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#TellAFeministThankYou fends off a manosphere manvasion!

Kittens composing feminist tweets.
Kittens composing feminist tweets.

The twitter hashtag wars continue! Apparently still pissed off that feminists pooped on their #INeedMasculismBecause tag the other day, the dudes of the manosphere launched a little counterattack aimed at #TellAFeministThankYou, a hashtag originally started by Melissa McEwan of Shakesville to give an opportunity to feminists to thank other feminists for, you know, being awesome and stuff.

On Chateau Heartiste, the Heartiste formerly known as Roissy charged up the troops for the campaign.

[T]he #TellAFeministThankYou Twitter feed has morphed into a shooting gallery for the entertainment of trolls and assorted sadists, providing a laugh a second. Feminists on that feed have been reduced to impotently bleating “wait for them to get it out of their systems.”

Go for the fun, stay for the cruelty. And keep an eye out for malevolent forces committing drive-bys of spectacular carnage. The kind of carnage that can leave a feminist with barely enough strength to mewl for the sympathies and circle-wagoning of fellow travelers.

There was just one problem: The PUAs and MRAs and other assorted Red Pill tweeters forgot to have a sense of humor.

Heartiste tried his best to generate some hilarity with a few tweets of his own.


Such magnificent wit!

Evidently feeling he needed to kick it up a notch, he decided to add some sprinkles of racism:


See, cuz only guys with names like “Juan” and “Anfernee” (hint, hint, hint) harass women on the street!

Here are some contributions from some other Red Pill wits, which evidently were highly amusing to the dudes in the RedPill Subreddit:


And a couple of others I found on my own:


There were even a few directed at little old me, like this one from our friend Chuck at Gucci Little Piggy:


You’re welcome!

Flawless victory, guys!

Oh, and here are some more kitties, since they seem to annoy manosphere dudes so much.


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Some Gal Not Bored at All


You say that as if there’s only one. But if you were to give me that description with nothing else to go on, my first guess would be Kirk Cameron.

Doesn’t that description also fit one of the (non-Alec) Baldwin brothers?


The fact that I even thought to ask myself whether I really want kids is thanks to feminism. Spoiler: I don’t, which makes me even more grateful.


11 years ago

Re: Adam Baldwin

The Baldwin who found Jesus is Stephen Baldwin.

Adam Baldwin is not related to the Baldwin brothers.

The More You Know.

11 years ago

I’m pretty disappointed about Adam Baldwin, too. I’d heard he was a right-winger, but there are other right-wing celebrities who aren’t total assholes. Most, I suspect, are like any other right winger who is otherwise a reasonably decent person: unable or unwilling to see outside their bubble (whether that bubble is wealth and privilege or Red State good ol’ boy-ness).

But no. He’s an anti-choice, misogynist bully. And he seems to have be upset that “marriage is no longer all about the children” – hmm, what could that be code for?

When you’re watching Firefly and you’re telling yourself that the characters are not the same as the actors, it shouldn’t be because Jayne is the better person.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


So Adam Baldwin is just a misogynist jerk, but not one of the religious variety?
(Also, thanks, I was thinking of Stephen.)

11 years ago

Isn’t Adam Baldwin the actor-turned-religious-freako?

You’re thinking of one of the non-related Baldwin brothers.

Mr. Heartiste certainly knows how to make himself look like the sexist, racist asshole he is. I hope he gets hit with crippling self-awareness one day. Maybe when he’s that old, sad, balding guy at the club, trying out his best negs from 1996 on passing women and failing. That day is coming sooner rather than later.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

I’m lost, what is Anfernee? I’m pronouncing it as an-fur-knee which I don’t follow as the second syllable starts with a consonant. Is it an American cultural thing?

11 years ago

I’m American, but I don’t know what Anfernee is supposed to be either. But then again, I’m in Hawaii. Maybe it’s a mainland thing.

11 years ago

Re: Anfernee

It’s a name.

It’s a black dude’s name.

It’s straight-up racism.

