
Cloudiah found this amazingly awful rant — from a prolific manosphere commenter and Spearhead supporter by the name of Jacob Ian Stalk — in the comments section to a piece on feminism in The Tab Oxford, a student paper. She posted it in the comments here on Man Boobz, where it’s already generated a good deal of discussion (see comments here, here, here, and here for starters). But I thought it deserved a post of its own.
So without further ado, I present Jacob Ian Stalk’s “12-Step Program for Recovering Feminists.”
Equality is equality. Feminism is about the unbridled pursuit of power for women. Got that?
Uh, no, actually, because it’s not true, but please continue.
The age of feminism is over, thankfully. The comments here that support feminism are from the rats that refuse to leave the sinking ship, thinking there’s sustenance still to be found there somewhere. Sorry to disappoint, but there is nothing nutritious left.
So the ship is sinking at the very moment it’s run out of food that rats can eat. That’s quite a coincidence! Or is it sinking because it ran out of food? Were the dudes on the ship using rat food to plug holes in the hull?
Men the world over are waking up to the damage wrought by rampant feminism and they’re shocked to realise it all happened while they were asleep. Well, they’re asleep no more. Bleat all you like about feminism being about this or that, but the truth of it’s evil is written all over the once noble institutions of the world and the wishful bleatings of solipsistic girl-children can’t erase it. It is done. The cailphate is establishing its power base once more and Sharia law is spreading.
Huh? Because of feminism? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Feminists have destroyed the family and have eschewed child-bearing in favour of credentialism and the illusion of success, killing their unborn children and robbing men of their will to be fathers and husbands. The laugh is on you, Western feminists, as Western birth rates have at last fallen below their replenishment rate and the Muslims are laughing all the way to the maternity wards.
Oh, dear, you got some racism in your misogyny. Two terrible tastes that taste worse together!
The best you can hope for, Western women, is to abandon feminism entirely. Abandon that idiotic notion of ‘equality’, as it will never happen. All it has earned you is the disrespect of men and an increasing number of women the world over. Feminism doesn’t make you strong. It doesn’t make you powerful. It doesn’t make you free. And it sure as hell doesn’t make you equal. It just makes you despicable.
Wait, weren’t you just complaining that feminism is about female supremacy? Now you’re admitting that it’s actually about equality – and you’re preaching male supremacy in its place?
Abandon feminism. Here’s a 12-step program for recovering feminists. There are others.
Ok, here we go.
1. Don’t be narcissistic. Never think you’re more important than men or children. Marketing departments delight in exploiting the feminist fallacy that you are. They promote ‘women’s only’ this and that, and women have bought into it. This appears sexist but it is really a marketing ploy that works because most women are narcissistic. Companies know they can charge more for goods and services by using the words ‘women only’. Narcissistic women are easily exploitable women. Be neither.
Huh. Isn’t the Men’s Rights Movement all about exploiting the narcissism of men who think they’re more important than women? (And children – at least in the case of the MRAs who whine endlessly about how unfair it is they can’t financially abandon their kids.)
2. Don’t let others make choices for you. This should be self-evident but for most of your life you’ve allowed yourself to be told what to wear, what to buy, what to eat, how to dress, where to go, how to think – in clubs, gyms, magazines, websites, books, stores and by TV talk show hosts. You’ve ‘needed’ a step-by-step guide through life, which you’ve followed with your sisters like sheep. Companies have exploited this need. Behave like a sheep if you must but obey the sheepdog, not the wolf. Better yet, be a woman who can think for herself.
… so long as “thinking for yourself” means “thinking you’re inferior to men and generally thinking the way men who hate women want you to.”
3. Get rid of the self-induced schizophrenia. Don’t insist you’re strong, confident, capable and independent one minute, then weak, frightened and vulnerable the next, especially when you’ve been caught doing something wrong. Don’t chop and change whenever it suits you – learn about who you are and be true. Admit when you’ve done something wrong. Don’t suddenly remember that you suffered abuse in the past or have some kind of mental illness or other instability, then use it to get yourself off. If you never sought help for these problems before you were caught, don’t use them as an excuse afterwards. Accept responsibility for yourself.
And for everything bad that men do as well, as manospherians repeatedly insist. If men are violent, it’s because women (allegedly) like dating violent men. If men brutalize the women in their life, it’s because the women provoke them. If a man arms himself with high-powered weapons and massacres children, his mom is to the real villain. For manospherians and MRAs generally, “responsiblity” means “a woman is always to blame.”
