A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
“I’m not calling zir a rape apologist, I’m just saying ze condones rape”.
Shifting goalposts, weasel words… this boring fucker’s been here before.
He has company on the other thread too.
Bad boundaries and entitlement run amok.
So many trolls… I somehow hurt my back yesterday, so now I am waiting for a muscle relaxant to kick in. I have the day off, and had so many plans and now I am cranky. -_-
cloudiah: That sucks. I hope the relaxers kick in soon.
Thanks hellkell. Me too.
Not remotely caught up, but anyone point out to NNY that the legal limit is related to impaired reaction times, not cognitive state? By which standards bedtime sex is “haphazard” since sleepiness also impairs reaction times.
But I’m making coffee, so give me a bit to catch up. Coffee anyone?
“…by that logic, everyone who has ever tried to change someones mind is entitled. You basically just diluted the meaning of entitled to mean “tried to change another person’s mind through talking”….BTW, what the guy doing is trying to persuade the girls to sleep with him.”
No, dear. He’s not trying to pursuade anyone to have sex with him. He’s trying to shame Los Angeles women (all of us, as a group) for being shallow, self absorbed, vain, bitchy, you name it because he’s not getting laid as often or as easily as he would like. He’s pissing and moaning about the fact that, on the whole, athletic/skinny, successful (or at least career-oriented), fashionable, and status-conscious women (who put an enormous amount of effort into their appearance and self-expression) aren’t falling all over a shlubby, shabby, sarcastic little boy. He thinks that it’s unfair that he should have to put forth the same amount of effort, you know, work out, be successful (or at least focused on getting and working the right connections), and have a decent wardrobe in order to get a date.
Because, you know, Seth Rogan was a fat, lazy adultescent in that movie and still got The Hot GirlTM without having to put forward any effort, so why should he? (Hey, VideoCreep! Even Seth Rogan had to get a haircut and lose the gut!)
VideoCreep doesn’t expect any of the women he is making fun of in his little rant to have sex with him, he’s doing the same thing that all Nice GuysTM do when they get shot down: turning to his friends and insulting her as she walks away. The stench of self-loathing and desperation which hangs about this behavior, and this video as a specific example of such behavior, makes it pretty unlikely that he’s ever going to be able to persuade a particular woman into bed with him because we can smell that before you even come over to our table.
“As if by him talking, these girls are just going to say “Well, I have to do it…he said so”. I don’t know, I guess I just think most women are perfectly capable of handling this situation and making their own decisions.”
See, the point is that they made their decision. Apparently more than once. But he’s a Nice GuyTM and he wants sex, so anyone who denies him must be insulted and berated for thinking she is allowed to say no.
I comment about MDMA sex, he says he’d avoid dating anyone using illicit drugs, I ask if that was about my MDMA, comment, and this happened:
“Umm…I wasn’t making a dig at you. Notice I said “illicit drugs” as in “recreational, non-prescription drugs”. Shit like Heroin or Meth. I also said avoiding them in the context of dating/having sex with. But you take it however you want.”
“There are more illicit drugs out their besides heroin and meth. Just because I didn’t name them, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”
Then thenatfantastic said — “What ze was clearly stating was that there’s a difference between people who are in a long term relationship getting down to business after splitting a bottle of wine and dragging a stranger who’s too drunk to stand home.”
Which was both my point, and why I said it’s insulting to victims of the later to call the former rape.
Good luck with your back cloudiah, hope you feel better soon!
Argenti, yes, coffee sounds awesome.
I just made a huge breakthrough on my home-roasting adventures, actually: I discovered Sweet Maria’s El Salvador Finca Siberia Bourbon. On a City Roast, it has this natural pie crust sweetness, and cold brews really nicely. Simply divine.
@Cassandrasays I’ve a few jars of homemade hedgerow jam (blackberry, apple & sloe & the only ingredient I paid for was the sugar) in my cupboard. I could always send you one …..
Mmm, home roasted beans…
That’s beyond my skill, but here’s some freshly ground and French pressed dark roast. There are various favored creamers, ready whip, and chocolate syrup, in the fridge. Enjoy!
Hooray! I have the dubious distinction of being a coffee enthusiast who really enjoys sugary flavored coffee 😀
Well there are two of us then! I’m drinking it with hazelnut creamer, ready whip and cinnamon (between violin practice bits that is, just realized EA was up next and suddenly I like Bach)
NNY: pecunium, by that logic, everyone who has ever tried to change someones mind is entitled.
Nope. He’s not making any argument more involved than, “It makes me unhappy, so it needs to change”. That’s entitled.
thenatfantastic, I am not calling anyone a rape apologist.
Yes, you are. You are saying that Argenti, and anyone who agrees with hir, is arguing for rape.
Here’s how it works (since logic doesn’t seem to be your strong suit).
1: Argenti says that DUI levels of intoxication are not sufficient impairment to, without variance; or consideration, invalidate previously given consent.
2: You argue that it does.
3: If you think what Argenti is arguing is rape (which you claim you do) than you are accusing hir of justifying rape.
4: A person who justifies rape is a rape-apologist.
QED You have called Argenti a rape-apologist.
It’s 100 level logic.
Mmm, home roasted beans…
That’s beyond my skill
I doubt it.
Re: all the “consent around drinking” stuff…I mean, there have been times when I was drunk. Inhibitions/anxiety lowered, very chatty, and later, more mellow. YET, I was completely able to express my wishes and act on my own desires. I was still able to communicate freely my consent (or lack thereof). The people who made out with drunk me were not sexually assaulting me. I was ACTIVELY CHOOSING to do something, while drunk.
And yet, there were OTHER times when I got even more drunk (on different levels of alcohol, depending on the circumstances, weird right?), where I was woozy, out of it, slurring my words, and drifting off if I found a sturdy enough wall to lean on. If someone tried to have sex with me then, groped at me, etc, that would not have been ok, because I couldn’t actively consent.
I was unaware it was that difficult to tell the difference with other people. NNY, maybe it’s just you*?
Lol, worst case I ruin beans I guess…any clue where I can get un roasted beans? Finding whole beans has been enough of a challenge (I refuse to buy solely Starbucks, even without their burning the coffee, it’s still overdone)
And honestly, I find it hilarious that NNY’s accusing me of rape apologia because I think one can still consent at DUI levels of drunk *shakes head* — thanks for laying it out 101 style for him though, T-2 to EA has my brain a bit flustered!
pseudo_star_17 — yeah, exactly! this is only complex if you’re looking for the exact line where you can claim your partner was sober enough that slurring a “fuck it, why not” is totally consent! (Note, giving in to repeated demands, sober or not, might be legal, it’s shady as fuck — ask, accept a no, get over it)
cloudiah, bad backs suck rotten eggs. ::sends Better Back Vibes via intertubes::
Argenti: do you have a Whole Foods near you? They might have unroasted beans.
If you want, I know some places in NYC to get them, and can send them along, should you want some.
Thanks, Kittehs’. Hey wait, I thought feminists were supposed to be all mean and bitter. You’re all letting Team Feminism down by being so nice and stuff.
Pecunium — thanks for the links and offer, but let me think about it, I go through like two pounds a week (yeah I know, I drink too much coffee)
And um, it’s either an electric oven or open flame — I can cook on a campfire, so I can use the fireplace if electric is fail, but opinion here? (Besides that electric ovens kind of suck in general)
Hellkell — out by the mall apparently, might have to give that a shot before I pay to ship things I might just fuck up.
Wants to be a pan, though one can roast in an oven (I’ve seen some interesting instructions.)