are these guys 12 years old? creepy entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys playing the victim transphobia YouTube

The Ultimate Nice Guy ™ Makes a Music Video

A veritable anthem for average looking guys with nothing particularly interesting about them who are pissed off they can’t date women much more conventionally attractive than they are.

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Some Gal Not Bored at All

What an asshole. Why are men always so upset that women have any standards? (The bit about being upset at women not drinking enough – for incredibly sensible reasons, nit wanting to drive drunk – is especially upsetting.)

11 years ago

I watched it. I can’t believe I watched it.
that is some whiny shit.
also, it takes a special brand of asshole to be a transphobic shithead, and then rip off a song from Rent. asshole.

11 years ago

That white wine bit is the worst part.

11 years ago

The whole time I was watching that I was thinking, “He’s not serious. Please tell me he’s not serious. He can’t be serious.” Then at the end, “Fuck. He’s serious, isn’t he?”

Also, he manages to be sexist, transphobic, fat-shaming, racist, and creepy as all get out all in the space of a song. Good work!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

On the not-drinking, I meant sensible reasons in the “even these assholes should accept them” sense. Any reason for not wanting to drink is legitimate.

11 years ago

He lost me 25 seconds in with “The rent’s cheap in LA.”

11 years ago

I only have one word for this: *HAAAAATEEEEE*.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

This could’ve been pretty awesome if he was making fun of Nice Guys.

By the way, by now, you’d think someone would’ve come up with another term for Nice Guy to prevent confusion with genuinely nice guys. I vote for “Internet Nice Guy,” derived from Internet Tough Guy.

11 years ago

Ugh, even as a joke it falls flat kind of like how Wainy Days did.

11 years ago

The “tell” is, of course, 1:55, where there’s the shot of the overweight women, with, of course, the unspoken assumption that he can’t possibly sleep with those chicks because they’re not hot.

When the whole rest of the video is about how women won’t sleep with him because he’s not hot.

11 years ago

Wow there are people on youtube who disapprove of this kind of bullshit. Who knew? Maybe its getting better? I just remember searching for Rachel Maddow videos back in the day and virtually every one had some dudebro commenting on her attractiveness/lesbianism and no one else seemed to care…

11 years ago

@Cthulhu’s Intern

I always thought the when referring to Nice Guys in the sense of the phenomenon, people typically used a symbol.

11 years ago

Why would this guy EVER think that he could get any women to sleep with him once, let alone twice? It’s not like he has any redeeming qualities I can see. Just another whingee hate monkey.

11 years ago

I’m not going to watch the video, but between this guy and Eurosabra, what’s with the homely dudes acting all hurt that 19-year-old actress/model/waitresses in L.A. trance clubs don’t appreciate their hidden inner beauty?

Dumbasses, you are in L.A. If you want inner beauty, get your ass up to Portland and grow a beard.

Also, nobody wants to hear about your screenplay.

11 years ago

Yeah, dude would be cute in Portland.

Until he opened his mouth.

And he’d have to get over the hairy pits thing, too.

11 years ago

This sucked when I saw it earlier today, a few hours hasn’t improved it.

11 years ago

Shorter whiny asshole.

“There are some women who’re almost as shallow as me! Those bitches, how dare they?”

But set to sad white boy rap that will make you want to perforate your eardrums with a fork just to make it stop.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

don’t appreciate their hidden inner beauty?

That’s the trouble, it’s so small and so well hidden it wouldn’t show up under an electron microscope.

I’m not going to bother watching his stupid video, it’s the same-old same-old whine they all have. The one good thing about it is that he’s advertising to far more people just what a creep he is, and warning more people (of any gender!) to stay away from him. Truth in advertising, as it were.

11 years ago

Dumbasses, you are in L.A. If you want inner beauty, get your ass up to Portland and grow a beard.

As an L.A. native, I just want to say that the image-obsessed, entitled, arrogant women he sings about DO exist. (I went to high school with some of them. I could tell you stories…) However, they are a TINY fraction of the population, and are incredibly easy to avoid.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

But … but … they’re the HOT BABES, cloudiah! Surely you’re not such a misandrist that you’d suggest he go for anyone less than a Hollywood starlet of at least 9.9 on the universal* hotness scale!

*as in the, uh, universe, not Universal. 😉

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Then there’s his “Wrong Hole” song, which is basically just “he accidentally put his penis in someone’s body where they didn’t want it and that’s hilarious!”

What a pile of utter shit.

11 years ago

Also I would like to offer a California solidarity fist bump to the imaginary women of LA. The women of the Bay Area wouldn’t want to fuck these guys either.

11 years ago

@ cloudiah

I have to say, I had a great time last time I was in LA and felt like people there were on average friendlier than people here. I definitely encountered some walking caricatures, and several slimy PUA types, but it’s a big city, there’s always going to be a certain percentage of Hilarious and Awful.

11 years ago

that video was boring, I like this on better…

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