4. Don’t let the law take responsibility for crimes women commit. Speak out against women routinely receiving shorter sentences than men for the same crimes. If the law punishes women as it does children, treat them like children and encourage others to do so too. Don’t call these women ‘victims’ and say “they’ve suffered enough” because they’re women. Believe in, and stand up for, equal justice on the basis of gender.
Women do tend to receive shorter sentences than men for the same crimes. But this isn’t the fault of feminism. Indeed, female judges are slightly more likely to give women harsher sentence than male judges, possibly reflecting paternalistic attitudes on the part of male judges.
5. Don’t believe everything women and feminised men in the media tell you. Many serve up slop by the bucket – celebrity gossip, slimming tips, sex tips, man-shaming tips, rape and abuse lies, etc. TV shows like Oprah and Dr Phil are filled with advice on how women can transform themselves into victims and blame everything on men, while constantly ridiculing them. Partake of more nutritious fare than this. Get your infotainment from equitable programs. Be aware of the cultural status quo from both perspectives.
I have no idea what Jacob here would consider an “equitable” program, but, really, no one of any gender should be getting life advice from Dr. Phil.
6. Don’t fake solidarity with other women, especially in public. Don’t pretend that all women are your best friends when everyone knows nothing could be further from the truth. Openly acknowledge the reality that women despise each other unless there’s personal advantage in not doing so. Most good men can see through these attempts at deception, so lies won’t travel far. Don’t be a liar, especially not an obvious one.
I have no idea what the fuck he’s going on about here. “Don’t fake solidarity with other women, especially in public??” Do women who hate each other march around Jacob’s neighborhood arm-in-arm, pretending to be BFFs and singing the Lady Internationale? (“Arise, you prisoners of menstruation … .“)
7. Don’t seek equality with men. Masculinity and femininity are inherently different. They are neither equals nor opposites, but different parts of the sexual continuum that can’t be defined from each other. Actively separate masculinity from femininity, and separate both from the sexual politics that keep them in healthy tension. Don’t claim women can do anything men can do until you start producing your own sperm.
Um, what? Is Kate Bush not a brilliant musician because she doesn’t have balls? Is Joan Didion not a brilliant writer because she can’t jizz into a sock?
Not every sperm producer is sacred.
8. Don’t demonize male sexuality or the male sex. Both sexes can be evil, both can be virtuous. Empathy, wisdom, grace, mercy, compassion and love are all as masculine as they are feminine. Don’t invaginate our boys by shaming or medicating the masculinity out of them before it matures and don’t impregnate them with the corrosive lie that being a woman is like being a man only better. Male sexuality is a pearl to be cultured. Suffuse your sons egos with promise if you want your daughters to have good men to love.
Uh, “invaginate?” Invaginate means to “be turned inside out or folded back on itself to form a cavity or pouch.” I’m pretty sure that teaching boys not to rape their dates does not in any way, literally or figuratively, turn them into a pouch.
9. Respect the sanctuaries of men. Men are judged much more harshly than women so they need their safe retreat. They don’t have the same opportunities for emotional support as women so they need a place where they can express themselves free of judgment and ridicule. This place must be respected. Take care if you venture there as your feminine narcissism is the enemy. Don’t draw attention to yourself and don’t expect protection if you do. If you must speak don’t attempt to control the dialogue or steer it towards you. Don’t censor language to suit your sensitivities. Male sanctuary is sacred – treat it as you would a cathedral.
Dudes, if you want to start your own little clubhouses where you can call women “cunts” in peace and quiet, go ahead and do it. Just don’t pretend they’re about anything more than misogyny. And if you put these allegedly sacred sanctuaries on the internet, don’t be surprised if some people take offence. Oh, and don’t claim that, say, video games, or STEM fields, or atheism, or whatever male-heavy thing you’re into, is a “male sanctuary” that need to be protected from evil girl germs.
Some male spaces can be totally awesome:
Others, not so awesome.
10. Don’t use shaming tactics. Don’t accuse men of having anger management issues when they’re angry at injustice. Don’t accuse them of being a threat when they call you out for being a bigot or a tyrant. Don’t accuse them of having a fear of commitment when they’re merely making a choice between bravery and stupidity. Don’t assess the merit of their arguments on the basis of their attractiveness to you. Don’t attribute their views about women to past disappointments when it is merely an objective assessment of your sex. Shaming tactics are remnants of childhood so leave them in the nursery if you want to be taken seriously.
