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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Nat, you’re TUI (typing under the influence) – demerit points, young boobzer! 😛

12 years ago

and it’s particularly shitty to try busting into a feminist space with a load of misogynist talking points then try and tell them that they’re doin feminism rong.

Well, if this is the jackass I’m thinking of who’s socking, his nose has been out of joint for some time because we’re not doing feminism to his specifications, and he’s pissed he can’t be Boss Feminist.

12 years ago

pillow in hell, Sure a change in thinking will change behaviors (usually). But how can we say the only good he sees in women is making him happy sexually? Sure maybe in the context of this video which is clearly based on dating and sex. What about other contexts and scenarios like the workplace. Hell, I know one guy at work that treats everyone in the workplace equally. Gives out promotions fairly and basically runs the place as if it was a feminist utopia. Then when his girlfriend came to visit him…can you say “Holy shit, traditional gender roles”. This girl was like the epitome of a 1950’s housewife, sun dress and all.

I asked him about it one day. He basically compartmentalizes people. So on one hand he treats women at work very well…until he starts dating one of them.

12 years ago

NNY: Pecunium, Just because it’s a poor argument doesn’t change the fact that it is an argument

He’s not making an argument. He’s making an assertion. And you are moving the goalposts. He’s expressing a sense of entitlement. You’ve actually agreed to that, you just think it’s ok, because….?

If he truly felt entitled he wouldn’t have to beg and plead with them to sleep with him, he would just rape them.

A does not follow B. Lots of people feel entitled to things they aren’t. Because the law threatens them (even when, in crimes like rape it’s weak on follow through) they don’t act on their sense of entitlement.

Moreover, his actual sense of entitlement isn’t really for the sex, it’s for them hanging all over him (see earlier discussion about the homosocial status seeking of PUAs, and other types who don’t see people they desire as equals).

My personal standard for what is rape doesn’t automatically say everyone else is advocating rape for not adopting it.

Yes, actually, it does. That’s the entire reason the MRM complains about campaigns which explain what rape is… they advocate for a new social awareness, and that means the MRM is arguing to keep rape as an acceptable behavior.

You are (if we are to take you at face value) making a far more extreme definition of rape than any of us. This is, all in all, based on the rest of the positions you’ve taken, a bit odd.

Esp. since the position you’ve taken doesn’t seem to be well thought out (I say this because when challenged, you have changed the specifics of the definition).

Why? I think it’s to attain some semblance of reasonableness, even a pretense of moral high ground; with the idea that being reasonable (which you aren’t) on the subject of rape somehow accrues a similar semblance to the ludicrous support you are making to Douchenozzle’s video.

And we see the bobbing and weaving: Kittehs, exactly! Although, I am not extrapolating it to everyone. I would base the decision to not accept a partners consent using: body weight, number of drinks drunk, any drugs taken and changes in behavior. If someone is typically a wallflower and is now talking everyone up and people are drinking, that is cause for further examination.

Compare that to,I am far less tolerant of “grey areas” like intoxicated sex than other people. I am far less tolerant of “grey areas” like intoxicated sex than other people.

Which is it, a black and white, or a case of evaluating the merits of each case?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

We’re being trolled by Schwyzer? :O

12 years ago

Is David not around or something? Normally he’s quite good about bouncing the banned trolls when they start flinging their stinky socks at us.

12 years ago

Gives out promotions fairly and basically runs the place as if it was a feminist utopia.

Interesting choice of words. You sure this boss isn’t you compartmentalizing people, Bra… I mean, NNY?

12 years ago

@NNY, it’s not compartmentalising to treat women with respect at work just because his partner doesn’t work. Today my partner and I have been planning our summer – I might be in between work for three months, but my partner could take a job for one month which would pay for us to do nothing for three months. In the past I’ve worked silly hours to support us both. Nothing changes in our relationship. Not when only I’ve worked, not when we’ve both worked, not when only he’s worked. And our relationship with employers/employees/colleagues doesn’t change either, because we treat other people as human, not as points to be won.

12 years ago

pecunium, Yeah, that completely unreasonable stance that drunk people giving consent isn’t the same as a sober person giving consent.

12 years ago

OK NNY, but why are you ignoring my posts on the matter?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Congrats, thenat! You are today’s winner of the Ignored By Trolls prize!

12 years ago

This one is also ignoring hellkell and I, presumably in the hope that if he focuses on people too new to remember his previous incarnation he’ll have more luck in feeding his need for attention.

12 years ago

David, what about Dragon Slayer and Brz?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

What about the fauxFrench troll in the other thread, David?

12 years ago

Shame that they figured out how to hide their IPs, but really, are there any old-timers who don’t think this one is Brandon?

12 years ago

Cassandra: Not this one.

12 years ago

He has a distinctive writing style, have to give him that.

Not distinctive in a good way…

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

*i hate it when I post to the wrong thread*
NY, ill believe the feminist utopia stor when the women come on here telling us how wonderful it really is. What your boss is doing with that strange at home/at work scenario? HORRIBLY COMMON. Lots of men have very decided ideas about what they want in their partners, and those ideas support patriarchy.

I’m laying good money that his feminist utopia is based on hiring women he’s not sexually attracted to AND fear of repercussions from the labour board.

*also, if its not Brandon, please send booze. It depressing to think that there are many men who think like them. Also depressing, reading comments on blogs and papers introducing asexuality for the first time to the general public*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I dont think he has the pompous vibe I’ve had from reading old posts where Brandon’s pontificating.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hell, I know one guy at work that treats everyone in the workplace equally. Gives out promotions fairly and basically runs the place as if it was a feminist utopia.

Why “feminist utopia” as if it’s some sort of strange, scary scenario to have people treated fairly? I get the contrast with his girlfriend, but why phrase it in a way that suggests you think it’s weird and maybe wrong? Wouldn’t it be a decent person’s ideal?

12 years ago

Kitteh’s: Wait for it.

12 years ago

Things I have learned from this thread – misogyny makes people really really boring.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

hellkell – LOL! If he answers, of course.

Poor Monsieur Al is vexed about having his private life picked on in the other thread. 😀

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ CassandraSays – I think that’s where the apocalyptic stuff comes from, like on the other thread. Like a lot of bad spec fic authors, they have this ‘if you can’t write interestingly, write BIG’ thing going on.

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