antifeminism evil fat fatties heartiste I'm totally being sarcastic kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA racism reddit twitter

#TellAFeministThankYou fends off a manosphere manvasion!

Kittens composing feminist tweets.
Kittens composing feminist tweets.

The twitter hashtag wars continue! Apparently still pissed off that feminists pooped on their #INeedMasculismBecause tag the other day, the dudes of the manosphere launched a little counterattack aimed at #TellAFeministThankYou, a hashtag originally started by Melissa McEwan of Shakesville to give an opportunity to feminists to thank other feminists for, you know, being awesome and stuff.

On Chateau Heartiste, the Heartiste formerly known as Roissy charged up the troops for the campaign.

[T]he #TellAFeministThankYou Twitter feed has morphed into a shooting gallery for the entertainment of trolls and assorted sadists, providing a laugh a second. Feminists on that feed have been reduced to impotently bleating “wait for them to get it out of their systems.”

Go for the fun, stay for the cruelty. And keep an eye out for malevolent forces committing drive-bys of spectacular carnage. The kind of carnage that can leave a feminist with barely enough strength to mewl for the sympathies and circle-wagoning of fellow travelers.

There was just one problem: The PUAs and MRAs and other assorted Red Pill tweeters forgot to have a sense of humor.

Heartiste tried his best to generate some hilarity with a few tweets of his own.


Such magnificent wit!

Evidently feeling he needed to kick it up a notch, he decided to add some sprinkles of racism:


See, cuz only guys with names like “Juan” and “Anfernee” (hint, hint, hint) harass women on the street!

Here are some contributions from some other Red Pill wits, which evidently were highly amusing to the dudes in the RedPill Subreddit:


And a couple of others I found on my own:


There were even a few directed at little old me, like this one from our friend Chuck at Gucci Little Piggy:


You’re welcome!

Flawless victory, guys!

Oh, and here are some more kitties, since they seem to annoy manosphere dudes so much.


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11 years ago

That’s not fair! First Nathan Fillion turns out to be a tool, and now I find out Adam Baldwin is an MRA! Firefly is completely ruined for me!!

11 years ago

Are you a mind-reader, Mr Futrelle.? I was just over on Shakesville, thinking that Manboonz could do a column on this. Came over here and here it is.

11 years ago

I see Adam Baldwin is still an asshole. I remember back when he used to post on the Firefly message boards.

11 years ago

And John Durant thinks that FEMINISM turned women into commodities?! Because back in the grand old days when women were literally chattel, unable to vote or own property, back then they weren’t.


11 years ago

They really need to work on the “funny” aspect of mocking people. C’mon, guys – you keep claiming feminists have no sense of humor, but your attempts are just pathetic.

11 years ago

Y’know, ‘carnage’ is not the type of thing I’d associate with Twitter.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

As much as Adam Baldwin is an asshole, the gist of his comment is exactly what I thank feminism for. It is a good thing that marriage is no longer only about having children (and moreso that children don’t really require marriage to live decent lives) and a fantastic thing that women have control over their own bodies. We need more of both of these things. Thanks, feminists!

I also “like” that Hunter Colden just went with straight misogyny, thus proving the need for more feminism! I’ve said it before (and I know I’ll end up saying it again), but they really have zero self-awareness. What is the thought process? “I hate women and have no respect for them. This is precisely what feminism attempts to fix. If I show the world that I am still an asshole despite feminism, then everyone will know that what feminists complain about is real, but I’ll get to show those feminists how much I hate women! How could this plan go wrong?”

11 years ago

@Some Gal

Yeah, as Liss said yesterday on Shakesville, “Thanks for proving my point.”

11 years ago

Wait, it’s THAT Adam Baldwin? That’s depressing

11 years ago

Kitty bellies!

11 years ago

I remember when I first joined Twitter and went looking for actors from shows I liked, and discovered what a tool Adam Baldwin was.

I wonder what Joss thinks?

11 years ago

@Shadow: I know, it’s depressing as hell. I wish I could say I was surprised, though.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

And John Durant thinks that FEMINISM turned women into commodities?! Because back in the grand old days when women were literally chattel, unable to vote or own property, back then they weren’t.

Thank you for putting into words what I was feeling.

@Shadow, Emilygoddess, Falconer

I was hoping it was one of those weird, creepy, overeager fans – I am disappointed now.

11 years ago

Is there anything cuter than the spotty bellies of tabby kittens?

11 years ago

Isn’t Adam Baldwin the actor-turned-religious-freako? And I love the one about how feminists have made men’s lives harder since 1848. It speaks to the self-centeredness of MRAs.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@Creative Writing Student

I was hoping it was one of those weird, creepy, overeager fans – I am disappointed now.

Me too (to both). There goes another actor who I used to find handsome, but now I will just see a guy who thinks that I shouldn’t get to make decisions about what (or even, maybe, in very late pregnancy, who) my organs support. So not attractive to me. Instead, controlling and creepy. Ugh.

At least it will basically work when I rewatch Firefly. It isn’t like Jayne is some hero.

11 years ago

I wonder if that will be taken over again. If I had a Twitter, I would answer it seriously because I do have things to thank Feminism for on a personal level. For helping me learn to stop letting gender roles tie me down, and to embrace who I am as a woman.

11 years ago

All this ‘feminists/women have no sense of humour/aren’t funny’ crap they peddle…oh, the lack of self awareness!

Although, I still can’t believe he actually calls himself ‘heartiste’. That is pretty funny, I will admit.

Citizen Justin
11 years ago

“Women are stupid and I don’t respect them” is the first line of Jon LaJoie’s song ‘Show Me Your Genitals’. I don’t know if Hunter Colden saw this video and didn’t realise it was a piss-take, but it would be amusing to think that he did.

11 years ago

“Is there anything cuter than the spotty bellies of tabby kittens?”

Birdies, maybe?

11 years ago

Birdie! Squee! Hummingbirds do top little kitty bellies. It is close though ^_^

11 years ago

And John Durant thinks that FEMINISM turned women into commodities?! Because back in the grand old days when women were literally chattel, unable to vote or own property, back then they weren’t.

Yeah, plus that whole comment is more like #TellACapitalistThankYou.

@CWS it definitely helps that he was already playing a semi-villain. I like to think he just became Jayne.

11 years ago

Isn’t Adam Baldwin the actor-turned-religious-freako?

You say that as if there’s only one. But if you were to give me that description with nothing else to go on, my first guess would be Kirk Cameron.

11 years ago

@brittersweet: word. The fact that I even thought to ask myself whether I really want kids is thanks to feminism. Spoiler: I don’t, which makes me even more grateful.

11 years ago


It would be kind of fun to make that a sarcastic hashtag on Twitter.

#TellACapitalistThankYou for climate change and alienation!

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