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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

Also, Libyan food, I miss it so much. I’m kind of meh about potatoes in general, but there’s no place in the world that does potatoes as well as they do in Libya.

12 years ago

Japan makes it into my top ten, and I’d really be sad to give up sushi and sashimi, but in terms of diversity China just has so much more to offer.

If the focus was on health I’d put Japanese food in the top slot, though. Also Mr C thought it was funny that I refused to even consider a cuisine that wasn’t tea-centric for the top spot.

12 years ago

NNY: I never said the guy that made this video was some upstanding citizen.

Really? You said it was “weak satire”. Satire is social commentary. Since you are arguing that the main point of what you see as satire has validity; and you claim to know nothing else about him, on what do you base this claim of his lack of upstandingness?

12 years ago

Argenti: *bangs head on wall* one or two drinks is technically intoxicated, probably DUI level even, but two drinks making it rape even with someone who’s already consenting? Why the fuck do people think feminists think this?!

He’s using it to beat you with. He’s pretending he has a more reasonable standard for rape, because he thinks it’s impossible to have meaningful consent with anyone who has had more than one drink.

Since you don’t that means you are more supportive of rapists than he is.

That’s what he’s trying to do.

12 years ago

I work with a bunch of Iranians, and have known them through political work too — the home cooking is just entirely a different thing. When we have potlucks at work, OMG the food is amazing.

The uncomfortable thing about eating with Iranians in their homes if that if you admire anything they will try to give it to you.
“That’s a lovely painting.”
“Let me wrap that up so you can take it home.”
“No really, I think it’s perfect here, I just think it’s very nice.”
“It is yours now.”

They are very nice people.

12 years ago

Boring and disingenuous is a particularly unpleasant combination.

12 years ago

@ cloudiah

Next time you’re up here remind me to direct you to the small local coffee chain owned by an Iranian family (who came to the US by way of Paris, where they lived for I think at least 10 years). The dad/boss is one of my favorite local business people, and their coffee is awesome. Also, house-made hummus.

12 years ago

Japan makes it into my top ten, and I’d really be sad to give up sushi and sashimi, but in terms of diversity China just has so much more to offer.

Chinese and Japanese would probably be my 2 and 3, and then Italian and Greek could duke it out for 4. I’ve never had Persian food but I should look for some.

12 years ago

Also, I’m just going to share this here because where else could I.

I used to work with a Persian woman who had the most amazing insults. Her standard was “Go to my ass!” but she would customize it. After Thanksgiving, she would say “Go to my ass and eat turkey shit.”

I wish I could remember more — at some point we wrote them down because they were so incredible.

12 years ago

Argenti, I never said one or two drinks. But if we use BAC during driving, most states allow for .08. Which a 140lb woman would probably blow that after 2 drinks. I guess it would be easier if the courts had a certain cut off for terminating consent, but we can always use the drunk driving precedent as a good starting point.

Pecunium, so what if he “thinks/feels” he has entitlement? His thoughts are not actual reality. And in the real world, anyone of those girls has the agency to tell him off, say “no”, spray him with mace, ignore him, etc…. He can go around thinking he’s the ambassador or the world, that doesn’t make it reality.

12 years ago

What level of cultural assimilation are we allowing here? If I picked British, would I be allowed to have curries? What sorts of things would count as American?

12 years ago

katz, the best Persian restaurant food is out in the Glendale area. Message me on the Forums or my blog if you want recommendations. It’s not home cooking, but since the rents are lower there than in WLA the ingredients are better.

12 years ago

We agreed that we weren’t allowed to cheat by picking areas where there’s so much diversity that there are multiple cuisines co-existing, so we wouldn’t just be able to go “OK, Hawaii then” and be done.

12 years ago

Or, for that matter, the Bay Area. There are very few cuisines that aren’t well represented here.

(The obvious gaps are African and Caribbean.)

12 years ago

My favorite insult from the Gulf implies that the mother of the person being insulted had sex with a camel and that’s why their face looks like it does.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium — one, I fucking know, and two shots in I probably still argue better than him (though frankly, I might just watch how to oatmeal and go to bed, my stupid meter was full before noon). Second, please evicerate “or mace him”.

NNY — no, you said “as soon as a person is intoxicated” and now you’re trying to claim that you didn’t imply DUI level intoxicated (which is 1~2 drinks for most people).

Guys, I need a “back to logic class with you!” gif, someone remind me of this tomorrow? When I’ll ha the energy to actually do it? Thanks!

12 years ago

Are we sure the new troll isn’t Brandon returning? If not he has a twin.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

My tedious meter is about full up, but my father really put a killing on it earlier (apparently it isn’t racism if you’re just repeating and laughing at a racist joke)

Oh, a plan! Since I’m already two shots in…psych pills time, I should be out cold soon after (and, with any luck, the damned anti-PTSD-nightmare drug will do something useful…though trying to escape from emerald city was interesting…[I blame erfworld])

12 years ago

Also! In terms of choosing a cuisine Mr C’s counter-argument was that China lacks dessert options, but then I reminded him about jin deui. The ones filled with black sesame are one of my favorite things.

(Thailand definitely wins the battle of the desserts out of the cuisines that I’d choose, though.)

12 years ago

NNY: Pecunium, so what if he “thinks/feels” he has entitlement? His thoughts are not actual reality.

Because what he thinks is what this entire post is about.

You can go around pretending that his lack of ability to engage in a Kantian willing of it to be a rule for the universe makes it not true that he has a sense of entitlement, but he does.

That’s the reality of it.

And you are defending it.


12 years ago

Oh, and a piece of informational news. I’ll be in the Bay Area (milpitas, palo alto, walnut creek) for the first ten days of March.

A meet-up might be arrangeable.

12 years ago

We agreed that we weren’t allowed to cheat by picking areas where there’s so much diversity that there are multiple cuisines co-existing, so we wouldn’t just be able to go “OK, Hawaii then” and be done.

Right, but surely that doesn’t rule out Britain. So curries or no curries?

12 years ago

I’d say no on the curries, since they’re not originally British and haven’t spawned a fusion cuisine. Same reason that you can’t really count the Indian food in Singapore, even though there’s lots of it and it’s really good.

12 years ago

Argenti, It’s not 1-2 drinks for everyone though. It takes 3-4 for me. a 90lb dude could probably just smell the booze and blow .08 (yeah, it’s an exaggeration).

BAC is highly subjective on weight and metabolism. If I was dating someone 100lb, I would stop after 1 drink. If I was dating someone 230lb, I would stop after 3 or 4.

Also, I don’t really want to get into a “my rape standard is the only correct standard”. I am just basing what I view rape by on other legal precedents and what I would see as best practices.

Drunk people can’t give consent.
Consent can only be given in the present. You can’t give sexual consent to a future event. I highly doubt “She said I could have sex with her next Thursday” would hold up in court. Plus, it’s creepy.
Drinking while having sex is a legal time bomb if communication get’s fouled up. Thus, it is just best to avoid having sex with people that are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Hell, it’s even better policy to avoid dating people that use illicit drugs period.
A person going from sober to drunk has experienced a shift in mental state. Thus this requires that person to affirm consent. If that person is drunk or high, that isn’t possible.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Rats. I was going to say Australian food if we were allowed to pick a country with mixed cuisines. Hmm, if it’s a homogenous national cuisine … probably English (no curries!), simply because that’s what my preferred food derives from. Italian or French would follow.

I thought “sirloin steak and a [B]ourbon” was the first worthwhile idea Boring Boring Boring Son of B____ has had. 😉

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