are these guys 12 years old? creepy entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys playing the victim transphobia YouTube

The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

RE hyenas, they’re just not very pretty I guess? Plus scavengers are unpopular in general. It’s the dragging butt that I don’t like from a visual perspective.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Cape hunting dogs are the ones that put me off, because of their hunting technique. Not that that’s doucheyness either, of course, it’s just a horrible way for the prey animal to die.

12 years ago

@Dragon Slayer: Female killer whales generally weigh around 3 to 4 tons. That’s about 6000 to 8000 pounds. Knowledge is sexy.

@Cassandra and LBT: Hyenas have really strong jaws, and have been known to kill other animals with a single bite to the neck. Also, female spotted hyenas have external genitalia resembling the male hyena genitalia, and are generally larger and stronger than the males. I think hyenas are cool.

12 years ago

We lost one troll only to pick up another one…..

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

At least Draggy is weird enough to be mildly amusing. The two yesterday were boring as.

12 years ago

We lost one troll only to pick up another one…..

It’s the law of conservation of trolls. PHYSICS!

I know I’m using all caps a lot lately; I think I just need to yell more.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


At least I’m learning about animals thanks to people responding to Dragon Slayer’s nonsense. 🙂

12 years ago

Hyenas do practice siblicide, so there’s that.

12 years ago

@Some Gal

The More You Know! ™

12 years ago

Oh golly, they’re up-voting violent comments over on the top story on r/Men’sRights again. I’m not including the comments in case they’re triggering, but here are pictures of some of the most popular violent comments on this particular thread:


Let’s go back to talking about cool (and not so cool animals).

12 years ago

Speaking of large, awesome animals:

12 years ago

I have great respect for scavenger animals. I mean, hell, I wouldn’t want their ecological niche! Their digestive systems and resistance to illness are kickass.

Speaking of cool animals, the Komodo Dragon, y’all. It can live on twelve meals a year, take down deer, and if the animal is too big to fit down its throat, it’s known to ram into trees to force the meal down–sometimes so hard the tree falls over.

12 years ago

The Komodo Dragon is a badass.

12 years ago

Komodo dragons are kind of cool, but I do side-eye people who keep them as pets a bit. They don’t tend to like humans very much.

If you do keep a lizard as a pet, probably best not to try to kiss it. I know a women who ended up in the ER because she was making kissy faces at her boyfriend’s pet (large) lizard and it bit her lip.

12 years ago

I think we should encourage Draggy to attempt sex with an orca, since it clearly means so much to him. People should be encouraged to follow their dreams.

Draggy, female killer whales are sexually mature at age 15. Mothers calve about every 5 years. Female lifespan in the wild averages 50 years, but they have been known to live 80-90 years.

Killer whales teeth are designed for grasping and tearing. They don’t chew their food. They generally have 40-56 teeth; each tooth is about 3 inches long and 1 inch in diameter.

Do be careful, Draggy. You should be aware that it’s very rare for while orcas to attack people; however, captive orcas have been reported to have made nearly 24 attacks on humans since 1970, some of them fatal.

12 years ago

Sorry, that was supposed to be “wild orcas”, not “while orcas”. Typo fever strikes again!

12 years ago

I wish I could find the page (I think I found it via Weeping Cock) full of zoophiles who’re fixated on large predatory animals. There was porn. Of people trying to seduce sharks.

12 years ago

Am I allowed to love this site and still think the video was actually kind of funny…?

oAo Because, I mean, I laughed and everything.

12 years ago

I used to call it the Darwin Awards of Porn. Sure, dumbass, try to have sex with a tiger shark. I’ll bring popcorn.

12 years ago

But the orca couldn’t give consent………..

12 years ago

I dunno, scelerata, what did you think was funny about it? Because when people whine to me about not getting laid, I usually just want them to shut up.

12 years ago

Oh, thank GOODNESS this was posted! I had a friend post this to his fb yesterday. I don’t know why I watched it. I saw and thought “I probably won’t like this…but I do like satire…maybe it’ll be ok…” And then it was this garbage. I regret not saying commenting on facebook when my friend posted, but I’m always hesitant to get in fb debates. Still, something like “Ew. Dude. Why do you like this?” would have gone a long way to ease my mind.

Also, in addition to all the rapey, hypocritical, transphobic, fat-shaming, entitled bullshit the other commenters have so marvelously pointed out, I was also struck by the insidious: “Look at those (hot) women, being all attractive AT ME!!! But they still won’t sleep with me!” Like women’s physical qualities are dodgeballs that we are vindictively hurling at Poor Average Guy. (though I do like this mental image).

12 years ago


I think I’ve seen that. I guess there really is someone (or something) out there for everyone.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@melody – but her NO would be well worth watching.

@Cassandra – “Darwin Awards of Porn” ROFLMAO!

12 years ago


The riddle of where/when/with whom does a female killer whale have sex is like the one about where a 400 pound gorilla sleeps.

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