a woman is always to blame antifeminism atheism block that metaphor domestic violence entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil single moms evil women excusing abuse girl germs grandiosity hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA narcissism no girls allowed oppressed men playing the victim precious bodily fluids pussy pass rapey reactionary bullshit sexual harassment single mothers the sound of his own voice

Feminists! Give up your misandry, accept that women are inferior, and oh, this MRA rant gets worse. Much worse.

Whatever this kid is saying is guaranteed to be smarter and less offensive than Jacob Ian Stalk's horrific rant
Whatever this kid is saying is guaranteed to be smarter and less offensive than Jacob Ian Stalk’s horrific rant

Cloudiah found this amazingly awful rant — from a prolific manosphere commenter and Spearhead supporter by the name of Jacob Ian Stalk — in the comments section to a piece on feminism in The Tab Oxford, a student paper. She posted it in the comments here on Man Boobz, where itā€™s already generated a good deal of discussion (see comments here, here, here, and here for starters). But I thought it deserved a post of its own.

So without further ado, I present Jacob Ian Stalkā€™s ā€œ12-Step Program for Recovering Feminists.ā€

Equality is equality. Feminism is about the unbridled pursuit of power for women. Got that?

Uh, no, actually, because itā€™s not true, but please continue.

The age of feminism is over, thankfully. The comments here that support feminism are from the rats that refuse to leave the sinking ship, thinking thereā€™s sustenance still to be found there somewhere. Sorry to disappoint, but there is nothing nutritious left.

So the ship is sinking at the very moment itā€™s run out of food that rats can eat. Thatā€™s quite a coincidence! Or is it sinking because it ran out of food? Were the dudes on the ship using rat food to plug holes in the hull?

Men the world over are waking up to the damage wrought by rampant feminism and theyā€™re shocked to realise it all happened while they were asleep. Well, theyā€™re asleep no more. Bleat all you like about feminism being about this or that, but the truth of itā€™s evil is written all over the once noble institutions of the world and the wishful bleatings of solipsistic girl-children canā€™t erase it. It is done. The cailphate is establishing its power base once more and Sharia law is spreading.

Huh? Because of feminism? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Feminists have destroyed the family and have eschewed child-bearing in favour of credentialism and the illusion of success, killing their unborn children and robbing men of their will to be fathers and husbands. The laugh is on you, Western feminists, as Western birth rates have at last fallen below their replenishment rate and the Muslims are laughing all the way to the maternity wards.

Oh, dear, you got some racism in your misogyny. Two terrible tastes that taste worse together!

The best you can hope for, Western women, is to abandon feminism entirely. Abandon that idiotic notion of ā€˜equalityā€™, as it will never happen. Ā All it has earned you is the disrespect of men and an increasing number of women the world over. Feminism doesnā€™t make you strong. It doesnā€™t make you powerful. It doesnā€™t make you free. And it sure as hell doesnā€™t make you equal. It just makes you despicable.

Wait, werenā€™t you just complaining that feminism is about female supremacy? Now youā€™re admitting that itā€™s actually about equality ā€“ and youā€™re preaching male supremacy in its place?

Abandon feminism. Hereā€™s a 12-step program for recovering feminists. There are others.

Ok, here we go.

1. Donā€™t be narcissistic. Never think youā€™re more important than men or children. Marketing departments delight in exploiting the feminist fallacy that you are. They promote ā€˜womenā€™s onlyā€™ this and that, and women have bought into it. This appears sexist but it is really a marketing ploy that works because most women are narcissistic. Companies know they can charge more for goods and services by using the words ā€˜women onlyā€™. Narcissistic women are easily exploitable women. Be neither.

Huh. Isnā€™t the Menā€™s Rights Movement all about exploiting the narcissism of men who think theyā€™re more important than women? (And children ā€“ at least in the case of the MRAs who whine endlessly about how unfair it is they canā€™t financially abandon their kids.)

