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The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It’s just like that with the Phryne Fisher books, yes! I couldn’t stick more than about twenty minutes of the series. They changed it too much and I thought their casting choices sucked (Essie Davis in particular). Phryne is a bit too good to be true on matters like sexuality in the books, though she’s given more context there – she spent time among the lesbian society in Paris after the war, and at least Kerry Greenwood has researched the history of homosexual life in Melbourne, so she’s not totally out on a limb. Mind you, having someone as conservative as Dot more or less shrugging stuff off seems hard to believe.

I could forgive a great deal for Ember’s sake, though. 😉

12 years ago

Ooh, do we have the oldest sock of all putting in an appearance? Note how he appeared with an initial comment that looked like it was continuing a pre-existing conversation.

12 years ago

The maths never works.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Deoridhe – maybe Sucks To Be Him troll should have specified that it’s MRAs who have trouble finding any (live) women at all. It’s odds on that their only dates are of the inflatable variety.

12 years ago

No, Deoridhe, we’re all dating the same guys (90% of us dating 10% of them). The angry dateless guy contingent already covered this topic in great detail.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Which sock is that, Cassandra? Rusty Al, or are there others still more antique? It can’t be the Lord High Admiral Doctor Sir Montgomory Pell, he hasn’t told us what a genius he is and started frothing and losing his (tenuous) grip on grammar.

12 years ago

Ah kitteh, you are far better educated on this than me. I watched the first 3 episodes of miss Fisher and gave up because it was too smug/superficial. I haven’t read the books.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

No, Deoridhe, we’re all dating the same guys (90% of us dating 10% of them). The angry dateless guy contingent already covered this topic in great detail.

BWAHAHAHA and I’ve been with an alpha for thirty years. I have evilly gone way above my station for relative hotness! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

12 years ago

The first one, I’m thinking. Not wordy enough to be B*&ndon.

As boring as he was I love that the dude who actually made the video showed up, let his identity slip, and then tried to cover for it. Dude really wants to be internet famous, but clearly he’s not ready for primetime.

12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

BigMomma – I’ve got all the books (nineteen and counting) and have read ’em repeatedly. They’re great fun, completely unlike the stilted nonsense of the series. (They’re nonsense, but fun nonsense.) Greenwood set out to create a female equivalent of the sort of free-living male detectives of noir fiction.

First thing that put me off the series was that Phryne’s 28, and with all the good will in the world Essie Davis didn’t capture any feeling of youthful vigour. Second was introducing the nonexistent aunt, just to have Miriam Margoyles in the show. Third was turning Jack Robinson into a po-faced boring youth, AND, from what I heard, having UST between him and Phryne. He’s a Detective Inspector, probably pushing middle age, and totally devoted to his wife.


12 years ago

No, Essie Davies was certainly more a worldly wise roué. I am now inspired to read the books. I get this way about the TV adaptation Bones.

12 years ago

Sorry for the tautology.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yeah, I’m pretty leery of a lot of TV adaptations, though some are great (P&P and the Barchester Chronicles come to mind). If you see any of the Fisher books about, you can pretty much start anywhere in the series, because Greenwood does tend to include a bit of introductory stuff in each one, or at least, enough to familiarise readers with the characters. I started with the eighteenth, I think. It was half price. 😀

Phryne’s decidedly worldy-wise and she has lots of lovers (one a book until she meets Lin Chung) – she’s a great believer in enjoying the company of pretty young men. But she’s aware of age; in one book she’s going to make a grand entrance at a ball, wearing a decidedly shocking dress, and she thinks that she has one, maybe two such years of grand entrances left to her. It’s not getting-old-and-haggard stuff, more a sense that this sort of thing is for those in their twenties. I think it was really bad casting to have Davis, at forty, to play that role. She seemed very mannered and artificial in the bits I saw, and that’s so the opposite of Phryne – she’s more often described as a force of nature.

And she has a totally superior black cat called Ember, a rescued stray kitten who has the whole household wrapped around his paw, as is only right and proper.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Well, time for me to hit the sack. Niters, all!

12 years ago

Night kittehs, off to bed too.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

The latest post on the Spreadhead:

“e legal definition of hate speech, which succinctly could be summed up as the denigration, humiliation and attack of protected groups (women, racial minorities, ethnic groups, non-heterosexuals, etc.). Note that men do not qualify as one of the protected group.”

There are no men of color, no gay men. Why? Because only white men count?

12 years ago

White, straight cis-men, obviously. *sigh*

12 years ago

Well it’s nice circle jerk is getting the attention he craves. What nonsense is this about men not finding women to date at all? And women just not finding men they’re compatible with? Cite your source, please. Because holy bullshit, that is absolute nonsense. If what you want is a date, there are plenty of people out there single and looking. Perhaps not magazine cover pretty, but they are single and maybe awesome people. If what you want is a date with a person who is trying to make their career off of being attractive, then you had better buck up and do something remarkable to get their attention. Because whatever shining personality traits you have that you imagine entitle you to sex with someone way hotter than you, I guarantee there is another person with those same shining personality traits, but also confidence, ambition, life goals (beyond demanding sex from hot women) physical attractiveness, etc. And the fellow who made this video calls them shallow? Seriously? The irony burns.

12 years ago


Dating is hard. People are mean. It happens to everyone. Last year, I went on about 40 dates, all with guys who were not right for me.

This does not show the disconnect you think it does (especially in light of the entire quote, which you oh-so-conveniently forgot). Did you pull a muscle reaching so hard?

Female privilege, much like misandry, is not a thing. You lose. Story of your life, I’m guessing.

12 years ago

before reading the comments,

Canter’s! It’s open all night

12 years ago

I would offer him this song, but it’s really too good for him.

Then again /beck is a Scientologist, so he deserves a bit of shit for that.

12 years ago

Kind of off-topic, and maybe someone’s mentioned it already, but today’s Frazz strip just casually mentions same-sex relationships:

My uncle’s boyfriend is giving him the silent treatment.

It’s in the context of forgetting Valentine’s Day, so hey not all good, but it’s something.

12 years ago

On the other hand, Lio’s all about sexual assault 🙁

12 years ago

a. Women’s problem is finding a partner they are compatible with.
b. Men’s problem is finding any partner.

Oh FFS, the video in this very post proves you wrong. Have we not just spent three pages of comments talking about this guy’s standards, and his feelings of entitlement regarding the specific subset of women he believes that he deserves to fuck? The video illustrates the very women he’s decided are not worthy of his penis. He has rejected them, as is his right, as is the right of any woman when deciding who she wants to be with. This isn’t rocket science.

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