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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

Borked the link, but it seems to still work.

12 years ago

RE: pillow in hell

I LOVE Pink Ladies. They were my favorite until I discovered local Honey crisp apples. (The farmer’s market would have them and OM NOM NOM I EAT THEM ALLLLLL)

Brz is like if Pell and Brandon had a baby. A really boring one.

Also, HAHAHAHAHHA, “homeless is a euphemism.” HAHAHAHAHA. No, no, my sweet child, a EUPHEMISM for that is ‘unstable housing.’ I should know. (And honestly, I like it better, because I DO have a home. It’s just not actually considered fit for human habitation. But it’s my home!)

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Nat, that recipe is in the book I got!

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

And omnomberries are totally a thing in Guild Wars 2. 🙂

12 years ago

Then it is FATE and you have to make it (if you like it!).

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

LBT I like honey crisp too. Miss Gingerandry loves Fuji, but one day a cabbie suggested Pink Ladies and so now they’ve become the default snack apple.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I tried Honey Crisp apples in LA, but they weren’t that sweet – maybe not ripe enough? I like Pink Ladies too, but stick to Royal Gala if they’re around.

pillow – I like a bit of variety too, but really only go as far as pasta. Mum’s even less experimental with food than I am, so I do any different eating if I go out for lunch.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

I’ve decided I like curried food, chinese food (and I found a perfect veggie fried rice recipe!its the cabbage that’s the secret) and anything with dried beans.

Last week we had tofu chili. The tofu is okay, but I think it needs to be marinated to pick up a bit more flavor before its added to chili. Chili is a bit strange without the ground beef.

Also, the book has the MOST AwESOME roasted winter veggie recipe…and its SO CHEAP! And NOMMY! And the kid likes it too!

12 years ago

RE: pillow in hell and Kittehs

Fuji are good, but don’t do as much for me. I hate the ED for having weird effects on my sense of taste; Pink Ladies now (at least the ones here) are sometimes too strongly flavored for me. It’s like being smacked in the face with TANGY. (Or maybe it’s just the different flavor of local apples vs. store-bought ones in a totally different region.)

And Kittehs, the honey crisp I had were pretty sweet. Maybe it was a distance thing? (Since they were locally grown.)

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Nat, any ideas on making tofu itself more flavorful? Also, the fainting imam it is!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

kitteh — D’AWWW goofy looking fishies!

Also a fan of “unstable housing” — I was paying rent for a fold out couch before I moved back in here, technically homeless, but secure enough I wasn’t worried about my fish. Seems wrong to call that homeless when people sleep in shelters and on the streets. Yeah it wasn’t stable housing, but really, damned near it (subletting a room is normal in college towns, subletting a couch isn’t that weird, but technically not stable housing)

12 years ago

We used to have an August tradition that we loved when we first moved back home (here).
We would go up on Mt Washington and pick blueberries till we couldn’t pick any more. Cool off in the ice creek. Head back down and stop along the Hood Canal for blackberries. The closer they grow to the salt water the tastier they are. Stop for apples in an old orchard. Go over on Hartstine for oysters and right in front of the house for clams.
Then the feasting would commence. It was lovely!

I miss the PNW SO MUCH.

My favorite apples are the Macintosh I grew up with in NY. Delicious.

Brz, no one cares what you want to talk about, so fuck off.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@LBT – The honey crisp I had were from the orchard where I got ’em, so it wasn’t like the sort of blah flavourless frozen and gassed to ripeness stuff at the supermarkets. It was late in the season, perhaps they just weren’t the best, I dunno. I’m just glad we have a greengrocer here at home who gets fruit from local growers (and that there are any local growers left). The not-so-flash looking apples they have in their outdoor boxes (the ones with the odd insect spot or whatever) taste WAY better and are cheaper than the oh-so-glossy ones the supermarket sells.

That’s quite an effect if Pink Ladies have become too strong for you! They’re usually anything but tangy even when they’re not quite sweet enough. 🙁

@pillow in hell – LOL curried food and Chinese food are right up there on my Will Not Eat list! Eating Italian or French food is adventurous enough for me. 🙂

12 years ago

RE: Argenti

Yeah, I was actually looking up the definition of unstable housing when I was working on the webcomic, since I needed a tag for my housing situation, but I didn’t want to use the wrong one. Apparently it also includes ‘prison.’

