A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.
It’s pretty funny that possible sock troll brought up a. rock stars (there are none in the video – sore spot there, buddy?) and b. Chris Rock. Now, I don’t know about you, but I can think of several reasons that a woman might want to date Chris Rock that aren’t about either money or fame. He’s cute, he’s funny, he’s often very charming…but no, the hypothetical bitches who live in trollboy’s head couldn’t possibly be interested in any of that.
Now I’ve got the Beck song stuck in my head. Good news is that it totally wipes away whatever was in the video above. And I can’t make fun of it. Young woman shot to death by boyfriend article that I read this morning. Don’t want to remember more details.
This piece certainly attracted a lot of trolls. Do you think it is because it’s a video so they didn’t have to try to read or because a man’s right to complain without being laughed at is just that important?
@Some Gal
Any discussion of male entitlement to sex seems to get them popping out of the woodwork.
The “men are allowed to have preferences, but when women won’t sleep with me they’re shallow bitches!” topic is the greatest lolcow of online misogyny. The guys who go off when this comes up don’t seem to have any idea at all what asses they’re making of themselves.
Someone asked for a current-day example of a culture that finds larger body sizes attractive. I live in the Caribbean, where that is generally the case. A Google search for “Caribbean body image” provided a study with the following conclusion as the very first result:
“Conclusion: Although the prevalence of overweight/obesity was not high, the perception of the Trinidadian adolescent that obesity was associated with wealth, and to a lesser extent happiness, and the satisfaction of the overweight African females with their size, were all causes for concern.”
Ooops…study was conducted in 2003. Here’s one from 2008:
“Women in the U.S, U.K and greater western countries aspire to have a thin and ideal body, placing excessive importance on the ideal that being skinny is sexy and experiencing trepidation of being fat. Women value their experiences and emotions on body image and their eating habits. However, in the Caribbean, a curvy woman is regarded as sexy and healthy.”
I didn’t know erin gibson had a blog- thanks, troll guy!!!
A woman having the right to choose who she sleeps with = female entitlement and privilege to these dudes!
Falconer, I wonder if the Lio comic is almost subverting the idea though. Lio continually crosses the little girl’s boundaries, but she usually seems to reassert them immediately to comic effect (and Lio becomes the butt of the joke). I don’t read it often enough to be sure.
For those who can’t see it, Lio is a little boy character who has a crush on a little girl who is NOT interested. In the latest strips, he glues their hands together to make her be his valentine. Her “reaction” is to ride away on a bike dragging him behind her, and of course he can’t get away because GLUE. (I may be getting some details wrong since I already recycled the papers.) So while Lio constantly outwits his dad, it seems that usually the little girl outwits Lio. Misandry!
@cloudiah: Yeah, that’s pretty much what’s happened in the last couple of days.
Nice Guys really are all over the comics pages. (Of course, gluing yourself to a girl is a step beyond Nice Guy.)
Totally. This is why a guy has never in the history of ever broken up with his girlfriend for any reason ever. He is simply grateful to have found one. Men don’t look for things liked shared interests or compatibility! That would just be dumb. And that’s real.
I also think it bears mentioning for the trolls and like who have pointed out that the women in the video are pining for rock stars or whatever and how hypocritical that is (so close to self awareness!) that those women are fictional characters that the video’s creator made – not real women. These women have fake personalities and opinions that the video’s creator impressed upon them. That’s part of why this video is gross. I think we can agree objectively that assuming that everyone who rejects you must be a bad person is a shitty thing to do.
The census would disagree that men can’t find partners.
It is unbelievably ignorant to say that. Obviously, if women are marrying people (and gay marriage just passed in some states so they are obviously not just marrying each other) they have to be marrying men. It is math.
They really seem to treat people who get married and people who date as two different groups that have no overlap. That obviously doesn’t work in the real world. (I could maybe understand the lack of overlap if they divided women into alphas and betas, that is daters and the marrying kind, but not only do they not do that, they still have no way for “betas” to go from single to married without dating.)
