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#TellAFeministThankYou fends off a manosphere manvasion!

Kittens composing feminist tweets.
Kittens composing feminist tweets.

The twitter hashtag wars continue! Apparently still pissed off that feminists pooped on their #INeedMasculismBecause tag the other day, the dudes of the manosphere launched a little counterattack aimed at #TellAFeministThankYou, a hashtag originally started by Melissa McEwan of Shakesville to give an opportunity to feminists to thank other feminists for, you know, being awesome and stuff.

On Chateau Heartiste, the Heartiste formerly known as Roissy charged up the troops for the campaign.

[T]he #TellAFeministThankYou Twitter feed has morphed into a shooting gallery for the entertainment of trolls and assorted sadists, providing a laugh a second. Feminists on that feed have been reduced to impotently bleating “wait for them to get it out of their systems.”

Go for the fun, stay for the cruelty. And keep an eye out for malevolent forces committing drive-bys of spectacular carnage. The kind of carnage that can leave a feminist with barely enough strength to mewl for the sympathies and circle-wagoning of fellow travelers.

There was just one problem: The PUAs and MRAs and other assorted Red Pill tweeters forgot to have a sense of humor.

Heartiste tried his best to generate some hilarity with a few tweets of his own.


Such magnificent wit!

Evidently feeling he needed to kick it up a notch, he decided to add some sprinkles of racism:


See, cuz only guys with names like “Juan” and “Anfernee” (hint, hint, hint) harass women on the street!

Here are some contributions from some other Red Pill wits, which evidently were highly amusing to the dudes in the RedPill Subreddit:


And a couple of others I found on my own:


There were even a few directed at little old me, like this one from our friend Chuck at Gucci Little Piggy:


You’re welcome!

Flawless victory, guys!

Oh, and here are some more kitties, since they seem to annoy manosphere dudes so much.


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11 years ago

@blitzgal – That’s a pretty good policy, I’m sure the woman with the labs said something along the lines of “Oh, they’re just playing.” That’s what I was told when an acquaintance’s lab bit me. And yeah, he was playing, but why the hell does the dog believe that’s an appropriate way play!? A pit that acted the same way would be “too dangerous to live”

11 years ago

I know nothing about the shows you’re all discussing, but I love how enthusiastically you are discussing them. These conversations always make me want to go find these things and watch them — but then I get sidetracked.

So back to dogs for me… I’m also scared of dogs I don’t know, but the dogs that attacked me as a kid were a German Shepherd mix and a doberman. (2 separate occasions.)

Back to pits being all vicious and stuff:

There’s another video of the same dog gently cleaning a baby bunny, but I went with the chicks because of the adorable chirping.

11 years ago

I couldn’t watch Dollhouse for the reason that a misogynist could watch it and totally enjoy it. I really needed it to be clearer. I thought the concept was interesting however but for my money, and admittedly I didn’t watch all of it, Whedon failed.

11 years ago

Cloudiah, obviously you should watch a few episodes of Dollhouse and then tell us what you think.

11 years ago

I know I can’t force people to like something they don’t want to like, but for the record I did have squicky feelings about Dollhouse for the first half of the first season. I think that’s why most people didn’t really give it a chance. I wonder if it would have been different if the main character was male.

11 years ago

Also, I find it sad that some people can’t enjoy something because they know that someone somewhere is fapping to a woman getting her ass kicked in a sci-fi tv show. =(

11 years ago

Watch Dollhouse, or Firefly?

11 years ago

Either or both 🙂

11 years ago

It’s series cannon that River is psychic, to. In the episode when she and her brother are kidnapped, she reads the mind of a mute girl and the town elder.

11 years ago

You mean I’m supposed to make my own decisions? I thought the hivemind would tell me what to do!

11 years ago

When I was 3 years old, it was a lab that bit me in the nose. But to this day, even my mom still believes that pit bulls are the vicious ones, that they turn on their masters and their jaws lock on.

