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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

Damn, I’m talking about eroticism with Anglo-Saxon ladies which is quite similar with talking about the taste of pork with Muslim Saudis.
Never mind ladies, take everything I said like testimony of foreign unintelligible archaic cultures.

12 years ago


well, that’s funnier than “pink clam”, I’ll give you that.

12 years ago

I think you guys have kind of missed the button on this one. Having seen DJ Lubel’s stuff before, his whole shtick is that he’s kind of a weird looking loser who girls don’t want to go out with. He’s making fun of himself, not genuinely complaining about girls not wanting to go out with him.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ok apparently “pink clam” is only coming off as gorgeous because I have a thing for aquatic life being stunning (and don’t eat fish or shellfish and have no clue wtf clam actually tastes like)…thanks for the “you’ll just cause laughter” tip, shall save that one for fellow aquarists and when things have already gotten hilarious.

Honestly, in practice “I’d like to taste you” alone seems quite enough, but YMMV of course. “Please do [thing] to me” also always works!

FTR, I haven’t had serious sexytimes in 5+ years, silly sexytimes are far less “wtf to say!” and far more “you are noms, can I noms you?” (Pervocracy is right, biting is shark for I love really like you)

Dangly bits (or genitals) aren’t just “piece(s) of flesh” though…I’m not going to bother trying explaining that to Brz, I think my back has sorted itself out enough that I can get back to my violin!

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Motty, we’ve already HAD this conversation.

BRZ, I’m an anglophone but not anglo saxon. I strongly suspect that is the case with many of the posters here.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Beloved heartily endorses this site. Not only do I find it vastly amusing, but after dealing with the bullshit and trolls I’m reminded of how lucky I really am.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*plays a teeny tiny violin for Brz*

Ok, it’s a full size violin, but I am getting back to my ballad’s, I’ll dedicate this one to Brz 🙂

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Yay for violins!

I’ve always wanted to learn how to play…

12 years ago

The more interesting movie I’ve seen the last years is the adaptation of “Lady Chatterley’s lover”, a great movie adapted from a great book written at an epoch in which people of the “anglosphere” had still the desire to produce beauty and keep away vulgarity.

I’ve still in memory the scene in which she takes his member in his hand saying “it looks like a bloom!” and they start laughing like children.
With all respects for the different tastes of people, the one who don’t feel touched by this scene is a poor lad who understands nothing about eroticism and sensuality.

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

A dedication which I’ve gladly received and went right to my heart.

12 years ago

“People totally have different tastes and all, but if you don’t feel exactly the same way I do then you’re stupid and don’t know anything, neener neener.”

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Aww so there’s no place for talking dirty in BRZs life, despite his supposed love for eroticism.

BRZ, you still have to make a case for why “pink clam” is erotic. Come on, don’t be shy!

12 years ago

…I really don’t give a fuck about what films you’ve watched recently mate.

I finally saw Wreck It Ralph last Sunday, I took my little sister to see it as a surprise after I decided to stay two days longer visiting her. It was great because of that. I also watched Spaceballs at a friend’s house today. Now I’m watching Spaced.

See how boring this is?

12 years ago

No place for clinical terms for me, dirty, slang words that’s fine, it depends, that’s just the clinical stuff that I can stand.

12 years ago

“I finally saw Wreck It Ralph last Sunday, I took my little sister to see it as a surprise after I decided to stay two days longer visiting her. It was great because of that. I also watched Spaceballs at a friend’s house today. Now I’m watching Spaced.”

Yeah there’s not enough details, You don’t sell these films to me right.

12 years ago

…I really don’t give a fuck what you say when you’re having sex with someone either.

Brz show is boring, can we talk about something else? I just got an awesome Gujurati recipe book, we went on a trip today to get a load of stuff so we can try some of the recipes out this week. What other things are people cooking at the moment?

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

You still haven’t sold us on pink clams.

Argenti made a pretty good case for the euphemism, but you can’t let her do your homework for you.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago


A what recipe book? I have never heard of this.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

I have zucchini cake in the oven at the moment. It’s a carrot cake recipe, but I swapped zucchini for the carrot, almonds for the walnuts, and diced apple for the crushed pineapple. I figure it will turn out okay.

Now I’m wondering what to do with half a can of diced apple. I was wondering if I could add it to a normal bread recipe to make apple bread in my breadmaker.

12 years ago

@pillow in hell.
My bad. Had to choose between reading 500+ comments and playing Skyrim.
I chose Skyrim.

12 years ago

@Pillow In Hell

It’s a region in India. There’s a restaurant in my home town that sells Gujurati food, it’s known as one of the best restaurants in the country and it’s their recipe book. I got to buy so many interesting things at the big international supermarket today, I was like a kid in a candy shop, except I was a grown woman getting excited about gourds and seeds. I love making curries, my hometown has a huge Indian and Pakistani population so they taste like home, but mine are never quite right so I’m hoping this book will take me up a level 🙂

12 years ago

@Kiwi Girl

Is apple bread A Thing?

12 years ago

I used to make a quicky thing with diced apples. The kids called it apple flip flop. Butter a baking dish. Mix up a basic crepe recipe add a bit of sugar and an extra egg and some vanilla. Pour it in the pan and sprinkle on the apples. 400 degrees for a bit. They liked it very much.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago


That sounds sooo interesting and yummy!

It definitely beats my plans to make eggbread and experiment with a vegan recipe tommorrow. I’ve never had eggplant before, so I have no idea what the meal will taste like, but some of the other recipes I’ve tried in a book I got for Christmas were good.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Brz clearly also lacks a sense of irony — playing a lament for his poor loss of eroticism was well received? Or just an attempt at proving he does enjoy beauty and isn’t only claiming we don’t?

Also, I hate Bach, he’s a fucking sadist of a composer.

pillow in hell — I’d prefer gender neutral pronouns, but whatever — as long as you aren’t a troll using my assumed gender against me, I really don’t care much what pronouns you use. And of course Brz is ignoring my aquarist argument about how clams are actually quite lovely…see? (Of course, I think African lungfish are pretty cool looking, but clams really do come in a range of magnificent colors and varieties)

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