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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

Also, I’m pretty sure that if Argenti commented here and was met with a wall of “get lost, nobody wants to talk to you, you tedious asshole” zie would actually comply with that request and leave. It’s particularly funny to watch someone trying to pull the I’m a better anti-rape activist than you line while blatantly ignoring the fact that they’ve been clearly told by multiple people that their presence is not welcome.

12 years ago

Red huckleberries are lower elevation. You find them on lower mountain slopes and blue huckleberries higher up, with an area of overlap in between.

But I guess they don’t grow east of the Cascades very much, so that would explain why in Idaho you only found the blue kind. Did you ever serve the trout with huckleberries or huckleberry sauce? Because salmon with huckleberries is great!

12 years ago

*pours out Makers Mark for everyone, in honor of her grandfather*

One funny thing about belonging to an ancestor-worshiping, alcohol obsessed religion is that now I indulge in the alcohols preferred by both grandparents. I’m out of Piesporter wine, though; must pick up more!

I don’t think I could pick a cuisine to be the only one… though if I never had cheese again I’d be a sad Deo, so I might pick French just to save me from that heinous fate.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cassandra — I’d have a sad if it was y’all, but had I gotten that in the first place and not come to like you all? Yeah, wtf’s the point in that? (Fuck, is it Mr. Al?)

12 years ago

It’s just sort of comical to watch. If someone can’t be trusted to respect even the really low-level boundaries why would you trust them to respect the big ones?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Because clearly I’m just a rape apologist if I think I could consent while as drunk as I am currently! And he knows better!

Like every adult on the planet doesn’t know the difference between falling down // vomiting drunk and “just over the legal limit”. Or because “has been consenting while getting impaired” is totally the same as “consenting for next Thursday”.

Oh, I know, because mansplaing is totally a viable reason to insist on continuing to comment, while rape is clearly a violation! (Fuck, that’s probably it, he probably thinks that this isn’t any sort of violation of boundaries because he has something important to say damnit!)

Hilariously, autocorrect turned violit into violin…fitting considering I kneed myself in the violin earlier.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

You know, it’s straight up insulting to have him claiming that it’d be rape to have sex with me currently, even if I’ve been saying I wanted to already. Why’s this insulting? Because I already implied, at least once this thread, that my rape-by-too-drunk-to-consent anniversary is coming up. And fuck if being told that sex right now would be the same as that isn’t a goddamned insult.

(Did already text the not-an-ex that today’s flirting had to cease immediately, I’m too drunk to drive. Unfortunately, ze’s apparently asleep already…8 am class, right >.< )

12 years ago

I suspect that he’s focusing on the legal limit out of paranoia about false rape accusations. And also to annoy you and try to provoke you into an outburst, because that’s how trolls get their kicks.

12 years ago

This is why trolls are shitty people, because they enjoy picking at emotional scabs like that and making other people unhappy.

Hugs if you want them, btw.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Clearly a newb if he thinks swearing is me having an outburst! Not swearing is far worse, means I’ve gotten serious (why so serious?!)

And fuck that, whiskey = not being serious, sorry, please call back in the morning.

That above little fit of rage is the closest he’s getting, I’m too tired to care.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Thanks for the hugs, I think I’m calling it a night — it’s 3 here, I’m beat, I’m no longer drunk enough for this, and if I stay up any longer I’m going to need food and I’m so not playing don’t wake daddy.

And fuck, he’s only getting at that scab because I’m close enough to anniversary time that the appropriate psych drug has become little more than a nightly ritual. (Here’s to trying to escape the emerald city? So much better than the terrifying zombie things the night before…yeah, I’m not even thinking about those, could write a horror novel with that one and I’d really rather not)

Chocolate and/or whiskey?

12 years ago

Night, and I hope you have nice dreams (or none if you prefer) for a change.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*falling asleep on ipad* yeah, it’s sleepy time, g’night guys!

katz — I’ll opt for none, it’s more likely. Thank you πŸ™‚

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

You’re prolly already in bed, Argenti, but extra hugs and kitty hugs if you want ’em.

12 years ago

I think we all need some kittehz.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::am ded of cute::

If you copy the html code from the “share” button on YouTube, it comes as “http” instead of “https” and will embed here. πŸ™‚

12 years ago

(Or just delete the S from https.)