2. Donā€™t let others make choices for you. This should be self-evident but for most of your life youā€™ve allowed yourself to be told what to wear, what to buy, what to eat, how to dress, where to go, how to think ā€“ in clubs, gyms, magazines, websites, books, stores and by TV talk show hosts. Youā€™ve ā€˜neededā€™ a step-by-step guide through life, which youā€™ve followed with your sisters like sheep. Companies have exploited this need. Behave like a sheep if you must but obey the sheepdog, not the wolf. Better yet, be a woman who can think for herself.

ā€¦ so long as ā€œthinking for yourselfā€ means ā€œthinking youā€™re inferior to men and generally thinking the way men who hate women want you to.ā€

3. Get rid of the self-induced schizophrenia. Donā€™t insist youā€™re strong, confident, capable and independent one minute, then weak, frightened and vulnerable the next, especially when youā€™ve been caught doing something wrong. Donā€™t chop and change whenever it suits you ā€“ learn about who you are and be true. Admit when youā€™ve done something wrong. Donā€™t suddenly remember that you suffered abuse in the past or have some kind of mental illness or other instability, then use it to get yourself off. If you never sought help for these problems before you were caught, donā€™t use them as an excuse afterwards. Accept responsibility for yourself.

And for everything bad that men do as well, as manospherians repeatedly insist. If men are violent, itā€™s because women (allegedly) like dating violent men. If men brutalize the women in their life, itā€™s because the women provoke them. If a man arms himself with high-powered weapons and massacres children, his mom is to the real villain. For manospherians and MRAs generally, “responsiblity” means “a woman is always to blame.”

4. Donā€™t let the law take responsibility for crimes women commit. Speak out against women routinely receiving shorter sentences than men for the same crimes. If the law punishes women as it does children, treat them like children and encourage others to do so too. Donā€™t call these women ā€˜victimsā€™ and say ā€œtheyā€™ve suffered enoughā€ because theyā€™re women. Believe in, and stand up for, equal justice on the basis of gender.

Women do tend to receive shorter sentences than men for the same crimes. But this isnā€™t the fault of feminism. Indeed, female judges are slightly more likely to give women harsher sentence than male judges, possibly reflecting paternalistic attitudes on the part of male judges.

5. Donā€™t believe everything women and feminised men in the media tell you. Many serve up slop by the bucket ā€“ celebrity gossip, slimming tips, sex tips, man-shaming tips, rape and abuse lies, etc. TV shows like Oprah and Dr Phil are filled with advice on how women can transform themselves into victims and blame everything on men, while constantly ridiculing them. Partake of more nutritious fare than this. Get your infotainment from equitable programs. Be aware of the cultural status quo from both perspectives.

I have no idea what Jacob here would consider an ā€œequitableā€ program, but, really, no one of any gender should be getting life advice from Dr. Phil.

6. Donā€™t fake solidarity with other women, especially in public. Donā€™t pretend that all women are your best friends when everyone knows nothing could be further from the truth. Openly acknowledge the reality that women despise each other unless thereā€™s personal advantage in not doing so. Most good men can see through these attempts at deception, so lies wonā€™t travel far. Donā€™t be a liar, especially not an obvious one.

I have no idea what the fuck heā€™s going on about here. ā€œDonā€™t fake solidarity with other women, especially in public??ā€ Do women who hate each other march around Jacobā€™s neighborhood arm-in-arm, pretending to be BFFs and singing the Lady Internationale? (ā€œArise, you prisoners of menstruation ā€¦ Ā .ā€œ)

7. Donā€™t seek equality with men. Masculinity and femininity are inherently different. They are neither equals nor opposites, but different parts of the sexual continuum that canā€™t be defined from each other. Actively separate masculinity from femininity, and separate both from the sexual politics that keep them in healthy tension. Donā€™t claim women can do anything men can do until you start producing your own sperm.

Um, what? Is Kate Bush not a brilliant musician because she doesnā€™t have balls? Is Joan Didion not a brilliant writer because she canā€™t jizz into a sock?

Not every sperm producer is sacred.

