a voice for men advocacy of violence antifeminism custody domestic violence grandiosity hate misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men paranoia paul elam sympathy for murderers terrorism your time will come

With courthouse violence on the rise, Men’s Rights activists continue to lionize the author of a terrorist manifesto urging men to burn down courthouses

Poster at a memorial for Tom Ball, an MRA who advocated burning down courthouses and police stations.
Poster at a memorial event for Tom Ball, an MRA who advocated burning down courthouses and police stations.

EDIT 6/15/13: Tom Ball’s manifesto is no longer posted on A Voice for Men, though it isn’t clear if this is a website glitch or a change in policy on AVFM’s part;  no announcement about taking it down has been made.

EDITED TO ADD: In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing, it seems even more important to reinterate that influential Men’s Rights website A Voice for Men continues to host, in its “activism” section no less, a terrorist manifesto literally calling for the firebombing of courthouses and police stations. Until and unless that manifesto is removed, and A Voice for Men apologizes for hosting it, I will be linking to this post every time I mention A Voice for Men.

There has been another courthouse shooting. On Monday morning, the father of a man due in court for a child support hearing pulled out a semiautomatic handgun and shot his son’s ex wife and a friend of hers as they entered the lobby of the New Castle County Courthouse in Wilmington Delaware. After an exchange of gunfire with police that left two officers wounded, 68-year old Thomas Matusiewicz took his own life. The two women Matusiewcz shot were pronounced dead on arrival at a local hospital.

His son, David Matusiewcz, had earlier served time – an astonishingly short amount of time – for kidnapping his three girls and hiding out with them in Nicaragua for a year and a half. More details on the case here, here, and here; further news coverage here.

Unfortunately, despite increased security, violence in and around courthouses has been on the increase. There have been numerous courthouse shootings and other violent attacks across the country in recent months, from Texas to New York to Washington state. Sometimes the victims are family members; other times they’re prosecutors or judges.

A recent report published by the National Center for State Courts notes that

We live in a time when threats against judges and acts of violence in courthouses and courtrooms are occurring throughout the country with greater frequency than ever before. …  Individuals and groups have committed acts of violence in courthouses, often attempts to murder judicial officials, escape from custody, and disrupt or delay proceedings. Moreover, courthouses, which represent the ideals of democracy in American society, have become symbolic targets for antigovernment extremists and terrorists (domestic and international). …

In addition to shootings, bombings, and arson attacks, there have been knifings, assaults, failed bombing attempts, suicides, bomb plots, murder-for-hire conspiracies, and much more

While shootings tend to get the most media coverage, the report notes that “arson attacks, through the use of improvised incendiary devices, have increased in number and frequency.”

That’s why it’s so worrisome that A Voice for Men, the leading Men’s Rights site outside of Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, continues to host a terrorist manifesto urging Men’s Rights activists to literally burn down courthouses and police stations, even if doing so means that people are killed.

The manifesto, which I have written about several times previously, was written by a troubled man (and an admitted child abuser) named Tom Ball, who burned himself to death on the steps of a courthouse in New Hampshire in hopes that his death would inspire a wave of arson against courthouses and police stations. defines terrorism as “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.” And that is precisely what Ball’s manifesto advocates.

Here’s some of what he wrote, taken directly from the manifesto posted on AVFM. (I’ve put some of the more egregious passages in bold text.)

So boys, we need to start burning down police stations and courthouses. … the dirty deeds are being carried out by our local police, prosecutors and judges. These are the people we pay good money to protect us and our families. And what do we get for our tax money? Collaborators who are no different than the Vichy of France or the Quislings of Norway during the Second World War. All because they go along to get along. They are an embarrassment, the whole lot of them. And they need to be held accountable. So burn them out. …

You need to flatten them, like Wile E. Coyote. They need to be taught never to replace the rule of law. BURN-THEM-OUT!

Most of the police stations built in New England over the last 20 years are stone or brick. Fortunately, the roofs are still wood. The advantage of fire on the roof is that it is above the sprinklers. But even the sprinklers going off work to our advantage. There is no way they can work in a building with six inches of water. And I am certain we will disrupt their momentum once they start working out of a FEMA

At this point Ball’s manifesto is interrupted mid-sentence by  an “editor’s note” from the folks at AVFM:

Several paragraphs in this copy of Mr Ball’s original letter have been omitted. The omitted paragraphs contained detailed instructions on the manufacture and use of simple incendiary devices.

Yes, that’s right; Ball’s original manifesto included specific instructions for constructing effective Molotov cocktails, a pretty clear indication that there was nothing figurative about his calls to “burn them out,” and that Ball literally hoped that his death, and his manifesto, would encourage a wave of arson. Indeed, that it would be the start of a literal war of Men’s Rights Activists against the US government.