I think this one just broke the irony meter. It’s not like manosphere dudes ever use shaming language aimed at anyone.
A word of warning here. The next paragraph is the worst one in the whole manifesto, and, honestly, one of the worst things I’ve run across in my more than two years of doing this blog. TRIGGER WARNING for rape apologia.
11. Be honest about sexual harassment. If you assert that you have the right to dress as you please and that men should be able to control their sexuality, honour their right to be shielded from yours. If you don’t want men to control themselves but instead want to control their loss of control for your own enjoyment, be prepared for the consequences when things go awry. If ‘harassment’ – the stares, sexual innuendos, sly touches, and even rape – magically cease to be harassment and become the foundations of a passionate new romance occasionally, admit that you don’t really want men to control themselves. Don’t expect men to know when it’s right to ‘harass’ you and when it’s not. Don’t treat Man one minute as an exciting and courageous hero and the next a monster intent on tyranny and abuse if you’re inconsistent in your sexual intentions and desires.
Woah. Let’s take another look at that especially terrible comment in the middle of that mess:
If ‘harassment’ – the stares, sexual innuendos, sly touches, and even rape – magically cease to be harassment and become the foundations of a passionate new romance occasionally, admit that you don’t really want men to control themselves.
I’ve got no jokes for this one. You honestly think that RAPE can be “the foundation of a passionate new romance?” What the fuck is wrong with you?
12. Speak out against misandry. The main reason for its proliferation is that women have remained silent. Silence in the face of injustice is cowardly. It has allowed loud, obnoxious women to preach hatred with impunity, which has reflected badly on all women. When you speak out against misandry you do all women a favour. Don’t be a misandrist, don’t be a coward and don’t be silent.
At this point, I really don’t think I need to bother to point out the hypocrisy here.
That’s his MO. Ignore what is actually being said, twist replies to extract a phrase that he can use to say, “feminists did this, and they lie about it”. Internal consistency is not required.
It sounds as though he’s an excellent gymnast.
“TS is a self-centered, lying sack of shit. From what I can tell those are his good points.”
Thank goodness I wasn’t drinking anything when I read that.
I have to say ive never seen a more one sided analysis of something then this one right here. I will granted give you that this man is not 100% right and is deffinatly not saying a lot of it in the right way. And maybe breaches being racist and or sexist at times but he does make some valid points some of witch you seam to either ignore or completly misunderstand.
LOL, which of this asshat’s points were valid? Which of his points do you think we ignored and/or failed to comprehend?
First) the guys first point is pretty valid though its more of a general social observation and less specific to feminism and sexism. It is in fact true that women are narcissistic partially because everyone is a little bit narcissistic. But also partially due to how modern culture has made it so women and particularly militant feminists have a very narcissistic view point. Secondly claiming the MRA movement to be based on narcissism is not only extremely wrong and very hateful.
Second) this point is also just a social commentary on how people have become too interwoven and dependent on social media and communication. And how this dependence then negatively shapes your character and personality and particularly so with women.
Third) three, four and five are all really connected and basically steam from the same thing. how much society has taken to cushioning women and appeasing them in many ways and how women openly accept this and have a double standard about it. Most of these you either blatantly ignore or try to solve with a one liner, quip or irrelevant statistic.
Fourth) six is stupid and has nothing to do with anything
Fifth) seven could have been a decent point about our sexual nature and how we have strayed from what is true to who we are and what we are. But he kinda fucked it up if thats what he even meant by linking inferiority to Sperm production.
Sixth) eight is very true about how being a man and having male sexual tendencies is demonized in our culture. This you completely ignore by just being a bit of a grammar nazi instead of reading thru that and seeing what he’s trying to say. Nine and ten also play into this a lot and with those at least you address them
But instead of intelligent dissection to either then agree or disagree you jump right to assuming what men do when we’re by our selves (nine) and just blatantly demonizing all MRA’s again (ten).
Seven) eleven is basically about false rape accusations and how prevalent and world shattering it can be on both sides of it. And also about some of the inconsistency in the logic of women when it comes to this. You don’t address this instead you misunderstand and highlight the one part which you misunderstand.