8. Donā€™t demonize male sexuality or the male sex. Both sexes can be evil, both can be virtuous. Empathy, wisdom, grace, mercy, compassion and love are all as masculine as they are feminine. Donā€™t invaginate our boys by shaming or medicating the masculinity out of them before it matures and donā€™t impregnate them with the corrosive lie that being a woman is like being a man only better. Male sexuality is a pearl to be cultured. Suffuse your sons egos with promise if you want your daughters to have good men to love.

Uh, ā€œinvaginate?ā€ Invaginate means to ā€œbe turned inside out or folded back on itself to form a cavity or pouch.ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure that teaching boys not to rape their dates does not in any way, literally or figuratively, turn them into a pouch.

9. Respect the sanctuaries of men. Men are judged much more harshly than women so they need their safe retreat. They donā€™t have the same opportunities for emotional support as women so they need a place where they can express themselves free of judgment and ridicule. This place must be respected. Take care if you venture there as your feminine narcissism is the enemy. Donā€™t draw attention to yourself and donā€™t expect protection if you do. If you must speak donā€™t attempt to control the dialogue or steer it towards you. Donā€™t censor language to suit your sensitivities. Male sanctuary is sacred ā€“ treat it as you would a cathedral.

Dudes, if you want to start your own little clubhouses where you can call women ā€œcuntsā€ in peace and quiet, go ahead and do it. Just donā€™t pretend theyā€™re about anything more than misogyny. And if you put these allegedly sacred sanctuaries on the internet, donā€™t be surprised if some people take offence. Oh, and donā€™t claim that, say, video games, or STEM fields, or atheism, or whatever male-heavy thing you’re into, is a ā€œmale sanctuaryā€ that need to be protected from evil girl germs.

Some male spaces can be totally awesome:

Others, not so awesome.

10. Donā€™t use shaming tactics. Donā€™t accuse men of having anger management issues when theyā€™re angry at injustice. Donā€™t accuse them of being a threat when they call you out for being a bigot or a tyrant. Donā€™t accuse them of having a fear of commitment when theyā€™re merely making a choice between bravery and stupidity. Donā€™t assess the merit of their arguments on the basis of their attractiveness to you. Donā€™t attribute their views about women to past disappointments when it is merely an objective assessment of your sex. Shaming tactics are remnants of childhood so leave them in the nursery if you want to be taken seriously.

I think this one just broke the irony meter. Itā€™s not like manosphere dudes ever use shaming language aimed at anyone.

A word of warning here. The next paragraph is the worst one in the whole manifesto, and, honestly, one of the worst things I’ve run across in my more than two years of doing this blog. TRIGGER WARNING for rape apologia.







11. Be honest about sexual harassment. If you assert that you have the right to dress as you please and that men should be able to control their sexuality, honour their right to be shielded from yours. If you donā€™t want men to control themselves but instead want to control their loss of control for your own enjoyment, be prepared for the consequences when things go awry. If ā€˜harassmentā€™ ā€“ the stares, sexual innuendos, sly touches, and even rape ā€“ magically cease to be harassment and become the foundations of a passionate new romance occasionally, admit that you donā€™t really want men to control themselves. Donā€™t expect men to know when itā€™s right to ā€˜harassā€™ you and when itā€™s not. Donā€™t treat Man one minute as an exciting and courageous hero and the next a monster intent on tyranny and abuse if youā€™re inconsistent in your sexual intentions and desires.

Woah. Letā€™s take another look at that especially terrible comment in the middle of that mess:

If ā€˜harassmentā€™ ā€“ the stares, sexual innuendos, sly touches, and even rape ā€“ magically cease to be harassment and become the foundations of a passionate new romance occasionally, admit that you donā€™t really want men to control themselves.

Iā€™ve got no jokes for this one. You honestly think that RAPE can be ā€œthe foundation of a passionate new romance?ā€ What the fuck is wrong with you?

12. Speak out against misandry. The main reason for its proliferation is that women have remained silent. Silence in the face of injustice is cowardly. It has allowed loud, obnoxious women to preach hatred with impunity, which has reflected badly on all women. When you speak out against misandry you do all women a favour. Donā€™t be a misandrist, donā€™t be a coward and donā€™t be silent.