Ball made clear that this war, like all wars, would mean death for some people:

There will be some casualties in this war. Some killed, some wounded, some captured. Some of them will be theirs. Some of the casualties will be ours. …

I only managed to get the main door of the Cheshire County Courthouse in Keene, NH. I would appreciate it if some of you boys would finish the job for me. They harmed my children. The place is evil. So take it out.

AVFM doesn’t have this manifesto up as a historical curiousity. AVFM posts and comments have portrayed Ball as an Men’s Rights martyr, and the manifesto is listed in AVFM’s “activism” section. Apparently throwing Molotov cocktails through courthouse windows is a form of “activism.”

Now, the official stance of the AVFM crowd is that they don’t support such violence – that they’re just predicting that more of it will occur.

Site founder Paul Elam has written:

Thomas Ball represents a tragic, dysfunctional reaction to chronic, systemic abuse. There are many possible reactions. Some even worse than his. And while we cannot, must not, condone violence, we had better learn to expect it as long as an ideological war against men is allowed to make a battlefield in our justice system and within the heart of our own families.

Then why, Paul, do you feature his manifesto in your “activism” section, alongside a link to AVFM’s “Judicial Accountability Committee?” Why do you continue to lionize the man and treat him as a martyr?

In another post, Elam further explicated his most peculiar brand of “pacifism.” (Emphasis added.)

I am a pacifist. I do not advocate violence.  But I tell you this. The day I see one of these absolutely incredulous excuses for a judge dragged out of his courtroom into the street, beaten mercilessly, doused with gasoline and set afire by a father who just won’t take another moment of injustice, I will be the first to put on the pages of this website that what happened was a minor tragedy that pales by far in comparison to the systematic brutality and thuggery inflicted daily on American fathers by those courts and their police henchmen.

It would not even so much be a tragedy as the chickens coming home to roost. And it is certainly less of an indecency than the suicide of Tom Ball.

This is from a man who evidently considers himself some kind of 21st century Gandhi.

AVFM is not the only Men’s Rights site to lionize Ball; he’s been hailed by numerous MRAs, and his manifesto (in its entirely, including the Molotov cocktail portions) has been reposted all over the internet. Indeed, some MRAS have constructed an elaborate site memorializing him and his alleged heroism. A year after his death, Men’s Rights activists organized a “memorial” protest. He’s even been remembered in song.

Helen “Dr. Helen” Smith, a Men’s Rights advocate and sometime writer for the right wing PJMedia site, said this about his manifesto. (Emphasis added.)

His statement is not the ramblings of a madman, it is the mission of a warrior in some sense. He was fighting for his rights and for yours, if you are male. He was trying to bring some urgency to the male plight in this country, one that no one appreciates or cares about until they are engaged in the battle of the courts.

You can find more discussion and lionization of Ball by MRAs, Fathers’ Rights Activists and others here, here, here, here, here and here. A few minutes with Google will turn up numerous other examples.

Why do I continue to hammer on about Ball’s manifesto? Because so many in the Men’s Rights movement are motivated primarily by anger and hatred — of women, of feminists, and of those, like judges and police officers) that they see as feminist “quislings.” Because so many in the Men’s Rights movement – like the prolific writers and videomakers associated with AVFM – stoke this anger and hatred every chance they get.

It seems almost inevitable that at some point some especially angry and unbalanced Men’s Rights Activist will resort to violence – as MRAs like Elam have “predicted” again and again. (Indeed, we’re probably lucky that Ball did not choose to “take out” others before taking his own life.) This violence may well be directed against a judge or prosecutor or some other official seen as a feminist or feminist “collaborator.” When and if this violence occurs, no doubt the folks at AVFM will officially “lament” it – and then come up with elaborate explanations as to why it’s all really the fault of feminists. Indeed, in the posts of his I quoted above, Elam has already written what are in essence apologias for this violence, even before it has happened.

If the Men’s Rights movement wants to be seen as anything other than a hate group, MRAs need to stop lionizing the author of a terrorist manifesto, and they need to start criticizing those in their movement who make excuses for the violence that they so often warn us is inevitable.

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11 years ago

I’m looking at MM’s blog, and I can’t decide if he’s for real or just a Poe. I mean, just look at the picture of a mushroom cloud under the category of “the holiness of women”. It’s so over the top.

Masculist Man
11 years ago

Quit being disingenuous rape apologist misogynistic assholes, MRAs.

Quit being castrating,misandric,false accuser excusing feminists.

You aren’t going to find any fans of Brennan here, no matter how much you wish it were true. We don’t tolerate assholes like her.

