antifeminism creepy disgusting women evil sexy ladies evo psych fairy tales girl germs men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA TROOOLLLL!! vaginas

Fatty sacks and love tubes: An MRA sets us all straight on the perfidious nature of women

One order of misogyny, coming up!
One order of misogyny, coming up!

Usually I venture into the manosphere to collect the latest misogyny, but sometimes it’s delivered right to my door. Here, some intriguing thoughts on women, from an MRA who showed up in the comments here yesterday, and who has been delighting the regulars not only with his opinions but with his colorful writing style.

Here’s the dude calling himself Dragon Slayer, on how young women and their cell phones will bring about the death of feminism:

The feminist movement is doomed not because of us MRAs, but because of women. These days most women spend their youth with mouths agape, babbling on their cell phones and strutting around in public with the fatty sacks on their chests manipulated in such a way to attract a man’s attention. That’s literally all they do. Then once they get older they start looking to mortgage their pink clam off for private use in exchange for food and shelter. After that, they could give a shit about the rest of the world. So for your own sanity, I’d recommend you all just drop this feminism project.

Some thoughts on women and love:

I’m of the opinion that women aren’t really capable of love. I mean sure, they’ll barter access to various body parts- temporary bodyguard for butt action, manservant for intercourse, and such- but that’s not really “love” in the way it has been traditionally defined, by men. I suppose the only pure expression of “love” is that found between two men.

And some further reflections on that subject:

Evolution hasn’t programmed women to reciprocate affection. From a reproductive standpoint, they exist to gobble as much hot sour cream as possible and then propagate the species with the best DNA they can wrangle. Men, on the other hand, are programmed for targeted monogamous affection, the better to protect the female who chooses him as her sperm donor. In modern society, this dynamic has changed, as women don’t just require elite semen, but also financial security, which more often than not can be better provided by a biologically inferior male, to whom she transfers access to her love tube sometime in her early thirties.

So the pink clam is now a love tube? So confusing.

Is Dragon Slayer for real? I admit I’m not altogether sure. There’s some suspicion that he’s a sockpuppet of the legendary Man Boobz troll Arks; the writing style is similar, and, like Arks, the new guy puts bromance before ho-mance. Whether or not this is Arks II, I suspect he’s not purely trolling — that is, while trying to be inflammatory, he believes at least some of what he posts. And indeed, aside from the stuff about man-man love and the bit about men being programmed for monogamy, this is all stuff we’ve heard before from the evo-psych-obsessed dudes of the manosphere.

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12 years ago

Indeed he is. His story about staring down a pack of dogs (and also a gang of laptop thieves) got even more ridiculous when I looked up photos of him. That guy’s fugly face doesn’t scream “natural born killer” so much as “I would lose my glasses if there wasn’t a cord keeping them around my neck.”

12 years ago

With Nolan it’s hard to tell how much of his crap is him telling tall tales and how much is there being something genuinely off with his perception of the reality. I used to think it was mostly the former, but then I saw the video of him in court.

12 years ago

Pierre racing to the rescue *swoons*

Is it just me or does the wild dog incident remind other people of JtO and the box-cutter wielding mob?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

titianblue – that was the first thing I thought!

Maybe they were box-cutter wielding wild dogs?

That thread’s a doozy. I went from PANc’s rantings to Nick and his mother-murdered-his-father fantasising.

I love how those dogs not only understood human speech, but presumably understood English, since I’d be a tad surprised if Ranty Nolan speaks Romanian and he claims this happened in Bucharest. They’re eddicated, them wild Romanian dog packs. Hey – could they be Owly’s superdogs?

12 years ago

Actually the JtO script that I have in the queue is what reminded me of this incident. (I just drew this one first because I wanted to draw a dog.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Maybe the MRAs have a set of scripts they use. It wouldn’t surprise me. They really do need someone to take care of continuity, though; they really get their stories mixed up.

12 years ago

Hot sour cream.
Somebody should get checked up by the doc. That’s not what it’s supposed to be like.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Even cold yogurt would be better. :/

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Akk. Why am I so frakkin’ distracted with writing these days? Half a page and it fizzles out. And that’s a flamin’ diary, it’s not like I’m having to make it up.


12 years ago

Hmm… regarding the elderly men behaving badly thing on the other page…

I’ve always, always went for full-on aggression (verbal, not physical) if being targeted. Even if I’m the customer server I will tell the dude off, or humiliate him the moment he crosses the line. Which is if he continues after being politely but firmly asked to stop. It’s the only thing that works, it throws them off completely that a “little girl” like me would not put up with their BS. Dunno if it’s a culturally dependent thing but there’s not a lot of tolerance for asshattery towards customer service people where I’m from so you’re not likely to be in trouble for giving a sarcastic or biting response to inappropriate behaviour (and touching gets the security called). Then again, it’s not just due to sexual harassment that companies are strict but due to all sort of badly behaving customers a la

12 years ago

Interesting how this guy is trying to include science into his stupidity by applying some backwards evo-psych logic into it. Even the more commonly heard version – which is the exact opposite of what he said – is wrong on several levels. Most importantly the “hardwired” part but there’s a lot more wrong with it. Most species have several breeding strategies even within the same population – this applies to humans too with the additive fact that we have more reasoning power over our actions. And every single decision or other action an organism makes is not about reproduction!

