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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

@cloudiah, why were you reading that private MRA correspondence in that publicly accessible section at the top of the page on one of the world’s most frequented websites?

For shame! Is nothing sacred?

ps privacy means they’re not misogynists

12 years ago

Like women’s physical qualities are dodgeballs that we are vindictively hurling at Poor Average Guy. (though I do like this mental image).

That is a wonderful metaphor indeed. 🙂

12 years ago

I’m only willing to hurl my boobs at people if it can be guaranteed that they’ll come right back to me, like a boomerang.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago


And that’s real.

12 years ago


There NEEDS to be a super heroine who has that power.

12 years ago

Homing boobs – when you fling them at people it’s OK because they know where to come back to.

12 years ago


Yes. Yes to all of it. If I had any artistic talent, I would draw the heroine and her lethal weapons.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I can just see a Kate Beaton drawing of Booberang the Superheroine.

12 years ago

Random and not relevant to the conversation at hand, but I kinda need some advice and you all seem very sensible.

My ex has recently started messaging me and we hung out awhile and made out. Now he wants me to send pictures and whatnot. I’m not even sure if I should get back together with him. My best girl friend says he raises red flags with her: manipulative in her opinion (he once met her after we broke up and went on and on about how he was in love with me).

And I’m super conflicted about whether to try and get back together with him or not. I feel like I know I’m being stupid to even consider it, but for some reason it is still hard to make a decisive decision regarding this.

12 years ago

Hi Melody! Yes, you are absolutely right.

12 years ago

If he means naked pictures, then nope. I wouldn’t trust him given that a. he’s an ex and b. friends are already seeing red flags.

12 years ago


If you don’t feel sure about it, don’t do it. You’re well within your rights to tell your ex that you need some time to think it over, and you’d appreciate it if he gave you that space. If he gives you the space, think it over. You can always say yes or no later.

If he doesn’t, then break it off, because you don’t need someone who doesn’t respect you enough and care about you enough to give you space when you ask for it.

Do NOT send pics. I can’t stress that enough. Even if you decide to get back together with him, be wary of sending him pics, especially of the NSFW variety. I’ve been reading all over the net lately about people regretting giving SO’s pics of themselves lately.

My rule for anything I feel conflicted about is to wait at least 24 hours before making a decision. During that time I run ‘what if’ scenarios in my head. I usually talk it over with my mother, but I’m lucky enough that my mom is a really fantastic person I can talk to about nearly anything. So try to find someone you trust that you can talk it over with.

I’m betting after 24 hours you’ll know what you really want to do.

Good luck!

12 years ago

@katz: I’m not sure why I found it funny, I just did. I think barelypolitical’s parody of California Girls is funny too, and it’s essentially along the same lines–I guess I just take a no-holds-barred approach to comedy?

That being said, I don’t know the background of the guy who made this video, so I don’t know how serious he is about this. One video is funny; a whole channel about how he can’t get laid probably isn’t.

By the way, if I accidentally ignored anyone, I didn’t mean to. I sort of have a heady right now so I just sort of skimmed the thread…

12 years ago


I can’t even type anymore. I’m going to have a nap. Sorry to wander in as I did, I’m usually awkward like that.

12 years ago

RE: melody

In exchange I ask two questions:

1. Why do you want to get back together?

and 2. Why did you break up in the first place?

Presumably, you broke up for a reason. What sort of things would change that reason? Have those things happened, thus repairing things?

You don’t have to tell me. Just something to think about. (Though red flags with friends are NEVER a good sign.)

12 years ago

Also, watching this vid just made me think: OH GOD EUROSABRA MADE A SONG.

12 years ago

Thank you all for your advice. I’ve delayed him so far.

Pictures are risky. I guess I agree that picture shouldn’t be on the table regardless.

1. Why do you want to get back together?

and 2. Why did you break up in the first place?

I’m not actually sure. Maybe I’m lonely? IDK. I’ve been single for the last year and while I’ve gone on a few dates nothing has come of it.

We broke up because we were in different places. Or at least that is why I say we broke up. I kinda freaked while dating and just broke up to him all of a sudden.

I’m not very good at dissecting my feelings.

12 years ago

If he’s asking for nude pics at this stage that in itself is a red flag. “Hi, haven’t seen you in a while, can you send me a photo of your boobs”? It’s a bit sketchy.

12 years ago

He can’t sing, what’s with the ethnic stereotyping, when did Urkel get steroids and what did us NYC girls do to make him threaten to want to come back here?

12 years ago

Also, I don’t know why Chris Rock came up in the comments, because it’s Chris Brown he mentions in the video. So jerk friend at the beginning is saying “Womenwould rather have sex with an abusive arsehole than a nice guy like me”… yes, a nice guy who lies to get women into bed

12 years ago

One of our trolls went off about Chris Rock. I guess he thinks Chris Rock and Chris Brown are the same person? That would make sense, given that these dudes are almost always really fucking racist.

12 years ago

RE: melody

I’m not actually sure. Maybe I’m lonely? IDK. I’ve been single for the last year and while I’ve gone on a few dates nothing has come of it.

Yeah, see, when I think of reasons to get into a relationship (because they’re work), that’s not really something I’d consider a great one. DEFINITELY not good enough to outweigh your friend’s red flags, in my opinion.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Melody – real outsider’s opinion here, because no experience at all, but the bit about him wanting you to send pics makes me ask WHY. Doesn’t he have photos of you (I’m not talking nude shots) from when you were together? What sort of pics is he asking for? And from there I’m asking wtf he intends to do with them. Yeah, suspicious mind because of all the shit one sees about revenge pics and so on, but if your friend who knows him has already said he raises red flags, I’d be steering clear.

Also … you weren’t in the right place to be together before, so left. Loneliness itself sucks, yeah, but it’s not a reason to get together with someone you’ve already left because you were incompatible or it didn’t fit or feel right.

Seriously, I would say keep clear of him.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

melody: I agree with what everyone else is saying. Once you give him the photo(s), you lose all control over how they are handled from that point. He may be okay, but what about his other friends?

12 years ago

I suppose you are right. He is asking for something he never got when we are dating. He doesn’t need that. He has pictures, but not many cause I’m anti photos.

Thanks. I think you are right. I shouldn’t ignore my friends opinion. I have to remember that we broke up in the first place for a reason and it isn’t like that reason isn’t valid now. Even if I struggle to remember why I broke up with him.

I just have to stay strong and stay away. It is probably better for the both of us. And my friend will be happier that way.

Thanks. I know I got us off topic, but I’m glad for a healthy dose of reality check. It is easy to get caught up in the moment and caught up in your head.

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