Sounds like she’s becoming an embarrassment and is being thrown out and ridiculed. That is until the pressure is off. Sounds like bullshit 101 to me.

Your movement spits on anyone who isn’t cis, heterosexual, white, and male, and you’re calling our movement a joke?

Brian Banks is a white guy? I believe Brian would disagree with that. How many men have you helped or does your movement only help women?

On Lorena Bobbitt from People magazine:

Lorena’s story brought her considerable sympathy as a presumed abused wife. She has received letters of support, and immediately after the incident the Virginia chapter of NOW set up a support hot line. As recently as last week, women in San Francisco held a demonstration on her behalf, shouting, with unintended irony, “Stop the violence!”


11 years ago

Quit being castrating,misandric,false accuser excusing feminists.

I know you are, but what am I?

Literally no one here has excused false accusers. Feel free to prove me wrong though.

Sounds like she’s becoming an embarrassment and is being thrown out and ridiculed. That is until the pressure is off. Sounds like bullshit 101 to me.

I don’t know why we bother saying what we think, ladies, when we have Mr Male here to tell us.

How many men have you helped or does your movement only help women?

“Not prioritizing” == “spitting on”, but nice try.

11 years ago

Quit being castrating,misandric,false accuser excusing feminists.

I’m not misandric, I oppose castration under all circumstances (unless the person consents to it or it’s required for medical reasons), and I have never supported any false accuser.

Sounds like she’s becoming an embarrassment and is being thrown out and ridiculed. That is until the pressure is off. Sounds like bullshit 101 to me.

I know you’re trying to sound cool, but you’re failing horribly. We have already told you that we loathe Brennan, and we made it clear as to why that’s the case. Ignoring our words is only going to make you sound like an idiot.

Brian Banks is a white guy? I believe Brian would disagree with that. How many men have you helped or does your movement only help women?

Whether Banks is non-white is irrelevant. The fact is, your movement is notorious for being infested with bigotry. And by your reasoning, the MRM is misogynistic because it focuses much more on helping men than helping women. That’s shitty reasoning though; your movement is misogynistic for reasons that have nothing to do with the fact that it focuses on men. The same can be said about feminism; that it focuses on women doesn’t make it misandric.

Now, shoo.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Semis one clearly missed that the Brennan stuff I linked to was a year old. The pressure will be off her when she stops dox’ing trans* women, stops insisting they’re men, etc. in other words, when she passes “being a decent human being 101”. Until then, and for quite awhile now, trans feminists will continue to hate her (you can read that as either transfeminists or trans* feminists, both hate her)

11 years ago

Sounds like she’s becoming an embarrassment and is being thrown out and ridiculed. That is until the pressure is off. Sounds like bullshit 101 to me.

Honestly, even if we were only pretending to hate Brennan because she makes feminists look bad, that’d still make feminists better than MRAs, who continue to host the terrorist-advocating manifesto as an example of activism.

So, uh… cool movement you got there.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Semis one?!


Thank you auto-correct >.<

Masculist Man
11 years ago

Feminism is very misandric considering its goal is to destroy men. Lorena Bobbitt proved that just as Katherine Kieu Becker did.

Masculist Man
11 years ago

Whether Banks is non-white is irrelevant. The fact is, your movement is notorious for being infested with bigotry.

No,it’s relevent because someone labeled us “racists” which is not the case. If you want to see racists then check this out:

11 years ago

Prehensile Potatoes is the name of my new tumblr.

11 years ago

RE: Masculist Man

Feminism is very misandric considering its goal is to destroy men.

You say this, and yet two MRAs have told me flat-out that the MRM has nothing to offer me, while feminism does.

Note that I remain undestroyed. People actually like me here.

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

Oh, a new troll. This one is quite lame. His dialect is incredibly hard to decipher due to the froth coming from his mouth.

“I throw down the guantlet,bitch.” Translation: “Mommy said my handwriting is pretty.”

“Are you man enough to accept my challenge?” Translation: “I dare you! I double-dare you!”

“I see clogia and pissandra don’t agree with me.” Translation: “Poop, pee, fart, piss. Tee hee!”

“That’s cool because I hate feminists and as long as they hate me I’m doing my job.” Translation: “I broke my favorite toy and now I’m sad and angry.”

“Feminazis,quit lying. You know you really love Brennan and stand by her. You’re just lying by playing damage control.” Liar, liar, pants on fire!”

“And yes I laugh at you too because you and your movement are a joke,a dirty foul offensive joke but a joke nonetheless.” Translation: “Waaah wanna blah waah argle bargle waaah ice cream waaaah”

“Speaking of jokes I glad pussy riot is locked up,they’re probably doing each other right now. I’ll bet every lesbian here (which is every female here) could join them. The only thing to get between you girls is a double headed dildo.” Translation: “Mommy, what’s a lesbian?”