Evo-psych is almost purely speculation and almost every time I’ve seen it applied to anything, based on internalized stereotypes of even the scientists pondering it. (We are not immune to social and cultural internalized bullshit anymore than the next guy. But all of us can unlearn these, and should. Especially when not relying on them results in better research because it lacks such bias.)

I’ve probably mentioned this but I’m a scientist in the making, and I’m always endlessly pissed off when people in the media take a study and without actually internalizing what it really is about just come to the conclusion that *insert something stupid here”.
I occasionally see scientists of all sorts make this mistake as well, but most commonly it’s a misunderstanding (sometimes, intentional distortion of the study) by media and/or stupid people (bonus points if they have an agenda). In the scientific community itself, these sort of things are routinely questioned at least.

In case somebody gives a crap (as they should, as “scientist” is actually a very broad way to categorize an entire cornucopia of career options);
My major is ecology with focus on behavior and welfare studies, toxicology and hydrobiology as minors. And Japanese language and culture studies as an added bonus 😛

12 years ago

@Catfish – oh hay fellow ecology-person! Poor science journalism and sex & gender related evo-psych argle bargle give me a sad too. The thing that bothers me the most about people (the media, eejits on the net) who spout off the evo-psych stuff is that they pretty much never have a deeper understanding of biology/evolution/animal behaviour/sexual reproduction yet they insist that it is right because oh suprise, suprise, it reinforces what they already think. And of course they don’t understand enough about how science works in general to be able to pick up on or understand the problems yet they just blindly defend it because SCIENCE!! IS ON THEIR SIDE!! Ugh.

12 years ago

I think the only way I’m going to respond to EVOPSYCH BARF right now is with Cliff’s really lovely quote:

“Popular evopsych, summed up: “Men and women are different. Humans and chimps are the same.”

12 years ago

I feel for your daughter. At 12 I was a 34D. I couldn’t wear much of what was in fashion because it looked very sexy on me. I ended up wearing baggy t-shirts a lot.

12 years ago

Oh look, another butthurt MRA who can’t stand being viewed in the way they view women. Can’t stand being treated like the way they treat women. Gaze into that mirror and blame the reflection for how it awful it appears. You’re sure to save the world.

12 years ago

Er, was referring to the guy in the article in case that wasn’t clear lol

12 years ago

Katz, I just saw your Pierre on governmentsgetgirlfriends, was it really him commenting when he said that he did genuinely call the police?!

12 years ago

@yoyo & @melody Oh god, the “hey, I’m NOT ready for this”-boobs. Mine grew like hell in sixth/seventh grade and my a-cup mum didn’t know how to get me proper bras, so my tits were large AND badly supported/falling out of the bra. (I was in my mid-twenties when I started even approaching correct sizes, 30G represent!)

By the end of seventh grade I was probably a 30E and got a lot of unwanted attention, which got really old, really quickly. I slapped, kicked, punched or verbally abused to the point of tears the boys who’d terrorise me. And then I wore strappy, low cut tops to prove that they didn’t get to me. Fascinatingly enough, it worked as an intimidation-tactic almost as much as the violence and abuse. Little boys could NOT deal with aggressively and consciously “sexy” combined with hair trigger temper and Doc Marten’s.

Not that I’m recommending my tactics, violence isn’t ok. The table-turning on people who shame and insult though, actually still works sixteen years later. As does owning your body, whichever way you do it.

I’m really ranty on the behalf of busty girls everywhere.

12 years ago

Agh. 30J. Stupid brain.

12 years ago

…that’s not really “love” in the way it has been traditionally defined, by men. I suppose the only pure expression of “love” is that found between two men…

Isn’t that “the love that dare not speak its name”?

12 years ago

OK, so, home ownership. Not so great when the drains clog underground.

Probably not going to hang out here much today. I just need a small break because of dealing with getting the drains unstuck.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It could be an interesting comparison: which is more gross, actual drains or the MRM?

No contest, really.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I think I’d have a meltdown if I touched either… 😛

*does not like the feel of slimy drains*

12 years ago

which is more gross, actual drains or the MRM?

One of these is slimy and below contempt, and the other requires a visit by a plumber.

Falconer, for what it’s worth, I’d have to call Rescue Rooter once a year for my shower drain if it weren’t for these enzymes. They don’t work to clear drains very well, but they work great for maintenance. (I don’t use it once a week – I usually do a quadruple dose every month to six weeks instead.)

12 years ago

Maybe I panicked, but I called a plumber and they’re snaking it out. Plus it backed up into my basement.