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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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Some Gal Not Bored at All


We use that cheese all the time! I know it is good in mashed potatoes and mac and cheese and melted on tortillas. 🙂 I’m sure your dish will be great with it!

12 years ago

Share? Mac and cheese is one of those things that I like but never make myself.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago


Kangaroo and emu certainly are on the menu at some places, but I’d never touch either. With kangaroos, you can’t farm them and they’re shot wild – and too many of the shooters are bloody cowboys (plus how they kill joeys … think seal hunters).

You really wouldn’t have too much trouble eating in Oz, at least in big cities like the capitals. Melbourne has lots of Asian food – Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian and Japanese are probably the most popular, and more African cuisine is appearing now. There’s heaps of Itailan, Greek and French restaurants, and no end of fast food joints (gah, Macca’s and Hungry Jack’s aka Burger King, are everywhere).

Plus there are lots of good coffee shops, wine bars and the like.

You’d probably really notice the difference if you were shopping for food. We don’t have many supermarket chains – Woolworths and Coles have an effective duopoly – and there’s nowhere near the variety you’d see in big US stores. We don’t, alas, have places like Trader Joe’s. It’s the result of our small population, I suppose (some 23 million, iirc).

12 years ago

Hi NNY, I have a detailed knowledge of the law. So if you want to ask me about how the law deals with intoxication, I’ll be over here.

12 years ago

I’ll have to dig through my recipes, I’m pretty sure it’s one of those I wrote down that are just key words that look like word salad.

12 years ago

I liked the cheddar/gruyere mix for snacking. I didn’t try cooking with it. If you like to snack on cheese, TJ’s “Unexpected Cheddar” is also worth a try.

I didn’t think I liked mac and cheese until I had some really good versions (we just had store-brand boxed stuff when I was a kid). Rachael Ray has an awesome chipotle chorizo mac; and my friend taught me how to make a casserole from good boxed mix (like TJ’s or Annie’s), sauteed onions, and broccoli. Man, I really want mac and cheese now.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ok, some regions probably do have legit American cuisine that isn’t boring — I’m still having “but where’s the historical line” issues. Curry isn’t British but post-WWII American cuisine counts?

And yeah, maybe I’m just sick of it. Moving from Pittsburgh, with CMU and the multi-culturalism of such a renowned school, to Yale area…it’s amazing how little variety there is here. I had Indian and Persian in walking distance in Pittsburgh (like, half a mile) — decent pizza, Asian fusion, Italian and a handful of other things within a mile. Here? There might be a Burger King less than a mile away.

I hate suburbia. I should not take this out on all American cuisine though. (Fuck, I went through multiple “why is there fish in cheese sauce” products before settling on a barely-cheese-like sauce for baked potatoes with broccoli and cheese — I’m cranky)

12 years ago

plus how they kill joeys … think seal hunters


Kitteh, what sorts of things are native Australian cuisine? Is it like British cuisine, or is it more unique?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Also, BAC limits are the law for something completely unrelated to sex, consent, or mens rea.

12 years ago

@Argenti I admit, I may have been speaking from my currently urban experience. When I was a kid in the sticks with a single working mother, yeah, the available food was boring and prepackaged and not very nourishing (never had fish in cheese sauce, though. Ew.)

12 years ago

I should probably point out to NNY that I am a tutor in GCSE to undergraduate law, psychology and politics. So if I have to explain this shit again I’m charging £25/hr.

12 years ago

You’d probably really notice the difference if you were shopping for food. We don’t have many supermarket chains – Woolworths and Coles have an effective duopoly

I felt super pleased with myself recently when I went shopping for dinner ingredients and I only went to small shops – butcher, greengrocer etc. I was getting into the whole small town community thing. We have an IGA for our supermarket though. IGA seems to do ok against the big 2.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

emilygoddess — it was some really cheap cheese sauce with anchovy paste in it (should’ve seen my mother and I trying to find the cause of the “contains: …fish” though [with my brother sneaking 2 pounds of popcorn into the cart XD ]) — settled on Kraft cheese whiz sauce. I don’t care how fucking cheap the canned pet food is, it’s a goddamned travesty if that’s the closest to cheese sauce that the cheap grocery store carries.

