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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

Maybe if we drank the bourbon it would make listening to him less tedious?

12 years ago

You just don’t see the categorical imperative much on blogs these days. Well played.

12 years ago

I tend to talk shit about my national cuisine since I prefer things spicier, and vegetables very lightly cooked, but there are a few things that we do really well. Any sort of baked goods are usually good in the UK, as is a lot of dairy, and I’ve never has strawberries as good as the ones in Scotland anywhere else.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

It’s impossible to continue to affirm consent while drinking/doing drugs? “I want to have sex with you but let me finish my drink first” isn’t consent?

And is “better to avoid people who do illicit drugs” supposed to be a dig at my earlier MDMA comment? Cuz damn do I not care. See, where my official legally prescribed drug is a joke? Yeah, MDMA actually works, so this is my caring face.

(A line I have shamelessly stolen from my brother’s best friend, because we all need “this is my caring face” snark)

You disprove your own point btw — 1~2 drinks is DUI drunk for other people, but it takes 3~4 for you, but you never said 1~2 drinks was too drunkā€¦so which is it, 1~2 drinks is DUI drunk for some people, and that’s too drunk; DUI drunk isn’t the sort of drunk you meant (note, you need a new standard if you pick this one); you’d go with how much it takes you to get drunk, with the risk that your partner gets drunk faster; or your brain is a BAC calculating machine and you can guess exactly how drunk someone is?

*cracks neck* guys, don’t let me drive, I’m posting while DUI drunk (not that that’s a first, or that I even have a driving license, but you get the point!)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cassandra, I’m into the whiskey, not the bourbon, but it isn’t really helping make him less tedious. More amusingly tedious perhaps, but still tedious (and my apparently to use a touch screen is suffering)

12 years ago

On the topic of good things from the UK – whiskey fudge! Whiskey truffles! Creamy puddings with whiskey! Pretty much anything featuring whiskey plus sugar, really.

12 years ago

Cassandra, have you tried Swanton strawberries? I haven’t had Scottish strawberries so can’t compare, but they’re the closest to what I grew at home as a kid.

12 years ago

@ cloudiah

Where would I find them? My experience has been that farmed strawberries are usually not as good as the ones you grow at home, possibly because they’re so fragile that by the time the reach the store most of the flavor is gone.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Whiskey plus sugarā€¦whiskey plus teaā€¦is colonized India a valid food choice? Probably not since I don’t think historical options count (and that one is a sucky one at that) and British curry didn’t count.

Also, wild blueberry pancakes — best thing ever, particularly since half the group was all “idk if those are blueberries, I’m not eating random berries”. Good, more for me!

12 years ago

@Cassandra, You kinda have to go there, but they’re closer to you than they are to me. I’d wait for strawberry season and take a little road trip if you’re looking for better than market quality strawberries.

I met my northern friends in Monterey and they’d stopped at Swanton on their way down, and I nearly ODd on those berries.

12 years ago

Argenti, It depends on how many you have had. If you had 1 drink and said that, fine. If you had a 12 pack and said it, no.

Umm…I wasn’t making a dig at you. Notice I said “illicit drugs” as in “recreational, non-prescription drugs”. Shit like Heroin or Meth. I also said avoiding them in the context of dating/having sex with. But you take it however you want.

I thought I was pretty clear. BAC is subjective and is determined largely by a persons weight. So if I was dating someone 100 pounds my cut off would be 1 drink. If they weighted 200 pounds, that cut off would be around 2-3 drinks.

It doesn’t require a bunch of math or even a calculator. Just count the drinks in an hour. The less they weight the lower the number you set as the cut off. Personally, when in doubt, be conservative and just stop right then and there.

It’s not about being “too drunk”. It’s about stopping a sexual encounter when you think your partner could blow a .08 into a breathalyzer. If that number is the number the legal system has set to determine you can’t drive, then it’s good enough for me to determine when a person can no longer consent.

12 years ago

Argenti, My father was from the northern Idaho panhandle, and we’d go up there every spring or summer to visit my grandparents and pick huckleberries. Similar to blueberries but smaller and with a bit more of a sour cast. Golly I miss those.

12 years ago

Argenti, Bourbon is whiskey. That whole “all bourbons are whiskey, but not all whiskeys are bourbon”

12 years ago

Mmm, huckleberries! Were you at blue-huckleberry elevation or red-huckleberry?

12 years ago

Blue huckleberries, and we always had to watch for black bears.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Strawberries! I’ll take those and the other Bourbon, you lot can have the whisky/whiskey and variations. šŸ˜‰

Peter – thank you, I looked up what the categorical imperative is and now I’ve got “Immanuel Kant was a real pissant / who was very rarely stable” playing on loop in my head.

Damn philosophers.

12 years ago

Wow, this guy can’t even talk about food without being a tedious pain in the ass. It takes special talent to make booze sound boring.

12 years ago

I’ve usually picked them at red elevation, but the two kinds taste quite similar. So tasty fresh, and so good in pies and jams and everything else.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Goddamned he’s like a anti-feminist talking point machine!

Any drunk sex is rape? Check!
Might as well need to carry a breathalyzer to be sure about BAC? Check!

Added points for deciding to define illicit drugs as heroin and meth, but not MDMA, idk wtf laws you live under, but can you tell us? I want to move there.

And Jameson’s ain’t bourbon, it’s moot if bourbon is whiskey, because I’m not into the bourbon = true statement.

But seriously, DUI drunk is too druk to be of a mindset to consent? Did you get that I’m probably DUI drunk currently?

Cassandra, do you remember my mango and vodka birthday over the summer? I could barely walk, more or less consistent than NNY?

12 years ago

Another thing I miss from home is blackberry jam (which we’d call bramble jam). I suppose I could make it here, but the problem is that berries are so expensive it seems like a real indulgence, whereas at home my granny and I would just go out and pick the berries for free.

12 years ago

Peter: I’m not usually so fond of using the first formulation: I tend to boil him down, “You’re not special” is the big takeaway from Kant.

12 years ago

My grandmother also used to get trout that were caught the same day and cook them in bacon fat. (Obviously I was not a vegetarian then.) I associate northern Idaho with great food.

Where’s the red elevation for huckleberries? I did not know of this!

12 years ago

As a Scot I must point out that we don’t consider bourbon to be whisky. It’s a whisky derived drink, sure, but at this point it’s really its own, quite wonderful thing.

Drunk Argenti was a lot more interesting than sober tedious dude. Not least because you sounded less like a random cliche generating bot.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I never said 1~2 drinks

As soon as a person is intoxicated

accepting consent from someone intoxicated, you are committing rape

Itā€™s not about being ā€œtoo drunkā€. Itā€™s about stopping a sexual encounter when you think your partner could blow a .08 into a breathalyzer.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cassandra — thank you, I thought I was more interesting, but drunk logic is questionable after all! (But not so questionable that the moment you hit DUI drunk you must cease all sexytimes or it just became rape)

cloudiah — berries come smaller than blueberries? Interestingā€¦

Also, my above post? All things tedious dude has said. Never thought I’d give myself a headache trying to define intoxicated (totally different than giving myself a headache being intoxicated)

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