At this point, I really donā€™t think I need to bother to point out the hypocrisy here.

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Maniacal Goblinoid Nightmare Woman
Maniacal Goblinoid Nightmare Woman
12 years ago

Thanks for the “Slayer”!

Thing is, thought of “Dragonforce” before them.

So here they are*. Sitting on a table.
Which may be the only remaining “men only space” in the entire world after women have utterly taken over the front line military, all fields of STEM, the stock market, BBC comedy panel shows…and so on.

No girls allowed on this table! But plenty of space for oppressed men to point and gurn, play clapping games and figure out how to rape persuasively in order to have more children then places where they don’t like bacon. Or something.

*were. Lineup’s changed since but ….table.

12 years ago

Kim, Pretty pictures of pretty kitties. Thanks!

12 years ago

CWS: The romance genre does also have a lot to answer for, yes. But if you look, you can actually find some solid stuff. I recommend the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carringer. Aetherpunk, paranormal Victorian romance, and yet it still manages to be bad only in the ways that are fun, and avoid all the crap that fills the genre (and yet, fits the key tropes of the genre even so).

The portrayal of queer characters is a bit off-putting, I suspect, at least initially (flamboyant, Oscar Wilde-type gay men, a lesbian who adopts masculine modes of dress), but they get better and more diverse (including at least a few, “Oh, wait, he’s actually queer?” moments involving long-standing characters, which means that they were written as a person first, with their sexuality being something that’s both there, and yet not their defining element).

12 years ago

@Kittehs: What is it about Australia and evangelicals?

My two favorite bugbears over here in the States are both Australians (Ray Comfort and Ken Ham). I give you Ray Comfort’s Greatest Hit:

Also, I’m LOLing at the Sri Lankan-born Aussie who founded the Keep Australia Australian party.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I actually read The Parasol Protectorate and have highly enjoyed it. I like reading about romances (as long as there’s an additional, non-romance plot – cannot do straight romances).

I was offering an explanation for where that idea comes from/was popularised. I know that it has dropped off in the romance genre since the 70s as it’s become more acceptable to have a more active female protagonist in romance novels.

12 years ago

If this was really for MRA eyes only, why is the POV written as if it’s being directed toward women, particularly feminists?

12 years ago

Hey guys, long time, no post.

Wow, dragon boy is a sad case. You think he ever wonders why women don’t like him? Yeah, it’s not because of feminism. Just re-read your posts, fella. Whew, he’s one of the sadder little fucks we’ve had around here lately.

I always found that MRA fear of female friendships particularly insidious. Basically, they want us to be isolated and get our sense of what the universe is all about from them. You know, like an abuser.

12 years ago

“Iā€™m of the opinion that women arenā€™t really capable of love.”
Of course you wouldn’t think so. The idea of women being sentient beings with feelings might make you feel you are to blame, in part, for your own romantic failures and it’s obvious you are desperate for a scapegoat.

I guess when my grandpa died after fifty years of marriage and my grandmother let her health deteriorate, barely ate, and spent every day depressed until she died was just *faking* her affection and wasn’t in mourning at all. You are blind to love. That’s why you will never feel it until you change your shitty attitude, nor do you deserve to.

That’s if any of these sentiments you have been spewing are real and you’re not just spewing troll vomit. (In that case I remove all of my previous sentiments and replace them with a hearty: “FUCK YOU, CLOWN”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Women permeate the rest of society like some kind of coordinated fascia,

Telling, isn’t it. He doesn’t think women are part of society, we’re just something that’s infiltrated it.

Draggin’ arse, if you really can’t see women as human, you need therapy. I am not kidding. And if you’re just trolling, you probably need help for the condition of being a pathetic sadarse misogynist anyway.

@Falconer – hey, I’m amazed any Aussie wingnuts made a mark among all the home-grown ones you guys are lumbered with! šŸ˜‰ I hadn’t known Mr Banana Genius was one of ours, though. How embarrassment.

And yeah, Sri Lankhan-born “Keep Australia Australian” is a tad ironic, isn’t it? Fundy nutbag or not, he wouldn’t cut it with the even-more-extreme bigot mobs.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

themisanthropicmuse – hear, hear!

