are these guys 12 years old? creepy entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys playing the victim transphobia YouTube

The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

I did ask. I rather clearly put question.

Watch the video. Look at my notes. Rapey comments. You have no problem with rape? You have no problem with men who want to take advantage of drunk women? They specifically say it in the video. And men that are okay with rape are entitled. They think they are entitled to a woman body.

That one. Right there.

And in the comment you DID respond to you ignored the only actual question:

This man clearly feels entitled to sex with a woman he finds attractive. He isn’t entitled to ANY womans body. And did you see my breakdown? About several very rapey comments in the video. You don’t see a problem with that aspect of the video at all?

So, I asked you several very specific questions and you ignored them. And I didn’t ask for a knee jerk response. Nobody has.

If you go back a page or two you will see my breakdown of the video. Or you rewatch the video. Or you could choose to ignore these questions yet again. And again and again. You’ve ignored rather specific posts of mine 3 times. Will you ignore me this time too?

I’m sure you’ve ignored other folks comments, statements and question too. Mostly because they don’t appear to fit in with your notions on what we should be saying.

12 years ago

I just realized I was missing my kitty! *pets him*

12 years ago

“aim33, That is your interpretation of it.”

No, that is not my interpretation of it. The guy clearly and repeatedly insults and demeans the hot women that will not sleep with him, depicting them as vapid, shallow, useless bimbos.

Quotes from the video”
“LA Women”: “We ignore cause your poor and you’re not Paul Shore. We’re the women of LA”
“my big fake boobs”
“Always looking around the room for the bigger, better deal”
“We breathe coke, you’re a joke, cause your poor”

Guy: “Who pays your rent? Let me guess, your Daddy”

Need I go on? I could easily.

Why bother to deny it? If you’re going to defend it, defend it honestly at least. Call it satire.

12 years ago

Troll is a boring troll. I think everyone should mix themselves cocktail, or a mocktail if you’re not a drinker.

12 years ago

Want to play figure out the rationale with this guy?

He’s mostly trolling, which means he’s being disingenuous, which makes it harder. Did you notice that the second I stopped replying with substance and moved straight to mockery he moved on to someone else? That implies he has a narrative in mind, and he wants to wear out people’s good will – that is our willingness to engage honestly with his trolling, because trolling people who are snickering (instead of trying to communicate) is less fulfilling.

You can notice the type of trolling – a controlled, testing sort – through how he’s dropping in other liberal hot spots in with the sexism. He probably values his mind and considers himself more intelligent than everyone he knows, but that’s common as ditch water, so it hardly sets him apart. He’s not tone trolling, which is unusual for this kind of troll; instead he’s playing stupid and giggling behind his hand as we try to change his mind through honest discourse. He picked a really bad place to play this gambit, though, since most of us have developed our own strategies for dealing with people who are obviously engaging in bad faith.

12 years ago

@cloudiah I have a strawberry daiquiri in celebration of valentines day.

12 years ago

Melody, Do I support rape? No. Do I think it is rather creepy to get a woman drunk in an effort to sleep with her? Yes. Do I think that drunk sex can be problematic? Yes.

I never said I fully agreed with everything this guy said in the video. I just mentioned that the tone of it was rather corny and cheesy.

sick of the circlejerk
sick of the circlejerk
12 years ago

First of all, this is a Youtube video made for entertainment, not a diary entry. Secondly, the world is chock FULL of women moaning and groaning that Man X or Men (by which she means men who meet her standards) won’t date her. There’s not really anything wrong with this, but it’s sure as hell not a gender thing. Apparently it’s vitally important to the feminist cause to mock men who have trouble dating.

12 years ago

I might make a Screaming Orgasm, my favorite drink. (For those playing along at home – mix equal parts Kahlua (coffee), Triple sec (orange), and Amaretto (almond). Add in cream or milk to taste. I keep the liquor part pre-mixed in my refrigerator; it’s just easier. For a nightcap, heat it up in the microwave and you will be toasty in no time.

12 years ago

Yeah, he stopped responding to me when I moved on to pure snark too. With this type of troll their main aim seems to be getting people to lose their cool due to frustration. I don’t think he was anticipating being made into a chew toy himself.

12 years ago

Orange and almond sounds like a strange combination.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Hey guys! The troll just said our word! If I were drinking, I’d take a gulp!

12 years ago

It is corny and cheesy to say that women should drink more so you can have sex with them?

Because I don’t find that funny. That this man is upset that women aren’t drinking enough. I believe the line that makes it super clear is saying one glass of wine isn’t enough for a man to get between her thighs.

Did you also think it was corny and cheesy for this man to say demeaning things: women only want men that are rich or famous, LA women doing coke, can’t pay their bills and their daddies pay it for them, that they all look the same (while zooming in on their yoga clad butts) ect.

I think you and I have a different definition of corny and cheesy.

12 years ago

aim33, I think it is satire.

If a woman rejected me because I was poor, unattractive or looking for a “bigger, better deal”. I would probably not view her in the best light either. She would certainly come off as shallow. But instead of making a video about it, I would spend my time looking for a woman that didn’t have those crappy qualities.

Deoridhe, That is how you see it. I was just asking a few questions and some answered them and others didn’t. If you want to lower the playing field to mockery, I usually wont respond.

12 years ago

@jonatma you need to provide more info before you argue that we’re all acting too feministy (which most of us men and women would actually take as a compliment.

12 years ago

Orange and almond sounds like a strange combination.

I know. People get weirded out by the combo a lot. it is DELICIOUS.

If you want to lower the playing field to mockery, I usually wont respond.

I think you’re lost, son. You might want to check the subheading of this website.

12 years ago

niNNY, you deserve nothing more than mockery. You certainly haven’t earned being treated like a worthy adversary.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


The quality of not wanting to date you is not objectively crappy.

12 years ago

melody, Like I said before. I thought the overall theme of the video was corny. Does that mean I agree with every single lyric he uttered? No. Did I find a few things distasteful? Yes. However, I take it for what it is…a stupid satirical video from a nobody.

12 years ago

Did David check the IP yet?

12 years ago

cloudiah, why so hostile?

Some Gal, I don’t do online dating anyways. I prefer meeting face to face. So I guess that’s a win-win for both of us.

sick of the circlejerk
sick of the circlejerk
12 years ago

What you don’t seem to realize is that just as I am free to reject others, I am also free to think poorly of another for rejecting me for shallow and/or stupid reasons. What’s a stupid reason? Well now, I suppose I’m the one who gets to make that call. Are you trying to control what I’m allowed to consider a bad reason? Check that entitlement!

12 years ago

I’m sorry. You just said that you found rape corny and cheesy. That is all I got.
Ya, not impressed.
Ya, when half a million people watch a video you aren’t nobody. Half a million people cared about what you had to say.
I’m done playing.
You aren’t a good enough troll for this website. A stupid satirical video that jokes about rape. And you don’t see a problem with that. And since you don’t I don’t care what you have to say. Because you just spent several pages defending a man who would be upset that he couldn’t take advantage of a woman because she wouldn’t drink enough for him to do so. You claimed he wasn’t entitled in his desire to have sex have women. Even though the video specifically said that the women wouldn’t get drunk enough for him to have sex with them. That sex would fall under rape. Defend him more if you want, but you aren’t going to impress anyone here.

12 years ago

Hostile? I’m laughing at you. Seriously, I’m just giving you the side-eye.

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