me “maths” is easier to say than “math” – habit, no doubt.

Ha, the dreaded Midsomer Murders is about to start. How many familiar UK actors will bite the dust tonight? Later, folks!

11 years ago


“Maths” seems to be standard English pretty much everywhere but the United States and some parts of Canada.


It’s been pretty pleasant here this month. Sounds like Melbourne got sick of the cold ‘n’ dreary reputation.

11 years ago

I actually really want to visit the US just to see if people would correctly identify my accent (on the posher and more clipped side of Australian, and often mistaked for English or Kiwi) and how they’d react to it. And just to finally leave the country.

Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

The rest of you weirdos need to get behind Amuricah and our “math.” Calling it “maths” makes it sound like you’re talking about a bunch of widgets that go in your kitchen. “Math” is the one true way of referring to mathematics.

Also, since I have nothing relevant to the OP to say, but I do have a Nicolas Cage gif, here’s this.

(I hear Vampire’s Kiss is quite memorable because of his performance. Nicolas Cage is a genius.)

11 years ago

On the other hand, the word is “mathematics”, so it’s logical to shorten it to maths. “Math” sounds as if you’re studying only one number, or kind of equation.

Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

“On the other hand, the word is β€œmathematics”, so it’s logical to shorten it to maths.”

This is America. I choose not to resolve the cognitive dissonance this introduces. It’s my Constitutional right, probably.

11 years ago

Murica! USA! USA!

I think of “math” as being plural, like “ninja” is plural, without needing the s. :p

11 years ago

Please tell me we’re not going to redo the conversation about the proper way to pluralize “octopus”. If you promise I’ll promise not to laugh when you say “math”.

11 years ago

Interesting, considering today’s mission concerns the Brit’s move to protect -alleged- sex offenders identities. It has made the front page, and is riddled with rallying cries, denouncing all the slutty women who cry false rape. Amazing, the hypocrisy the circle-jerking Reddit mentality possesses. I wish I could master that level of denial.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


11 years ago

Hi Kitteh & Lowquacks! *waves* and everyone else too! πŸ˜€

those older threads were fun as hell, no shame in reading them Kitteh πŸ™‚

Also, a very flexible, squishy Octopus

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cool video! I love the way octopuses octopi octopods those eight-armed squishy critters don’t really have a “forward” or “back” – they’re happy to move head first, tentacles first, whatever. Saw some cuttlefish doing the same thing at the Aquarium recently.

What I really want to know is, why did the octopus get into the beer bottle, and did it think it was worth the effort afterward? πŸ˜€

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh and I’ve seen some moments of fame in those threads, like when Slavey declared that Spanish and Russian have the same alphabet.

It was like seeing the birth of a legend. πŸ˜›

11 years ago

We only had one skeevy teacher at my school and it didn’t directly affect my school.

My school was an all girls school and had a “brother” all boys school and there was a drama teacher who worked at both.

She was mid-40’s but had an incredible figure and looked a lot younger and tried to be pal-sy with all her students and she was notorious for sleeping with the 6th Form A level Drama students at the boys school.

Basically, she apparently used to pick out one of the best looking boys each year and seduce them. Everyone (by that I mean all the students) knew it was going on, at both schools, but there was never any real proof.

What’s worse is that everyone at the Boys school didn’t see it as that big a deal, the guy she seduced was seen as a lucky sod and a lad and they used to laugh at her behind her back about it.

Buuuut, everyone at the girls school (mine) was horrified by it and I remember one day when a friend of mine was fuming and raging because apparently this teacher had been trying to persuade her younger brother to take A Level drama. Her brother was tall and good looking and she was terrified that she was intending to seduce her brother next.

I’ll make it clear, these boys were always over 16, and usually 18, but in the UK, that’s still illegal if the adult is in a position of responsibility (ie. if they are a teacher).

But yeah, overall pretty gross, and nothing was ever done about it as there was never any proof. Though I did hear a rumour that one boy walked in on this teacher giving another student a blow job in the costume room. But he was a mate of his so didn’t report it, because his friend was “lucky”.

It would have been completely different if the situation was reversed, but it was the young men who were willing to turn a blind eye to it and the young women who were appalled by it. Where’s the misandry in that?

11 years ago

I always thought my sister was weird for being terrified of cephalopods but the more I learn about them and see them the more I’m coming around to her point of view.

11 years ago

Historophilia, that is wrong on like a bazillion levels. Your school set-up sounds similar to mine, I was at an all-girls with a brother school.

We had a few ‘off’ teachers. In the 70s there was a spate of teachers running off with sixth formers. They were still at the school when I was there 30 years later. The worst part was that two of them were RE teachers, in a Catholic school, who used to lecture us about the evils of sex!

There was a biology teacher who was known as a total letch, who was also one of the designated first aiders. He (as far as I know) never did anything out-and-out abusive, he was just a bit creepy.

When I was in year 11 (ages 15-16) we had a guy filling in for one of our regular Expressive Arts teachers while she was on maternity leave, who set everyone’s perv-alarms off straight away. About three months after I left, he was very abruptly fired. No charges were brought but the grapevine says it was to do with sending inappropriate emails to a sixth former. So imagine my surprise when I was at uni a couple of years later and the sleazy bastard turned out to be working there! He asked for my email address to ‘keep in touch’, so I gave him a fake one and ran :/

(BTW Historophilia I might have some time spare in the next couple of days if you want to organise swapping emails so I can try lend a hand with the FemSoc thing)

11 years ago

*tripleposting because I’m a badass*

Historophilia I’ve sent David an email asking him to pass my email address on to you so if he can do that just drop me a line when you get it πŸ™‚