are these guys 12 years old? creepy entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys playing the victim transphobia YouTube

The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

If I made this video, I would be slapping ads all over it to make bank.

Argenti, If my partner says “no”, I respect that. However, if I get “no” over weeks or months, then I am going to come to the conclusion that we aren’t a good match sexually and find someone I am more compatible with. So in a way, I feel entitled to have sex when I am in an intimate relationship with someone.

Even if he felt entitled to sex from every single woman in that video. That doesn’t change reality. And that reality is those women still didn’t lose their agency. They clearly could have told him to “fuck off” or whatever. They weren’t required or forced to do what he wanted.

Oh, and from a legal standpoint. Getting consent while drunk is a haphazard way of getting consent. I would even go so far as to say it should be avoided at all costs. Plus, the concept of drunk people giving consent is one big ass legal grey area. In my mind, it’s actually safer to just never have sex while your partner is drunk. Thus, you avoid these problems.

12 years ago

Just wait until he figures out how much of the culinary influence in the cuisine of the New Orleans area is actually African*. Seriously, if you get a chance to try Joloff Chicken you’ll be sitting there going “oh, so this is where jambalaya came from”.

(Scroll down and look at the recipe and photo – .)

* It really irks me how often people just sort of write off the African influence on that particular cuisine and focus on the French influence instead. It’s so blatantly racist.

(And yeah, I know that Cajun and Creole are not the same thing, but most people effectively treat them as if they are if they’re not actually from Louisiana themselves.)

12 years ago

Maybe if we talk about food tedious dude will go away.

12 years ago

I am always down for a sirloin steak with a quality bourbon.

12 years ago

Wow, Argenti. You ought to start a Twitter account for stupid shit he says.

12 years ago

Wow, he’s just as tedious about food as he is about everything else.

Hey, I watched Breathless earlier today, and Jean Seberg is totally negged in that movie.

12 years ago

Random topic that might hopefully bore the troll into leaving! Mr C and I were playing this game the other day.

If you were for some reason restricted to eating the food of only one country for the rest of your life, which country would you pick? Possible things to consider – level of diversity within the cuisine, what you’d prefer your staple starch to be, whether or not you care about dessert/vegetarian options/being able to drink booze with your food/how healthy it would be overall.

I didn’t even have to think about it – I would choose China.

12 years ago

India. Vegetarian options galore. (I’m a lapsed vegetarian, but still eat low on the food chain about 80% of the time.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Sorry Cassandra, but I’m approaching least favorite anniversary time and thus cannot ignore “drunk consent is a grey area”

NNY — re: entitled vs entitlement, dude felt/feels entitled to have sex with people who do not want to have sex with him, wtf is your point with how they could tell him to fuck off? Doesn’t make him less of an asshole, or less rapey if he insists on having sex anyways. As for “entitled to have sex in a relationship”, nope, you’re entitled to break up, form a new relationship, whatever, but you are not entitled to sex from anyone (ever, period)

Re: drunk consent as a legal grey area — I have expect Pecunium to have replied to that before I hit post, cuz iPad. But if not — getting consent while your (potential) partner is drunk isn’t haphazard, or grey area, or any of the weasel words you want to use to dance around the fact that sex while too intoxicated to consent is rape. Give me a moment and I’ll pull a legal example even.

As for never having sex while your partner is drunk, thanks for proving the point of wtf I just asked about — assuming y’all were consenting while sober, and did not revoke consent (implied or explicit) there’s no reason to swear of all intoxicated sex. If you want to, well go ahead, but don’t make it sound like this is some feminist requirement.

TMI time! Sex on MDMA is amazing — we were already having sexytimes, both in general and that day, and thought it sounded like an interesting idea. It was an excellent idea. /but high sex can be awesome if you aren’t an asshole/rapist

12 years ago

@ cloudiah

India and Thailand would be tied for second place for me. The funny thing was that going down the list there was only one European country that made it into the top 10 for either of us (Italy for me, Spain for him).

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Sec. 53a-70. Sexual assault in the first degree: Class B or A felony. (a) A person is guilty of sexual assault in the first degree when such person (1) compels another person to engage in sexual intercourse by the use of force against such other person or a third person, or by the threat of use of force against such other person or against a third person which reasonably causes such person to fear physical injury to such person or a third person, or (2) engages in sexual intercourse with another person and such other person is under thirteen years of age and the actor is more than two years older than such person, or (3) commits sexual assault in the second degree as provided in section 53a-71 and in the commission of such offense is aided by two or more other persons actually present, or (4) engages in sexual intercourse with another person and such other person is mentally incapacitated to the extent that such other person is unable to consent to such sexual intercourse.