“Quit being castrating,misandric,false accuser excusing feminists.” Translation: “Shut up! You’re all mean old poopyheads!”

Yes, it has become quite apparent from these translations that we’re dealing with a juvenile troll here. They are small and quite harmless, but cause one hell of a ruckus with their constant temper tantrums. Try to keep it down, MM, some of us need to sleep.

11 years ago

No,it’s relevent because someone labeled us “racists” which is not the case. If you want to see racists then check this out

The fact that one of your ideologues is non-white doesn’t make the MRM not generally bigoted against non-white people.

Also, although it’s true that some feminists express racist attitudes, that doesn’t mean all do – in fact, racist feminists are dying out rather quickly with the advent of intersectionalist feminism among feminists.

Now shoo!

11 years ago

No,it’s relevent because someone labeled us “racists” which is not the case.

I can’t be racist! I have POC friends bloggers!

If you want to see racists then check this out

Racism in the feminist movement: not news to anyone here. At least we’re willing to own it so we can, you know, fix it.

Masculist Man
11 years ago

You’re very disingenuous,Dave. First of all we have profiled women of all colors who have hurt men. Second,Matt Forney,while being right on some things is NOT an MRA. He even says he isn’t. Nice try.

Masculist Man
11 years ago

Emilydemoness,your whole movement is about racism as it always has been. Feminists look down on women of color. Just because you employ them and treat them like their less than human doesn’t make them your sisters.

Masculist Man
11 years ago

Rabidpidgeon,your post reminded me of Peggy HIll and her grasp of the Spanish language. Your so-called translation is way off mark. But then again so is your movement.

Alidiotia,Prove we’re racists.

Masculist Man
11 years ago

You say this, and yet two MRAs have told me flat-out that the MRM has nothing to offer me, while feminism does.

Why did they tell you that? What are the reasons?

11 years ago


Pidgin: “a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common”

Pigeon: any bird of the order Columbidae

Pidgeon: not a word

Thanks for the lol and the new nym, though.

Alex Reynard
Alex Reynard
11 years ago

Valerie Solanis. Valerie Solanis. Valerie Solanis.

Valerie fucking Solanis.

I’m not excusing AVFM. In fact, I’m rather disgusted by their actions. But feminism’s no better. I have personally been in an argument with a feminist who insisted Solanis’ SCUM Manifesto was nothing but harmless satire, despite Val herself telling the cops that if they wanted to understand why she’d tried to murder three men, all thy had to do was read it.

You can condemn AVFM’s actions, certainly, but for the sake of honesty, don’t act so shocked about it.

11 years ago

Alex: No. Valerie Solanis isn’t comparable. And what are we supposed to be not shocked about… that the bastion of, “the human rights movement of the 21st Century” is advocating for destroying the system of justice? That this is what they think of as decent activism?

Even if you could cite a reliable source for that quotation you impute to Solanis (since the Manifesto wasn’t published with her consent, and not until after she shot Warhol, which arose from a dispute over artwork, not feminism), that was more than 30 years ago, and she was never a major figure in feminism.

AVfM claims to be at the center. So the central figures of your movement are advocating violence. That’s a fundamental distinction.

Yes, Solanis was a feminist. Maybe she was sincere in what she wrote in S.C.U.M., but it was never embraced my mainstream feminism.

So your false equivalence, is false; and by your saying feminism is just as bad, you are excusing AVfM. You are saying what they do is understandable, because, “reasons”.

11 years ago

Know any mainstream feminists who embrace Solanis’s ideas or actions? Maybe some radfems do, but mainstream? Hardly.

Not quite like the MRM, is it, where George Sodini, Thomas Ball and Marc Lepine are praised as heroes, and men are told to bash a woman’s head against the wall and make her clean up her own blood.

Thing with the MRM is, it’s tiny, and there is no mainstream, or moderate, group. It’s all the Paul “fucking their shit up gives me an erection” Elams and John the Otters and WTF Prices. That’s it. There is no comparison with feminism in numbers, or actions (not that these keyboard warriors are noted for doing anything but cheering on violent men) or aims. You seen any feminists demanding that men should lose the vote, or all property rights, or the right to work, or have equal pay? Nor have I. Yet that’s what the MRM demands regarding women: they want us denied basic human rights, up to and including the right to life.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wait, feminism is inherently racist? Is that why my twitter feed includes a bunch of WoC discussing how feminism can be more intersectional?!

Kitteh — given today, I’d actually bet TERFs do support it. I think I saw “kill all men (especially trans* women cuz they’re really men)” about a dozen times today.