We had adopted a dog who was a mix, and was the sweetest dog ever. He must have been part pit bull because he had a big square head like a bear.

11 years ago

Perhaps it’s been a while since I’ve seen Firefly but I was always under the impression that she just had a super awesome brain. Can’t really remember any psychic bits =/

11 years ago

They also say she’s psychic in Serenity. It’s how she finds out about Miranda.

11 years ago

River also reads Badger’s mind in Shindig. I always had the impression the Alliance was training her to be an assassin. Oh, I remember now. She was always super smart – Simon says that in the pilot. And in Ariel, was learn that they operated on her brain and made her “feel everything” I think is how Simon puts it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Best guess: “Anfernee” is “Anthony” pronounced with a stereotypical “Ebonics” accent. It’s the way racist jerkwads think black people talk.

My first thought on who’d pronounce the name that way would have been Dennis Waterman (ie. stereotypical Cockney).

11 years ago

OT, but oh noes!! It’s happening! Run for your lives!!!

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Being a kiwi female, I am excellent at ending my sentences with a high rising terminal. So pffffffffffffffffffft to people who are snobby about accents. We still get the odd letter to the editor over here with people complaining about the demise of BBC (Oxford?) English. Me, I get more upset with people who say “orientated” and who use “hypo” as the prefix when they mean “hyper”, as in “that child is so hypo”.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

I get more upset with people who say “orientated” and who use “hypo” as the prefix when they mean “hyper”, as in “that child is so hypo”.


[/diabetic humour]

11 years ago

It’s not so much they are fapping off, btw, it’s more that someone like Whedon is producing material that is barely distinguishable from the usual sexist depiction of women as objects. I fully take on board that maybe his ideas develop and crystallize further into the series but sadly what I watched did not engage me. Way to be patronizing.

11 years ago

My bf gets unreasonable enraged when people say “anythink” instead of “anything”. I’d say it was classism except he’s the one who grew up in govt housing and it’s the PM who he’s talking about. I still think it’s more of an accent than actually wrong.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh, and don’t get me started about how the Catholic church didn’t even consider abortion murder until the 19th century anyway!

I don’t know if it was specific to France and regardless of it being a Catholic monarchy, but abortion was a capital crime there in the 17th century.

11 years ago

Huh, I didn’t know that bit of history about abortion. Blessings upon Manboobz, fount of random information.

Also a bit bummed about Adam Baldwin.

The Trevor Burger tweet makes me shake my head the most. I mean on the one hand, hooray, someone actually remembers that feminism didn’t just randomly pop up in the last hundred years, but DUDE, what the hell is wrong with you? Feminists at the time were fighting for the rights of the women’s vote and were also banding together with the abolitionists on the grounds that they both wanted voting rights. I think the vast majority of the population agrees that those are things people should have.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Like cloudiah, I know zip about these shows/actors! 😀 The only names I recognise are Firefly – from being told here what it was – Buffy, and Josh Whedon.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Ooo.. just randomly discovered this, sharing just in case others have not seen this either:

11 years ago

I don’t actually see Xander as a nice guy. For one thing, he asks Buffy out instead of lurking forever waiting for her to have nobody but him. When she rejects him he acts like a bit of an ass, but rejection sucks, and he’s a teenager. I think he stayed loyal to Buffy as a friend throughout the show. The big lie about Willow doing the spell has problems, and maybe I’m just hiding my eyes, but I always saw that more as Xander being way more realistic about the chances of the spell working than about him wanting Angel gone (let’s not forget Angel had murdered Miss Calendar and been terrorizing Buffy for months at that point).

@BigMomma – I HATED Dollhouse for exactly the same reasons. I can love Buffy and Angel and Firefly because there’s enough good there to outweigh the parts that are the normal sexualization of women. Dollhouse had no redeeming qualities.

@Joanna – Jesus wept. People have posted almost a dozen examples of River being psychic. You’re wrong. Accept it and move the hell on with your life.

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