Because sexist idiots from NY are so much better at getting dates with “hot” women…
My thoughts on the subject are that if someone wants to have incredibly high standards, fine but don’t whine about it if you end up alone.
Okay…I watched the video last night and my first reaction was pretty much “oh dear Cthulhu swallow me up now, what the hell is this?” But I was tired and didn’t want to get worked up before going to bed.
I watched it again just now and had to stop about 2/3 of the way through because I couldn’t bear anymore…and I can see how maybe the creator of this video thinks that this is funny and satirical and parodical. I’ll even go so far as to say that if the video had ended differently – perhaps with DJ Lubel realizing he’s been “looking for love in all the wrong places”, so to speak – it could actually be worth watching.
As it is, the message is basically “Hi, I’m out trolling for a chick and I’m only interested in you because of your looks, but you should fuck me anyways; and if you don’t want a one-night-stand with me, it’s obviously because I’m not rich and famous.”
It’s clever and creative, I’ll give it that. It’s very clearly professionally produced, so it’s not “just one guy on youtube joking around”.
But this video is frankly offensive and really not funny at all.
The male privilege evident, then, is to treat women who don’t meet his standards as though they literally don’t exist. So women say “I can’t find anyone who’s my type,” acknowledging the existence of all the other guys, but men can say “I can’t find anyone at all“–fat women, old women, and women who wear T-shirts don’t even count as people in this equation.
Or, in more academic terms, men have the privilege of erasing people who are not relevant to them.
Even the stereotypical “Why can’t I find a nice guy?” implies that there are men out there who are not nice. Men even try to set the terms of that discussion by deciding they know what the woman means by “nice.”
I still can’t get over how many trolls come out to defend whining. You’d think the MRA obsession with classic masculinity (except when it is convenient to blame feminists for not letting men have emotional outlets) would make more of them concerned with policing that masculinity and mocking the whining. (The MGTOW occasionally complain about the men that whine and the PUA are all about selling a system to DO something instead of whine, so it isn’t like mocking with us would be something completely new.) That would require slightly agreeing with feminists, though, and they can’t have that.
@BigMomma: there are so many degrees of fail with the tv show Bones. I like the Kathy Reich books, but I just can’t force myself to watch the show. The main characters just aren’t credible.
And Julie’s take-down of the video on The Frisky:
@Kiwi girl
That is actually what we enjoy about Bones. It is absolutely ridiculous. 🙂 The only thing that regularly frustrates me is the deference they pay to Booth’s positions and opinions. The white, male, straight, religious stereotype is always given a great deal of respect by the show, which continually undercuts everyone laughing at the character. It is amazing how the show goes out of its way to demonstrate that the love interest/side kick is more likely to be correct than the “brilliant” lead. In the latest episode, they practically converted her from an atheist to a believer in the afterlife. (It wasn’t quite as bad as the episode if House where the “medical” mystery seemed to be “Is there a God?” Conclusion: maybe, but it was damn close.)
@Some Gal: each to their own 🙂 Other shows that I get so annoyed with, I can’t watch them: CSI and NCIS. And yet I love Warehouse 13 for being so goofy.
I always find “I’m just asking question” funny, in that the implications is like “me, having an agenda? oh no, I’m just asking perfectly random questions” but it’s clearly bullshit.
One time I want to go troll somewhere and be a *real* Just Asking Question guy.
“Hey, nice online community you’ve got there. I was just wondering, do any of you know the capital of Zimbabwe? What’s percentage of its annual GNP does France’s military expenditures represent? Is it true you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day? What, why are you looking at me like that? I’m just asking questions!”
@Kiwi girl
Warehouse 13 is the good kind of goofy. I love that show.
Blackbloc: DO IT! And make sure to ask our designated random question: Where you can get a boerboel.