A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
Hey Stoner, can you give me a good reason why I should allow someone who goes around posting as “David H. Fucktrelle, Male Feminist Extraordinare (TM)” to comment on my blog?
I mean, that seems sort of douchey, especially since there are apparently manosphere dudes out there stupid enough to think that it’s me.
I await your explanation.
Some Gal Not Bored at All,
And why do so many women get mad when men say they have standards?
@NNY: I think it’s the unrealistic standards some men have that are upsetting.
Hey NNY, can you point us to some YouTube music videos put out by totally average looking hetero women who have no other interesting qualities, and who are upset that conventionally attractive dudes don’t hop into bed with them? They have to be sincere/serious; no jokes, spoofs, or parodies. Bonus points if the videos are at least as popular as this dude’s, and have lots of other women commenting in agreement.
I’d say it’s the men then whinging about not getting laid that is the annoying bit. If a dude only wants to date supermodels and is willing to accept the corollary that he’ll probably never date anyone, then he can go for it.
What might be unrealistic to one person, might be realistic (or even easy) to another. Why should someone lower their standards because a group of people don’t or can’t meet that standard? Even more so when it comes to dating. There is no affirmative action for people dating (nor should there be). People should be free to accept/reject anyone for any reason they choose.
Living in the south I have to wonder about the comment about rents being cheap. From talking to friends in LA I get the impression there is an area where people are beautiful, model/actor/actress wannabes or successful, and other areas with everyone else. If the wannabes annoy him, why not hang out with the ordinary people? Then again it keeps him away from my friends, although my friends wouldn’t want someone with not much interesting to say.
Katz, exactly. Hey, define what you think as attractive, that’s all good. But don’t whine if it’s unrealistic.
I would assume that it is as much because of the way those standards are expressed as the fact that many of then are, as Joanna says, unrealistic.
My favorite idiotic standard is when men want breasts that look a certain way and express this using a bra size that they clearly do not understand. There is also men who say they like women who don’t wear make-up, but then don’t know what make-up looks like. Doesn’t make me mad, though, I just laugh.
@NNY: Of course. But when you set a ridiculously high standard you shouldn’t whine that no one out there meets them.
As either Dawn French or Victoria Wood once said, if God intended breasts to be big and perky, zie would have put one on each shoulder.
I’m paraphrasing from memory but I laughed hard at the time.
I was prepared to just dislike this song… and then he ripped off Rent. WTF!!!! Do not associate one of my favorite musicals with this shit.
“I was prepared to just dislike this song… and then he ripped off Rent.”
And Fresh Prince of Bel Air! Aw, hell no!
Yeah, I’ve got friends who have very specific standards about who they’ll date (I hesitate to say “high standards,” since it’s more about idiosyncratic personal preferences than some universal standard of hotness). But they accept that only a small number of people are their type, and that means they’ll probably be single a lot. They don’t sit around whining about how All the People of Their Preferred Sex are big meanies for not working hard enough to please them.
Katz, True. Some average dude living in Nebraska shouldn’t expect to date supermodels. Although, he can move to where models live (NYC or LA), attend events where models congregate, get in better shape, share an interest in fashion, etc…
If a guy wants to date supermodels, he should structure his life to better suit dating models.
Or he could lower his standard to only dating women that could be models but aren’t or choose not to model. While I agree that choosing to only date supermodels severely limits his dating prospects, he has every right to have whatever dating preferences he wants.
NNY, as a average or below average woman, if I chose to only date male supermodels, I wouldn’t feel comfortable making a video berating them for being shallow for not dating me.
NNY, no-one disputes that…it’s the butthurt whining that grates.
Why is it that when this conversation comes up there’s always one guy who starts bleating about everyone being allowed to have standards, when it’s obvious to even the dimmest bulb that people having preferences and standards isn’t what’s being criticized?
Because “everyone” is read as “every man” by a lot of dudes?
I think it is because we are not talking about what they want to talk about so they will just pretend we are.
I think trolls do that more on this site than most others I have read.
It is an attempt at a false equivalency. I complained about guys getting upset at women having standards and so NNY brings up women who get mad at men having standards. Of course that happens, but it isn’t the same as the way or cultural meaning of the way men get upset. I expect it was supposed to be a “gotcha,” but since we could answer (and I’m still waiting for NNY to answer Cloudiah), the “gotcha” failed and now we are getting to have this lovely conversation again.
Or because they don’t like what we’re saying so they’ve decided to try and make it seem like a less reasonable position than it is. Petulance or poor reading comprehension? Could be a bit of both.
Sometimes people like you for weird mysterious reasons, too; I would definitely rate my boyfriend as hotter than me (he’s definitely fitter. Om nom nom.) But he likes how I look, and more important we like each others’ braaaaains. *zombies away*
Cassandra, Because you indirectly are. Sure you don’t like the fact that he is making a video complaining about women of LA having too high standards. But instead of agreeing that both the guy who made it and the women he talks about both have high standards, it’s all his fault for wanting to date an attractive woman. Not that the women he criticizes might be shallow and rejecting him based on something superficial like his looks.
You basically want him to accept the premise that he should shut up and date a woman less attractive than he wants to accept. My premise is why should he settle?
And after watching the video a second time, I found it to be a guy that is just voicing his frustration through a corny and cheeky video.