Place is crammed with people the day welfare and food stamps get deposited, so it’s clearly wtf kids in poverty are stuck with, and that is NOT CHEESE. No more than bread with HFCS is bread. (That was a different cheap store)

But yeah, urban cuisine is much better, just not sure it really counts since so much of it is imported.

Also, I hate legal Latin, res means thing.

12 years ago

Ugh, fish in cheese sauce. Cheese sauce is super easy to make from scratch, but that’s no help unless you’ve got the budget to buy at least some real cheese.

Food deserts are a real problem 🙁

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

There’s an IGA where I am, too, but they don’t have half the stuff I want. I use the butcher occasionally and the greengrocer all the time – our ‘burb has that much of a small-town feel left to it, though it’s being steadily engulfed. There’s an Aldi’s, too, but they’re too far away to get to.

12 years ago

hellkell, when it comes to impairment here is the breakdown:

.08% for non commercial drivers
.04 for commercial drivers
drivers under 21 have a zero tolerance policy.

All states follow these percentages otherwise the federal government would refuse federal highway money.

Argenti, I am well aware that governments don’t really have an objective standard in determining consent when it comes to alcohol and drugs. Maybe we should adopt a standard that accounts for terminating consent when someone is intoxicated or under the influence of a mind altering chemical.

12 years ago

Argenti, suburbia can really suck for good food, especially around where you are. Can you get into New Haven itself? I know there’s a Malaysian place that my sister loves, though it is a bit pricy.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oooo, psych too? Can you help me with a quick question then? Any clue in wtf class I’d have heard about the military training pigeons? My brother was trying to explain it to me earlier and I was all “yeah I know” but I can’t place why I know it and it’s bothering me.

Totally unimportant so just ignore me if you don’t know the relevancy of that bit of trivia.

Oh and good luck charging, I keep trying to give MRAs free statistics and research methods lessons and they refuse to listen (I did shut up Arks that way once, which makes it all worth it)

12 years ago

Watch those goalposts do the mamba!

For those unfamiliar with this particular troll, this is his MO. I mean, it’s flattering that he enjoys talking to us to much that he wants to drag it out indefinitely and all, but it would help if he’d at least try to be less boring.

12 years ago

NNY: that’s new (BACs were not always uniform), but I see you only answered because I was incorrect.

How about we videotape consent, what do you think about that?

12 years ago

It’s so totally him. I have not missed this tedious shit.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Maybe we should adopt a standard that accounts for terminating consent when someone is intoxicated or under the influence of a mind altering chemical.”

It’s called enthusiastic consent, go google. Or where you thinking more like, say, .14 is too drunk and we’re back to “do you carry a breathalyzer?”.

Why is it so hard for some people to judge whether this sex act, with this person, at this time, is a good idea? Forget booze/drugs even, there’s a point where “goddamned should we get naked, but fuck, you have an 8 am meeting” happens. Logic, y u so hard?!

12 years ago


I can’t help you with the pigeons, although they were used to an astonishing degree in WWI. I’m laughing actually, because one of the quotes I might get put on me for my tattoo (my first choice) is dog Latin and since I booked it I’ve been thinking about you two getting agitated over it. But I have my reasons!

12 years ago

Also standard for this troll – shift goalposts and act like the previous conversation never happened. Wait, we were talking about why BAC was even a good standard in this situation? Well, let’s just pretend that he didn’t get his ass handed to him there by refocusing on what the limits are for, say, truck drivers.

This is why he is our all time least popular troll. Talking to him is like swimming through glue, but occasionally the glue has roaches in it.

12 years ago

NNY: pecunium, maximum BAC limits are actual law. So yes, my standard is based in law

But you changed your tune on that.

And which BAC do you follow? Ireland just made it .05.

There is also the issue of the purpose of the law, and what you are doing with it. The law is absolute on driving. It’s not because one is mentally unable to make a reasonable decision to drive, quite the contrary. One is physically impaired, so one has reaction times which are less than needed for driving. One is considered to be mentally aware enough to have made a reasoned decision to ignore that impairment and drive.

So, from the simple standpoint of being able to make a legally binding decision, BAC says yes, which means it’s not a “bright line” for the thing about which you say it is legally dispostive.

So, on your metric, BAC isn’t valid, and not based on the law; but rather on facts you chose to pretend made it, “reasonable”.

It’s not.

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