12 years ago

NNY: The other thing you are doing, as you argue this is some form of satire, is validate his sense of entitlement. If we accept, arguendo, that he is engaging in satire, the we have to accept also that, as satire, it’s meant to change the way people do things (think “A Modest Proposal”).

What is he looking to change? Not himself, since the problem is all those stuck up women who won’t fuck a fine specimen. That means he (and so you, since you are arguing it is satire) wants women, as a class, to have new standards; standards that have the super models fucking him.

That’s entitlement, and a demand for a lesser agency on the part of the women he wants to have sex with.

12 years ago

Late to the party, but:

Oh, and from a legal standpoint. Getting consent while drunk is a haphazard way of getting consent. I would even go so far as to say it should be avoided at all costs. Plus, the concept of drunk people giving consent is one big ass legal grey area. In my mind, it’s actually safer to just never have sex while your partner is drunk. Thus, you avoid these problems.

NNY: what are your thoughts on video taping your encounters to avoid false accusations? Contracts? The gold standard? Hmmm?

How’s Ashley? She deflate yet? Or does she still giggle when you spank her?

Sirloin and bourbon? As others have said, you are dull even in your culinary adventures.

12 years ago

Argenti, I don’t see it as insulting nor am I trying to pick at an emotional scab.

I am just voicing my opinion on what I think constitutes rape. And I think sleeping with someone that has been drinking to the point where they legally can’t drive makes you a shitty person. I see it as immoral and taking advantage of a vulnerable person.

Rape isn’t just what you say it is, it’s an actual thing that has some pretty objective standards as to committing it. Just because you say ok to sex after having a few drinks, doesn’t just magically make it not rape.

My reasoning for having these strict standards is not to avoid false rape allegations, but to be a decent human being. Actually taking advantage of someone in a reduced mental state is a pretty shitty thing. People that go out to bars, get people intoxicated and use that as a way to sleep with them are also reprehensible.

There are more illicit drugs out their besides heroin and meth. Just because I didn’t name them, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

No, Jameson’s is a fine Irish Whiskey. It’s good shit. I’m not big on Scotch though.

pecunium, by that logic, everyone who has ever tried to change someones mind is entitled. You basically just diluted the meaning of entitled to mean “tried to change another person’s mind through talking”. Do you really think persuasion and entitlement are the same thing? Because that would mean every ad on TV wasn’t just trying to persuade me to buy, they actually felt entitled to my money. Every time I got into a political debate with a family member, we weren’t trying to persuade each other to adopt the opposing viewpoint. We actually felt entitled about it and expected they change their minds.

BTW, what the guy doing is trying to persuade the girls to sleep with him. He is just doing it poorly. I also see it as rather misogynist to think that just by trying to persuade a woman into sex somehow reduces her to an object that has no agency or control over the situation. As if by him talking, these girls are just going to say “Well, I have to do it…he said so”. I don’t know, I guess I just think most women are perfectly capable of handling this situation and making their own decisions.

12 years ago

Yeah, it’s adorable that you’re trying to accuse Argenti of being a rape apologist, but since people here actually know and like zir, that shit ain’t gonna fly buddy-boy.

What ze was clearly stating was that there’s a difference between people who are in a long term relationship getting down to business after splitting a bottle of wine and dragging a stranger who’s too drunk to stand home.

You can try play ‘moral high ground’, but you should leave at least one paragraph between that and attempting to defend someone who thinks that everyone who doesn’t want to jump on his dick is defective and a terrible person.

12 years ago

oh man, so much goalpost moving.

12 years ago

Go away, NNY. We don’t want you here. Staying here means you are NOT a decent human being.

katz, we were pretty purist about no sauce on the trout. She just coated it with Bisquick and pan fried it. Tiny little things they were. I miss those huckleberries though — we no longer have a source for them since we don’t have any relatives left in the panhandle region. πŸ™

12 years ago

thenatfantastic, I am not calling anyone a rape apologist.

12 years ago

Still here? Oh dear, it’s as if you just don’t care about other people’s wishes at all. Hmm, how does this relate to the topic under discussion?

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