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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

NNY: pecunium, Yeah, that completely unreasonable stance that drunk people giving consent isn’t the same as a sober person giving consent.

As stated, no. Your definition of, “drunk” (by which you have previously stated you mean using any recreational pharmaceutical), is what’s not reasonable.

12 years ago

Hi, Sir Bodsworth!

12 years ago

The words, Humpty Dumpty said…

12 years ago

Pecunium, I am not an expert in legalities. Thus I am drawing from already established rules regarding drunkenness. Do you have another standard that would be better suited regarding consent?

12 years ago

The uncomfortable thing about eating with Iranians in their homes if that if you admire anything they will try to give it to you.
β€œThat’s a lovely painting.”
β€œLet me wrap that up so you can take it home.”
β€œNo really, I think it’s perfect here, I just think it’s very nice.”
β€œIt is yours now.”

They are very nice people.

I’m trying to picture my boss doing this, and it’s just not computing. But maybe he treats his guests differently than he treats his employees.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

How about answering thenat’s questions, NNY?

And are you talking about consent between relative strangers or people in long term relationships? Because that has been specified more than once here in the scenarios presented.

12 years ago

Hi NNY, I’m a law graduate who’s written you many messages now about the difference between ‘can’t respond as quickly to stimuli’ and ‘couldn’t walk a mile on a travelator’.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

emilygoddess – if he ever does weaken, try saying “That’s a very nice paypacket you have there!” πŸ˜€

Reminds me of the crossed wires visiting an Italian friend. For her, it’s rude for guests to bring food, it implies the hospitality is inadequate. For me, totally different background, it’s rude not to bring food because it’s expecting the host to cough up for everything.

12 years ago

Let’s have a sad trombone for this:

If he truly felt entitled he wouldn’t have to beg and plead with them to sleep with him, he would just rape them.

Nobody is acting entitled unless they commit a crime to get something by force, amirite? That customer who spent 20 minutes arguing about why her expired coupon should still work? If she were acting entitled, she’d steal the extra money from the till! That friend who never wants to see you until he has to move, and then suddenly loves you because you own a truck? If he were really entitled, he’d steal your truck! The guy who was just going to crash on your couch for one night, but is still there two weeks later and won’t take a hint? A really entitled person would, I don’t know, tie you up so you couldn’t kick him out!

This all sounds an awful lot like an entitled guy who doesn’t like being called entitled.

12 years ago

There’s a more generally applicable legal problem surrounding NNY’s assertions. Intoxication can be a defence to crimes of specific intent, but not basic intent. NNY’s worldview would mean that any crime where the defendant had consumed one drink would mean that they were treated identically to those who could barely move in the throes of crack addiction and cripple the legal system with the backlog of judicially decided cases.

12 years ago

Oh, look! The goalposts are about to move again!

Hey, NNY, why did you frame your boss’ treatment of everyone in the office as a “feminist utopia?” Do you think fair treatment is not a good thing?

12 years ago


When my dad first started dating his (now ex-)wife, she lived with a friend. He was invited down for dinner one night and invited to bring a friend along. The only person he could find that night was a guy who’s notorious around the village for being a bit… off*. My dad invited his friend and told him to ‘bring something along to go with dinner’.

He turned up with a cauliflower.

(*the stories I could tell about this guy)

12 years ago

Pecunium, I am not an expert in legalities. Thus I am drawing from already established rules regarding drunkenness. Do you have another standard that would be better suited regarding consent?

Whut…. you started with a set of standards which had nothing to do with the law. Which were, actually, stated to be a way to avoid, “uncertainty” by abjuring grey areas.

Now, suddenly you have means to measure; only you say you don’t.

So… give us your hard and fast rules.

12 years ago

For her, it’s rude for guests to bring food, it implies the hospitality is inadequate.

Good to know! Is it OK to bring a bottle of wine?

I remember reading an article about how odd American customs are to newcomers. If someone invites you over, you should ask if they want you to bring anything. They’ll say no, but you should bring something anyway. Grilled chicken is a fork food, but fried chicken is a finger food. And so on.

12 years ago

I am an expert in legalities, you would think he would WANT to ask me about it πŸ™

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I don’t know about the wine, unfortunately!

It’s not dissimilar here with being asked whether to bring anything. There’s an ad for Cadbury’s mixed chocolates at the moment that says “What to bring when you’re told not to bring a thing.” I think we have much the same mixed message (or at least, one you need to understand implicitly). Fortunately in the days when I was visiting, or for parties, it was always clearly just BYO drinks, unless someone said beforehand they’d do the cake or something special.

12 years ago

Oh, but Nat, that would force him to have a postion or back up his flimsy arguments. Better to keep tapdancing and think we don’t notice. It’s a pattern with this one.

12 years ago

I know Hellkell, just thought it deserved pointing out in plain language for any lurking fencesitters πŸ™‚

12 years ago

But Nat, his father is a lawyer, that’s all the legal training he needs.

I seem to recall that we’ve had this not going out of your way to be shitty to women = feminist utopia conversation before. It seems to be one of his themes.

12 years ago

Cassandra: I forgot about SuperLawyer Dad who would reward him with beer and porn for doing his chores. The apple does not fall far from the sleazy tree.

12 years ago

Harking back to the cuisine discussion – I’d actually go with Modern Australian. I would eat it all the time except it tends to be expensive. It is a bit of a fusion, but mostly it’s about local ingredients, unusual combinations and interesting presentation. I like it because it’s creative but it’s generally flavours and ingredients that I am familiar with and think are tasty. Other than it being a bit fancy, it seems like ‘normal’ food to me. (No, I”m not very gastronomically adventurous, why do you ask?) I’d be interested to see how it compares to Modern American or Modern English cuisine. I’m assuming such things exist.

12 years ago

Kitteh, it sounds like there’s at least one major difference (from where I am, anyway): Here it’s not usually a problem, let alone an insult, if you bring something when you weren’t supposed to. If you bring, like, an entire entree, that might feel presumptuous, but if you bring extra salad, dessert, or drinks? Worst case there’s too much food and you get some of it sent home with you afterwards.

12 years ago

Is it too late to get in on the “one nation’s cuisine forever” discussion? My immediate thought was Japanese, especially coastal Japanese, because I love the rice and noodles and the getting your protein mostly from tofu and fish, and the very long tradition (at least in haute cuisine) or taking pride in both the flavor and the presentation. But then I got to the “think of the desserts” line and remembered that I’m a junk food junkie and Japanese desserts don’t often involve chocolate.

The whole discussion about what “counts” has been interesting. I mean, can I still eat Pocky in this game, even though chocolate is a recent introduction? I’m surprised that curries don’t count as British cuisine, because to an outsider it’s such a classically British food. How far back does a cuisine have to go to count as indigenous? It’s a question that’s often puzzled me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kim — American cuisine is um, boring. Unless I’ve missed something, there’re local varieties (eg Cajun) but general cuisine? Think fast food standard fare, but with better quality. And the native berries and shit, jammed, jellied and put in pies.

12 years ago

OK, my one nation cuisine is Indian.

Totally OT but this is the most fricking badass feminist thing I’ve ever seen

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