(5) “Mentally incapacitated” means that a person is rendered temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling such person’s conduct owing to the influence of a drug or intoxicating substance administered to such person without such person’s consent, or owing to any other act committed upon such person without such person’s consent.

Sec. 53a-71. Sexual assault in the second degree: Class C or B felony. (a) A person is guilty of sexual assault in the second degree when such person engages in sexual intercourse with another person and: (1) Such other person is thirteen years of age or older but under sixteen years of age and the actor is more than three years older than such other person; or (2) such other person is mentally defective to the extent that such other person is unable to consent to such sexual intercourse; or (3) such other person is physically helpless; or (4) such other person is less than eighteen years old and the actor is such person’s guardian or otherwise responsible for the general supervision of such person’s welfare; or (5) such other person is in custody of law or detained in a hospital or other institution and the actor has supervisory or disciplinary authority over such other person; or (6) the actor is a psychotherapist and such other person is (A) a patient of the actor and the sexual intercourse occurs during the psychotherapy session, (B) a patient or former patient of the actor and such patient or former patient is emotionally dependent upon the actor, or (C) a patient or former patient of the actor and the sexual intercourse occurs by means of therapeutic deception; or (7) the actor accomplishes the sexual intercourse by means of false representation that the sexual intercourse is for a bona fide medical purpose by a health care professional; or (8) the actor is a school employee and such other person is a student enrolled in a school in which the actor works or a school under the jurisdiction of the local or regional board of education which employs the actor; or (9) the actor is a coach in an athletic activity or a person who provides intensive, ongoing instruction and such other person is a recipient of coaching or instruction from the actor and (A) is a secondary school student and receives such coaching or instruction in a secondary school setting, or (B) is under eighteen years of age; or (10) the actor is twenty years of age or older and stands in a position of power, authority or supervision over such other person by virtue of the actor’s professional, legal, occupational or volunteer status and such other person’s participation in a program or activity, and such other person is under eighteen years of age.

(6) “Physically helpless” means that a person is unconscious or for any other reason is physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act.

If you really want to test whether not quite physically helpless and incapacitated by her own drinking is legal, well that’s not “haphazard”, that’s fucking rape-tastic. Normal people do not go looking for cracks in the law which allow you to get away with rape (why do I know this one? Because my ex found that crack and exploited it, so fuck you very much NNY)

12 years ago

(Also we agreed that we couldn’t cheat by using options like Singapore where there are multiple different cuisines thriving in one place.)

12 years ago

If I were to completely lapse as a vegetarian, French would be the European I chose, with Italian and Spanish being the runners up. Barring that, Ethiopian and Thai would be my 2nd choices (ahead of European). Really good Mexican is up there, but again only if I give up on trying to be a veg-head.

And go Argenti, go! No need to ignore just because we are.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Food choice — India, easily.

katz — he’s a frequent flyer on my regular twitter account (I’m very boring, I’m ArgentiAertheri everywhere)

12 years ago

India, no question. It’s just got so much diversity. Spicy things, milder things, veggies, meat, legumes, bread, rice, potatoes, interesting drinks…

12 years ago

Mr C put Vietnamese first (it was in my top 10 too). The hardest part was figuring out how to include the food of the Persian Gulf and the Levant, since cuisines tend to blend into each other there rather than being distinct. Persia, however, is its own thing and definitely goes on the list. It’s also a much better option for vegetarians than you might realize from looking at a restaurant menu. Completely out for vegans, though.

12 years ago


Whatever. My point being is that continuing an intimate relationship is stipulated on frequent sex. If the other person refuses, then that relationship is dissolved.

I never said the guy that made this video was some upstanding citizen.

Your stance on drunk sex is still convoluted. On one point you say “the fact that sex while too intoxicated to consent is rape”. Then you said “assuming y’all were consenting while sober, and did not revoke consent (implied or explicit) there’s no reason to swear of all intoxicated sex.”

So from what I can gather, drunk sex is only consensual when it started off when both parties were sober and gave consent. Is that the position you are taking?

My position is, as soon as a person is intoxicated, that person automatically has revoked all consent (present and future). Drunk people are not in a mental state that allows them to consent, thus accepting consent from someone intoxicated, you are committing rape. Regardless of if they consented sober.

So from my standpoint, your position is actually rape.

12 years ago

I live in Tehrangeles. Persian home cooking is amazing; the restaurant stuff I don’t like as much. What they do with rice is transformative — for the rice, and for the consumer of rice. They also make some sweets that are incredible, though I don’t like many of them.

Lebanese food, and maybe Armenian, are my favorite from that region.

And now I’m hungry.

12 years ago

Shut up NNY. No one cares.

Now I’m watching Down by Law. (The Criterion collection is free on Hulu this weekend.)

