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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

I used to make cheese sauce from a base of white sauce but then one day I had a lot of hollandaise left over and went with that. Oh my dear paws and whiskers it was so delish I have made it that way ever since.

12 years ago

Wouldn’t work on this one, we’d just get 30,000 words on why everything we think about shampoo is wrong but wait we were never talking about shampoo and also let me babble about hair gel and by the way have I implied that women are bitches yet?

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Hey, I know how to bore the pants off trolls…

Anyone got a good sampler pattern for danish pulled threadwork? Its beautiful stuff, but I can’t find any books…=(

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL Kim, you’d fit right in here with purple fingers. I have purple ink on mine all the time.

I had a curls-laugh this morning. Saw an office-worker type bloke walk by. His hair was a bit below collar length, flat and lank – it looked unclean. “Way not to do long hair,” I thought at Mr K, who leaned forward, looked at Lank Hair Guy, leaned back and oh-so-nonchalantly twirled one of his curls around his fingers.

12 years ago

He won’t mention autism, this one pretends the disabled don’t exist until they want his seat on the bus. Then he’s the arbiter of who is and is not disabled enough for him.

12 years ago

Long hair on men is gorgeous, if it’s well cared for. Unfortunately it is often not well cared for. A foot of split ends seems to be a common thing.

I refer to this as “roadie hair”.

12 years ago

hellkell, what goalposts? My stance has been pretty consistent. I just try explaining different ways because you guys get so close, but misrepresent a few details.

I mean Argenti is still rattling on about “sober enough” and still not understanding my premise. Which is, yet again. Drunk people can not give consent nor can you give consent while sober for future drunk sex. Plus, it’s a pretty shitty position to place your partner in. It would be awkward as all hell if my partner was asking me to sleep with them when they were intoxicated.

So lets break it down:

1. Drunk people = can no give consento
2. Consent does not cross the sober/intoxicated line (consent is not a on/off lightswitch)
3. Asking your partner to have sex with you when intoxicated is a pretty shitty thing to do.
4. In the same way a 15 year old can not consent, the same goes for intoxicated people. No matter how much they say “yes”, it always means “no”.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

You had to remind me of the whole pregnant women should not get a seat thing didn’t you?

Any bets on how many more days this twit is going to dance for?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cassandra — it’s the masochism combined with someone is wrong on the internet! I know I’m just going to regret this, and probably lapse into Victorian time traveller soon enough, but he’s so wrong (anyways, I’ll be in Boston 48 hours from now and have much better things to do there than amuse NNY…oh wait, that’s Brz…whatever, busy is busy!)

Actually, 48 hours from now I’ll probably be writing that up for you while suffering post-concert bliss induced insomnia. Now I’m going to go all giddy 🙂

NNY — seriously, this is simple, way simpler than attending a concert in a major city you haven’t been in in over a decade. You said paying attention to your partner effectively requires mind reading, it does not.

Gys, should I break out the mac and play Spot That Fallacy? Because frankly, the goalpost shifting and red herrings make me not want to play, those rounds are boring and tedious.

Congrats though NNY, you’re now my newest fishmonger.

12 years ago

@ kitteh’s

It’s a recipe *I* can do, so I bet its one you can do 🙂

@ cassandra

You’re quite welcome. I got this recipe from a friend, modified it a little unintentionally, and it tends to impress (grad-student) guests despite being pretty easy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@pillow in hell – would this be any good?

@starskita – how many does that recipe feed?

12 years ago

What did you use, Kim? Mine has finally gone grey enough that I think some color could work a treat. It has looked like a very expensive frost and tip job for the past twenty years but now, finally, it has tipped over to majority grey. Just right for COLOR!!!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

So not only is my partner a rapist, apparently I was a shitty person for initiating sex. Lovely.

Fuck off, NNY.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@starskita you don’t know what a challenge you’re throwing out to a total non-cook! 😀

12 years ago

BWAHAHAHA but the question is, would anyone want to? I mean, yeah, he’s good looking, but … sex with Bernard? Gods, he’d probably fall asleep or puke halfway through on a good day.

Well, I like his hair…then again, it’s probably really gross, considering how he cleans it.