11 years ago

A quick scroll through Baldwin’s page portrays him as anti-abortion, anti-Obama, anti-anything that isn’t American. And a bit of a Bible thumper it seems.

11 years ago

Best guess: “Anfernee” is “Anthony” pronounced with a stereotypical “Ebonics” accent. It’s the way racist jerkwads think black people talk.

11 years ago

BTW David, was Adam Baldwin just lumped in with the Red Pill dudes, or is he actually stupid enough to believe in the red pill?


Yeah, plus that whole comment is more like #TellACapitalistThankYou.

That comment made me laugh too. It’s like, so it’s all good in the hood for men to be commodities?

11 years ago

Speaking of Heartiste… He had a post on pit bulls recently in which he managed to combine misogyny, racism, and animal cruelty into OMFG and then it got worse in the comments. I thought about posting it here, but it made me too depressed. Go look at your own risk. (Basically women are adopting pits because THUGS and he hopes they all get mauled.)

Even leaving aside the racism/misogyny, the pit bull thing makes me angry because (a) I have known so many nice pit bulls, and (b) there’s no real science behind it, and (c) people tend to call any dog that attacks someone a pit bull — in fact, most people can’t identify a pit bull when shown pictures of similar breeds.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, I now understand how horrible that comment is. It is the perfect illustration of how “isms” tend to cluster together in the one nasty person. Being so hateful and worked up all the time, maybe he’ll drive himself to a heart attack. Or, he could just learn to be nice.

11 years ago

Huh. I’d have said “Anfernee” was a phonetic spelling of the way some London school boy mispronounced his name.

But I guessed already that coupling it with “Juan” was a humongous dogwhistle.

11 years ago

Funny how John Durant thinks it’s feminism that treats women like a walking uterus. Cause it’s not as if women were ever looked at as little more than broodmares whose only real value was in her ability to spawn an heir. *facepalm* Gawd, the dumb, it burns.

11 years ago

I’m not convinced either way about the spotty kitty belly vs. bird debate. I think we need more evidence.

Here’s some for the kitty side:

Though this video indicates that you don’t have to choose just one:

11 years ago

Noooo not Adam Baldwin! I…I didn’t know! *sob*

11 years ago

There, there, katz. *consoles*

11 years ago

You say that as if there’s only one. But if you were to give me that description with nothing else to go on, my first guess would be Kirk Cameron.

Oh, I know he’s not the only one. And now we can add Angus Jones to the list.

11 years ago

Yeah, when I first joined Twitter I went looking for people from shows I like too and some of them are awesome (Adam Savage, Wil Wheaton, and Felicia Dayfor example) but I think I followed Adam Baldwin for about a day before realizing what a mysogynistic, rightwing asshole he is. I think he may have just played himself on Firefly.

11 years ago

Re: Adam Baldwin

The Baldwin who found Jesus is Stephen Baldwin.

Adam Baldwin is not related to the Baldwin brothers.

The More You Know.

Whoopsie. Thanks for clarifying.

11 years ago

I followed Adam Baldwin for about a day before realizing what a mysogynistic, rightwing asshole he is. I think he may have just played himself on Firefly.

Nah. Jayne is many types of asshole, but neither right-wing nor (surprisingly) misogynistic are among them.

11 years ago

@katz: I’ll never drink all of this internet beer I got. Would you like some to dull the pain?

11 years ago

*reads the explanation behind “Anfernee”* Oh. Ugghh! That’s another thing to tweet: #INeedMasculismBecause feminists crush my need to assert my manly dominance [over blacks and Hispanics].

11 years ago

Wait, it’s THAT Adam Baldwin? That’s depressing

Yup, back in the days of the Firefly BBoard, Adam Baldwin would routinely show up to have political discussions with the fans, and he was a conservative tool back then — not really an overtly religious one, more of the authoritarian, libertarian type. It kind of fit in with what an asshat his character was on the show. The other star who would routinely show up is Nathan Fillion, but he seems really cool.

The dismissive way that he sarcastically says that murdering the innocent unborn is “healthcare” really pisses me off. Yes, abortion is a health care service, and a legal one.