12 years ago

NNY: So we can add stupid to dishonest: I have no idea why he is complaining why the women aren’t reciprocating. Maybe he is just ranting.

If you don’t know why he’s doing it, and you don’t agree with the premise he’s spouting (that women ought not be allowed to have the same sort of criteria he does), why are you supporting and defending him?

That’s stupid, and you’re soaking in it.

Also, when I think of entitled (plus, the actual definition!), I think of someone having a legal or de facto claim to something.

Because we are discussing the sense of entitlement. The idea that he is owed a supermodel; which he expresses in the video.

How exactly are those consequences predictable?

He has unreasonable expectations. They are not being realised.

Kucinich is a bad example. For one he isn’t fat, two he isn’t a slob. He is also fairly wealthy, has a high social standing (being a politician and all) and is well known.

Um… Kucinich wasn’t all that well known in 1977 when he married Sandra Lee McCarthy; who was no slouch in the looks dept. either. So the “rich and famous” argument doesn’t wash. Then again, not fat, and not a slob don’t seem to apply to you, so what’s keeping all the hot babes from clubbing you on the head and dragging you off to bed?

Oh yeah, those unreasonable expectations.

I am certainly not getting into a debate about beauty since you have already made your stance very clear. What is, “my stance

It would be futile.

I agree, but not for the reasons you think.

I’m basically calling him stupid when everyone else is calling him a scumbag. So apparently, if I don’t dislike him as much as you (and the other commenters)

I don’t dislike him. I don’t know him. I disdain him. He is peurile, immature, and lacking in talent. Where he might have actually attempted satire he chose rather to vent his personal spleen in a way more revelatory of his inner double standard and dislike of women as agents.

You, in a similar way, have refused to engage with those who ask you direct questions, ignore the actual arguments, present strawmen and misrepresent the arguments made; while attempting to redefine the terms in use (see above, re “entitled”). Conveniently this shifts the debate to ground which appears more favorable; but even stacking the deck you are both unable (see what passes for argument in the above reply to me) present a coherent argument, nor willing to debate the point you choose to raise (e.g. standards of beauty).

It’s pathetic. You were doing better when it looked as if you had quit the field. There was at least a pretense of dignity in that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*bangs head on wall* one or two drinks is technically intoxicated, probably DUI level even, but two drinks making it rape even with someone who’s already consenting? Why the fuck do people think feminists think this?!

Where does this madness come from?!

“Too intoxicated” =/= “remotely intoxicated” but if you have that much issue with modifiers, I really cannot help you.

Anyone else want to try explaining this? I’m too tired and annoyed to lay out step by step the difference between a couple of drinks and falling down drunk…NNY, go google BAC, wiki has a nice chart. Wtf BAC is “too intoxicated” is a YMMV situation, and you’re welcome to say any booze at all is too much, but legally, well, I just fucking pasted you an example.

12 years ago

I am always down for a sirloin steak with a quality bourbon.

So you are boring in the kitchen, and the dining room too, not just on the internet.

Even if he felt entitled to sex from every single woman in that video. That doesn’t change reality. And that reality is those women still didn’t lose their agency. They clearly could have told him to “fuck off” or whatever. They weren’t required or forced to do what he wanted.

Again with the pointless quibbles. The issue isn’t “does he have a legal claim to fuck them agaisnt their will?”, but “Does he think he has a right to fuck supermodels”.

It seems he does. That means he has entitlement issues; even if he never actually acts on them.

12 years ago

Persian restaurant food is so boring, the menus are always so limited. Not that I don’t like kebabs, but really, more than two vegetable options would be nice, and where are the stews?

I’m really fond of Saudi food, and the food from Dubai etc which is very similar. Unfortunately it’s pretty much impossible to get here unless you make it yourself. When I finally found a store that had kebsa spices I nearly hugged the shopkeeper.

12 years ago

Cassandra: If you were for some reason restricted to eating the food of only one country for the rest of your life, which country would you pick? Possible things to consider – level of diversity within the cuisine, what you’d prefer your staple starch to be, whether or not you care about dessert/vegetarian options/being able to drink booze with your food/how healthy it would be overall.

Tough. I might have to go with Russian, since they borrowed, and imported, so much else of European cookery.

Indian is really high on the list too.

When I think about Alsation and Proven&ccela;al cooking France enters the list.

My love of lamb means Greece/Turkey are high on the list to consider.

Japan has some great stuff and, as you said, Chinese is tempting, but I think it probably comes in outside the top three, maybe outside the top five.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Actually…one or two shots is exactly what today needs…

Anyone want some Jameson’s? Warning though, if you have sex after you take a shot, even if you’re consenting right now, it’s rape. (Is he playing GOTCHA? I’m too tired to tell)

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