A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
“No-holds-barred approach to comedy?” WTF does that mean?
You’d classify this video as satire, right? Satire is usually funny because it exaggerates the truth. It isn’t really funny if the underlying point isn’t true because then you’re just saying random stuff. So do you think it’s true that all women in LA are shallow and will only sleep with famous people?
Melody – if he’s asking for something he didn’t get while you were dating, I’d be very, very suspicious of his motives. Getting back together with someone who wasn’t right for you, and whose behaviour is sending up red flags, is at best swapping one kind of loneliness for another, and could be much worse.
melody: what does your stomach tell you about this guy? Sometimes the head is just too much rationalisation. 🙂
Gah, sorry to double post. Just had another idea after I hit Post Comment.
melody: get a coin. Label one side “give photos” and the other side “don’t give photos”. Toss the coin. Look at the result. What is the first emotion/thought that comes to your head when you see how the coin landed?
Never mind ’em being double posts, Kiwi girl, they’re both excellent! I haven’t heard of that coin-flip-reaction test before.
Sometimes you learn something useful when you go out with a Marxist. 🙂
Let’s test this theory, shall we?
Dragon Slayer, I want to have sex with you.
Seconding everyone else, but remember
I assume the ex knows this. No matter what type of photos he wants (although sexier shots are certainly more risky), he wants them DESPITE YOUR OBJECTIONS to photos in general. That is not good.
The best misogynist film ever made is “Calmos”.
It tells the story of two men who can’t stand women and their sexual desires anymore and decide to flee the society and pursue happiness doing things which truly make men happy : eating good food, drinking Beaujolais, neglecting hygiene and enjoying calm.
Other men start joining them and after a lot of men have been convinced to the need to quit sex and focus on good food, wine and calm, the sexually frustrated women gather an army to capture runaway men. They succeed in capturing our two heroes and transform them into sex slaves. At the end of the movie, they are trying to escape a vagina while a penis tries to enter in it, the vagina and the penis of two beautiful lovers making love on the beach. Cute, isn’t it?
The best scene of the movie :
“Le piège classique, les première chaleurs du printemps, on commence à s’émouvoir sous l’édredon, une blouse un peu étroite qui ne demande qu’à s’ouvrir, les mains s’égarent, c’est chaud, c’est doux, ça sent le café, le savon de Marseille… Et à 40 ans on est une épave! C’est ça que tu veux?! J’ai jamais pu terminer Proust… J’ai jamais pu dépasser “un amour de Swann parce que figure toi qu’à chaque fois que j’essayais d’ouvrir le tome 4 on aurait dit que ça déclenchait un disque : “Paul, mon petit Paul, on éteint la lumière?” Tout les soirs pendant vingt ans et on appelle ça le “devoir conjugal”
“Depuis ma première communion j’ai l’impression que ma braguette est ouverte, je passe mon temps à me vérifier”
Where’s the part where they spend years on feminist websites telling women how they super-suck and threatening them?
This is just SO SO SO bizarre. Okay, so say I’m middle-aged, conventionally very unattractive, a bit on the smelly side and no social skills whatsoever. But I could still just go out to any bar and go home with ANY guy I want to, being a woman and all. Because clearly, it’s not like guys will prefer a young, hot, nice-smelling and charming woman over me, no way!
Like… does anyone seriously believe this is how the world works? It’s just MINDBLOWING.
In their world, it is possible for a women to be universally attractive to all men, no man can control himself when such a woman is anywhere near them, and non-universally attractive women don’t actually exist. So, your example doesn’t work, because in that situation you’re not actually a woman.
“Where’s the part where they spend years on feminist websites telling women how they super-suck and threatening them?”
Internet did not exist in that time. No feminist websites to troll and more importantly, no porn websites.
The question was : “will I bang this girl tonight or will I eat a little coq au vin and taste the new beaujolais with my bros?”.
Men were facing real existential dilemmas in that time.
Brz must be short for “bores”, judging by his comments.
If it’s a term to describe a vagina, It’s very indelicate and unaesthetic.
French language is short on non-vulgar words to name a vagina. We have “foufoune” and “minou” which are nice, but sound childish.
In Dutch, “Kutje” sounds pretty.
The language which have the prettiest words to describe vagina, and to say sexual things in a non-vulgar way in general, is old Arabic. I’ve forgotten many of them, they said for example “bab al-rahma” which literary mean “the door of graciousness”.
A medieval Arabic woman could have said for example “awlij ayraka fi baba rahmati ya habibi” meaning “put your dick in the door of my graciousness sweetheart”.
I tried to impose the use of medieval Arabic in bed but I haven’t succeeded, that’s regretful.
I wanna see Brz and Dragon Slayer get in a fight over descriptions of vaginas.
@Some Gal that would be hilarious
It usually means “I don’t care who’s offended, because I am so edgy.” In short, an asshole.
No normally it means I don’t care who is offended unless they are a straight, white, cis-sexual, middling to upper middle class, well educated, mentally healthy, atheist or Christian (depending on comedian) male.
Oh forgot to add who isn’t into any alternative cultures such as goth or hipster.
Brz, I’m not really sure what the point of your video was on this thread. I mean, cool, I guess? Several of my female friends are coupled, but several (like me) on an average night would prefer eating good food, drinking good wine, escaping the pressure to do hair/make-up, and enjoying the calm of not banging dudes. Those can also be things that truly make women happy. It’s not only men who find joy/fulfillment in avoiding romance. Although I must say, when I’m eschewing male company, I don’t then go looking for men so I can say “Ha! I don’t want anything to with you! Don’t you feel bad now? I’m gonna go be by mySELF and YOU aren’t invited!” (which, as I understand, is different from MGTOW philosophy).
Bores is suddenly a term for vaginas? Here I just thought Brz was boring…
As for aesthetic terms for vaginas and the surrounding bits, I think pink clam might be my favorite…but I’m an aquarist, clams are stunningly beautiful.
Oh noes Draggy! There are men who like really big women? Its the end of the world everyone!
Any bets that this guys idea of an orca is any woman not 15 pounds underweight?
The only think I can figure is that trollboy doesn’t actually include women who aren’t supermodels in his definition of “women” because I know dozens of women whose lived experience flatly contradicts his crap, myself included.
@Melody – trust your gut. You were uneasy about this relationship and you ended it. It’s not necessary for you to have logical, well-thought-out reasons. It’s not a court case. You don’t have to convince a judge. If you have a bad feeling about it, don’t do it. That’s the only reason you need. If he gives you grief about that, you definitely made the right call.