And yeah, I’m doing pretty good. I have a steady bed, shower and kitchen facilities, people who love me… I just sleep in a closet. Which sucks, but still is AGES better than the street. (Which I still rank higher than moving in with my folks.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

LBT — prison kinda makes sense considering how many prisoners are released with nowhere to go.

Also, I’m going to be in Boston this week, email me about lunch plans?

12 years ago

@pillow in hell

I wouldn’t use tofu in chili, it’s too easy for it to become sloppy and leave you with a weird texture. I usually just use 3-5 different types of beans, and maybe some lentils. Green lentils would probably have a texture most similar to ground beef, I think, but I’ve never regularly eaten meat-based meals and stopped completely when I was 11, so I’m no authority on that!

I only use tofu rarely, but when I do I cut it into cubes about 1 inch square and deep fry it*, then add it to things with quite heavy sauces. We had it tonight in a thai red curry, but I also put it in pies with creamy sauces. The thin crust you get with frying it makes the sauce stick to it, and the small size means there’s not so much of the blandness in the middle. But lots of people swear by just marinating it – I’m too lazy to bother is all!

One of the main things with tofu is to try drain it as much as you possibly can – I drain it, press it and then press it again with kitchen towels to draw out the rest.

(*shallow frying works too, so don’t worry if you don’t have one but it’s more likely to crumble and takes longer)

Some Gal Not Bored at All


That is exactly what we do to tofu (although we do a pan fry). We love it in green curry. I think marinated tofu is fantastic, but we are also too lazy. We place tofu with paper towels between two plates in the fridge with heavy stuff on top because we are … lazy! 🙂

12 years ago

*tofu fives*

12 years ago

Any way to make tofu less work is awesome.
I’m still trying to come up with a way to fry my tofu so it is perfectly crispy.
Surprisingly difficult.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Wait, the rent is cheap? As compared to what?

12 years ago

For veggie recipes, you can sub out the meat for tofu in almost any Chinese stir fried dish. Pan frying tofu makes it tastier too. You need to squish all the liquid out of it first, though, or it will just fall apart (pressing it between two heavy books is one way to do this). Also, since you’re not completely vegetarian, have you tried making dry fried green beans with Chinese bacon? There’s very little bacon in it, it’s basically used as a flavoring in the same way you’d use garlic. You can use Chinese bacon like that in a lot of vegetable dishes, kind of the same way you’d use pancetta in Italian food. Also, if the goal is to up your intake of veggies, there are a lot of Arab dishes you can try where that happens naturally and the meat is used more as a flavoring than a main ingredient.

If the goal is a purely vegetarian main dish that will be satisfying to meat eaters I can’t say enough good things about kabocha. It’s super filling, really tasty, and not as sweet as conventional pumpkin. Also smaller, so easier to use before it goes off.

Also, since you like curries, it’s pretty easy to sub out the meat for something else in Thai curries. Just use a hearty vegetable if you want it to be filling. Pumpkin in red curry is a traditional way to go and makes a lovely hearty winter dinner.

12 years ago

I have an awesome tofu black bean recipe. You do marinade it but not for long. And I don’t squeeze the water out, I pan fry it and it crisps up nicely.

12 years ago

And can I also recommend Lisa’s Vegetarian Kitchen as a blog? Plus the fat free vegan blog? I made her cauliflower daal with panch phoran and it was lush.

I loooooooove cooking, especially Indian food.

12 years ago

God I had a horrible experience with a Nice Guy ™ once. Maybe someday we should all share stories about how those guys are actually like (sort of like everyday sexism, but just stories about these nice guys)…I had a “friend” who threatened to kill himself because I refused to talk to him after he made a move on me (more than once, actually) even though I said I wasn’t interested and I had a boyfriend. He just wouldn’t leave me alone, stalking me, calling me and pestering my friends. And some people (who didn’t know the whole story, of course, since even after all he did I still didn’t want to share all the details because I thought I would be humiliating him) thought I was the bad guy.

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