are these guys 12 years old? creepy entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys playing the victim transphobia YouTube

The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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12 years ago

This is obviously why a man with a well tied cravat or in a three piece suit makes me weak in the knees. You just don’t SEE that anymore!

By this logic, you should also swoon over men in MC Hammer pants.

12 years ago

….I thought it was obvious I was making a joke, but maybe not?

sick of the circlejerk
sick of the circlejerk
12 years ago

Another thing: the joke is not that the LA women won’t sleep with him because he’s not hot. It’s because he’s not rich and famous… note his fantasizing about getting on Glee. Since the LA women are not rich or famous, he is not a hypocrite (even in the alternate reality where this is not meant as a goof).

sick of the circlejerk
sick of the circlejerk
12 years ago

Clarification: And so (in this joke video) what we’re talking about are LA women who will only consider the rich and famous, while they work as waitresses. There’s a lot of entitlement there, I’d say. They’re allowed to act in that manner if they want, but it’s comical, and ripe for mockery.

12 years ago

How much did they pay those women to do this?

I was wondering that too! Especially the women who are supposed to be “ugly chicks.” “Hey, want to be in my video? You just need to stand there for a sec and look ugly.”

12 years ago

@sick of the circlejerk, And how dare those women actually have a position on who they should have sex with! How terrible! They need to let men decide who they should have sex with! Waitresses deciding who to fuck? IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD.

12 years ago

And we’re mocking the dude’s entitlement, which is at least as deserving of mockery. I know that bothers some dudes, but you don’t actually NEED to read it.

12 years ago

Things I learned today: It’s not hypocritical to complain about other people’s narrow standards while yourself having narrow standards as long as your narrow standards are different from theirs.

I’d rather listen to Benedict Cumberbatch reading things.

12 years ago

sick of the circlejerk

Cupcake, if you want to join in, you have to demonstrate you’re worth it.

sick of the circlejerk
sick of the circlejerk
12 years ago

And we’re mocking the dude’s entitlement, which is at least as deserving of mockery. I know that bothers some dudes, but you don’t actually NEED to read it.

Where’s the entitlement? I see him riffing on a bunch of waitresses who feel entitled to date Chris Rock. How about talking about that entitlement?

And how dare those women actually have a position on who they should have sex with!

You’re mocking this guy for wanting to date out of his league, are you not?

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

Is “sick of the circlejerk” like some mirror universe version of someguy? Like, they both have similar names, but this guy is annoyed by us taking a joke seriously, while someguy is annoyed while taking jokes very seriously.

12 years ago

And he, totally average dude, feels entitled to date supermodels.

Really attractive women wanting to date Chris Rock — tell us how “out of their league” they are in comparison to totally average dude wanting to date supermodels?

Good night, all!

12 years ago

You’re mocking this guy for wanting to date out of his league, are you not?

People have actually explained the basis of a lot of the mocking. Reading, it’s not just for High School anymore!

12 years ago

I mean, is video dude somehow better than a waitress? I’m not seeing it.

Now really good night.

sick of the circlejerk
sick of the circlejerk
12 years ago

Really attractive women wanting to date Chris Rock — tell us how “out of their league” they are in comparison to totally average dude wanting to date supermodels?

Actually, it’s really poor women wanting to date really rich men. Read for comprehension!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Does Circlejerky live in an alternate dimension where the video in the OP does NOT reflect the common notion that a woman’s appearance is roughly on par with a man’s status in terms of attractiveness, and that this is often seen as being where the “leagues” cross over?

And that’s real.

12 years ago

I think everyone is also forgetting the context that this video takes place in. Women and men in Western society are still not equal. For the most part women are valued solely for their appearance and little else. The whole stereotype of women wanting money comes from ye olde days where women were property of their fathers and thus it was better for them to get a rich husband and marry into a better life.

Now women work and while there are still women who buy into that mindset, many more work for themselves and or do not even want to rely on a partner at all. Most men however still believe that they are entitled to a sexually attractive wife. There’s enough research out there at this point to show that most women have high standards, but it’s usually in the personality department while for men it’s always entirely based on physical appearance (women’s biggest fear being that their date will kill or rape them, while men’s is that she will be fat).

Also, women are much more likely to lower their standards than men because it’s expected of them in Western society. Men believe they are entitled regardless of their own physical appearance and this message is constantly reinforced by society. Women are little more than prizes to be won. The reason people are upset is because this video shows a whiny little snot who is bitching because he isn’t getting the best prize in the booth even though he only can knock over one milk bottle.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

cloudiah, I love the Helen’s Pets videos! Max and Sharky are just the best.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@reginaldgriswold and twomoogles – nice to see you back again! 🙂

Yeah, NYY is new on this thread, unless he’s a sock. There’s a socky sort of smell about this one, though I can’t quite place it. But gods is he boooooring. What happened to the trolls of the Good Old Days?

12 years ago

I thought he was obviously just the creator of those stupid videos.

sick of the circlejerk
sick of the circlejerk
12 years ago

Holy crud, I was actually just linked to another critique of this very video.

There’s one quote which really, to me, illustrates the disconnect between men and women on this subject, as well as female privilege in action:

Dating is hard. People are mean. It happens to everyone. Last year, I went on about 40 dates, all with guys who were not right for me.


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I don’t think he’s B____, at any rate. He could never keep his replies that short, though this guy has the art of boring his readers within a sentence down pat.

12 years ago

40 dates in one year sounds like about what the government girlfriends guy does, since he pretty regularly gets several each month (including two in one day).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

What a surprise that our jerkoff troll doesn’t include all that paragraph when he’s complaining about the “forty dates” comment:

There’s also a deep river of anger throughout “Women of L.A.”. I get it. Dating is hard. People are mean. It happens to everyone. Last year, I went on about 40 dates, all with guys who were not right for me. I paid for my own meals and my own drinks and I spent a lot of money. But, I don’t hate the entire male population of Los Angeles because none of those guys worked out – because it’s unfair to use hurt feelings and resentment to attack an entire gender.

So, fail troll is failing. Nothing about female privilege, nothing about her expecting all hot guys to fall at her feet, nothing about men who aren’t her cup of tea being contemptible for it – in short, nothing remotely like Mr Wants To Rape’s video at all.

Reading comprehension, how does it work?

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