12 years ago

NNY: It also brings up the topic of EC being an “ongoing state” not a “yes/no lightswitch”. I think my model follows EC far closer because I stated that one can not just consent to sex, become intoxicated and have that consent still apply from earlier. My position IMO follows the “ongoing state” much closer. When the point of intoxication comes into play, that “ongoing state” turns to no and can not be changed back to yes until 1) sobriety and 2) they say “yes” again.

So you never have sex with anyone who has a drink, ever.

It’s the only way your, “rules” work. You can’t know if someone has an allergy, or is possessed of a hypersensitivity for alcohol, and so is unable to consent.

But you also said that you evaluate people as you go.

Ergo, you are full of shit; talking out of both sides of your mouth, as if you weren’t making a Kobayashi test, which no one can pass.

So, at this point, since you aren’t arguing honestly, I’m done with you. It’s possible on some other topic you will have some point which needs to be clarified for the audience at large, but this one…


12 years ago

I would actually like to request that people try not to feed this particular troll. It’s not my blog so I have no authority, obviously, but as a favor maybe? Because if a thread gets bogged down in his crap it tends to kill all the fun, interesting conversations.

That might explain why he does it, actually.

12 years ago

Food! So now in addition to scalloped potatoes for Easter, my mom wants me to make a salad. She wants it to contain fruit, cheese, and nuts. My handy Bittman cookbook suggests some promising combos — any votes?
* grapes, parmesan, and pine nuts
* oranges, manchego, and almonds
* melon, cotija, pepitas
* blueberries, asiago, and pistachios

All tossed with mesclun and with a standard vinaigrette.

12 years ago

NNY: you do know we can scroll up and read what you’ve spewed, right? You should be exhausted from moving them. You’re framing consent in a way that may work for you but does not for everyone, and you’re upsetting people, so FUCK OFF, BRANDON.

pillow in hell: sorry for the reminder. He’ll dance a little while longer, then come back in three days trying to get the last word.

12 years ago

Pecunium, a drink (as in only one). Yes. 6 drinks. No.

Yes, I evaluate as I go. I never made the claim that my “rules” were 100% effective. Just a few common sense approaches from doing something regrettable or even criminal regardless of however good intentioned you are.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

katz – yeah, pretty well everything about Bernard is gross. 😀

Remember when the flat was so filthy he threw a piece of toast up in the air and it stayed up? Or got so pissed he mistook a wicker chair for a toilet?

I don’t even want to think about what he’d be like undressed.

Okay, I’m off – catch you later, persons!

12 years ago

Actually, scratch the recipe with melon — I just remembered that my mother hates melon.

12 years ago

hellkell, consent shouldn’t be this “everyone has their own version of it” model. There should be a standard that everyone should follow and is enforceable by law.

12 years ago

@ kitteh,

it’s about 3 meals for me if I’m on my own, and not having anything else as part of the meal,

it seems to go about 4-6 servings if there’s a second dish to the meal

I’m not going to try to one-down you on the cooking if you’re insistent, but lately I’ve been a non-cooker myself. Somehow it just tastes better if someone else makes it.

12 years ago

pillow in hell, all I can do is talk about spinning up a 60/40 suri/tussah blend for a 2×3 cable, with a Z-lay, since it’s being given to MBF, and she crochets.

The roving was prepped top-sliver,and slicker than whale shit, so I put it into roughly 24′ lengths and recrimped it in 120°F tap water, wrung it out in a towel twisted tight enough to be mistaken for a 2″ firehose from a pumper.

Dried it has enough crimp to be manageable, but it needs to be done as a long inchworm to get a semi-woolen draw. I’m getting a pretty fine laceweight. With 6 Oz of roving, and about 35 wpi, I ought to get a pretty good YPP.

The first pair of bobbins will be reeled tomorrow, with about .7 Oz o each. A healthy overply, and then I can start the next two. I’m hoping the elasticity of cabling will make up for the somewhat wiry nature of this fiber.

I will have to let the ply rest, because we are going to a convention in Milpitas (where MBF is a guest) and I’m planning to have some yarn to put into an auction.

I also have some yak I’m going to be drop-spinning for a knitter to make into gloves for a friend who sent me a hand-bound notebook, which I’ve been using to keep track of my spinning projects.

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