Funny thing is, I’ve loved someone for thirty-plus years who can’t give me stuff, can’t do anything materially, let alone act as bodyguard or financial support system or whatever it is Draggin Butt thinks the setup is. If women are incapable of love, why would I bother to pretend in that situation, and not go out and pretend for some bloke for the extra $$$? It’s not like I’m independently wealthy.

12 years ago

My boyfriend is both fitter than I am (bodyguard?) and makes more money than I do (financial support?*). I guess I’d better stop enjoying the sex, or our relationship won’t be transactional enough!

*I don’t let him pay for anything, regardless. Damn feminists, picking up half the bill! :p

12 years ago

@Kittehs’ — Mr. Nalliah actually reminds me of Michelle Malkin, who’s an “anchor baby” and absolutely hates the idea of Hispanic immigration into the US. She’s full Filipino, and a conservative commentator who’s a frequent guest on Fixed Noise. It’s kind of sad — she seems to think that if she slags other Brown Peoples hard enough, all the White Peoples will forget she’s a Brown Person herself.

I dunno why I’m so aware of Ray Comfort in among the Yankee evangelists all over the place. He’s got a hard job of beating out Kent “Dr. Dino” Hovind, but since Hovind is in jail because he doesn’t think he needed to pay payroll taxes, his output has been kind of low (except for the correspondence with God that he publishes occasionally).

Ken Ham is easy. He’s responsible for the blight of the Creation Museum upon the green hills and blue grass of my fair home, Kentucky. Also the Ark Park, which thankfully seems to be dead aborning, but not before the KY gummint gave him millions of dollars in tax breaks.

Great. I’ve given myself a mad now. Stupid hegemony-seeking evangelicals.

12 years ago

You’ve seen the video where atheists visit the creation museum, right? I’m almost tempted to go just so I can take a photo sitting on the dino with a saddle.

12 years ago

@Cassandra: I’ve seen all kinds of atheists-visit-the-Creation-Museum accounts, hell I considered crashing PZ Myer’s trip, but it just didn’t work out.

12 years ago

But I don’t remember a particular video.

12 years ago

And Michelle Malkin always reminds me of Rita Skeeter. I think it’s just because there’s a picture of a pen on her blog that makes me think of the Quick Quotes Quill šŸ™‚

12 years ago

So, Monday. Ugh.

My understanding is that the mainstream romance publishers backed off the use of “falling in love with your rapist” in novels during the 1980s? (I didn’t really sleep last night so my memory is fuzzy.) Thanks to feminists (*gasp!*) pointing out how execrable it was for some time, the publishers stopped putting out so many stories where that happened. The market shifted as well, again thanks to anti-rape and anti-DV activism by feminists. Which is not to say that romance novels do not have hella problems overall still. Even Jen Cruise, who I love, wrote a book that involved stalking like it was a fun plot device.

12 years ago

And brace yourselves for the next MRA hero, the dude who killed two women in a Delaware courthouse this morning:

12 years ago

Sure enough, MRA-types are already there in the Matusiewicz story’s comments.

12 years ago

I try not to read comments on HuffPo if I can prevent myself. Especially on a day like this when I’ve had so little sleep. I’m sure this’ll get picked up by the MRM somewhere. A father killing his grandchildren’s mother to “protect” his son? They’ll wet themselves.

I wish varpole hadn’t ruined “vile” for me, because it’s a damned appropriate adjective.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

If anyone wants kinda-sorta brain bleach, there’s a tumblr that just has screenshots of old geocities sites.

My favorite so far:

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

@tulgey logger

I had a phase when I liked this kind of colour scheme:

That was a phase when I hated the world and wanted to lash out at it in horrible ways, but kinda failed at that because I don’t like hurting people. So, lime green, fuchsia pink, dark blue and fluro yellow colour schemes.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“This is low fi!”


12 years ago

Ah, those were the days, when you could stare at HTML source code for 10 minutes and then create a page that looked as good as any other page on the web. CSS ruined everything *sniff*

12 years ago


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