Eight) finally twelve is like a closing statement about how women can do something to fight back against the negative affects of feminism and the misandry that comes from parts of it. And yet again you blatantly ignore this assuming people with agree with you and even at that see the same problem you do. Which you do not even express to put yourself up for criticism.
Nine) oh i forgot his little but before the points thats is mostly random ranting. Parts make sense parts don’t some parts are racist and some parts are sexist.
Ten) in my conclusion ill repeat what i said this guy is not all right or all wrong but he does make some decent point however poorly worded. And you do nothing to deny any of the points he makes instead you ignore or just make some generalization of his sexism due to him being a MRA. So in the end all you do is really point out and mock him about how stupid and sexist he is with almost nothing to support that stated. His statements get more recognition and acknowledgement then yours because at least he makes points even if their badly worded and if not all of them are correct. You critics without putting forward an alternative or explaining except to basically say he’s a sexist MRA. If you honestly want to have a open discussion or debate with a MRA you should do so instead of just falling into the very tropes you deny when seeing any different ideas being presented. Just try to be a more open person about different ideas and when defending what you do believe try to be intelligent and not so sexist.
What is it with the thread necroing today? Is it international Zombie Day or something?
But now that this thread’s AWAKENED FROM ITS MORTAL SLUMBER, everyone needs to watch that men dancing video, which is one of my favorites of all time.
Did you read the site header?
Who says we do? Seriously, read the site header.
That’s … what the site is for, chuckles.
We do not honestly want to have an open discussion or debate with an MRA. Doing so is useless. We are here to mock them.
Okay, that wall of text is annoying, so let me answer it as shortly as I can.
False, and all your pointless equivocation doesn’t make it so. Fuck you.
What the fuck? Try again.
Seriously, there is so much WRONG in there it makes my brain hurt.
So did you, because if there’s one thing I know it’s that your creepy evo psych ‘being true to who we are, sexually’ ideas are OFFENSIVE, ROOTED IN A PAST THAT NEVER HAPPENED, and DUMB. So, again, FUCK YOU.
Negative affects? Fuck you! Misandry? Fuck you sideways, that’s not a thing!
All the parts are sexist, and until you can see that, you’re trapped in a world of your own making.
NOT A SINGLE DECENT POINT. Fuck you, and fuck him too.
There, I think I was reasonable and didn’t use too many ‘fuck you’s. Well, not more than you deserved, really.
Honestly, fellow dudes, who hasn’t been THERE at one point or another? That point when a bunch of dudes just start dancing, and then it just can’t stop?
Of course, I looked like a total dork when I did it. But everybody did. So it was okay, we had each other’s dorkiness as a shield against the critical gaze of the world.
Thread-necroing, boring lame misogynist falsehoods and run-ons galore. Three strikes.
Hmm, I’ll keep that in mind wh–
Oh wait, you want us to discuss what not what he said, but what you imagine he’s trying to say.
I’m sure that discussion will be a fulfilling and not completely futile endeavor.
still no decent discussion or analysis just a bunch of fuck youd and claiming im wrong with out evidence. If you guys are at all serious then its pretty scary how ill informed and close minded you all are. And if you want to live in a world where your beliefs are never questioned then you gotta move somewhere else because this world is not like that. And propong up an idealolegy of the opposite is so primitive and would only do to back track or stagnate society. Next i did read the header and it doesent matter refer to what i just said to understand why. And to Howard banister false rape accusation do happen quite frequently intact and they are tremendously damaging to people’s lives.
Seriously, fella, you just said male sexuality is demonized.
Show me. You’ve told me, and I told you you’re wrong and have not a shred of evidence.
You have nothing.
Also, you want ‘in fact,’ not ‘intact.’ Please stop murdering the English language–it has many sins, but I doubt it ever did anything bad to you.
Guys, you don’t get how this works. He makes unfounded assertions, and you have to provide evidence and reasoned arguments to refute them.
And keep in mind, we have to see through what he says and refute what he’s trying to say.
I have no idea how to propong up an idealolegy.
I’m pretty sure you need to fill out special paperwork to do that, anyway.
In regards to male sexuality being demonized its plain to see. Just look at any school or university and you can see how male students are put down and punished and disappointed for doing things that are perfectly normal for any boy.Do you know how many guys are givin school suspension, detention and are accused of sexual harassment for looks and passing comments or flirting. It happens all the time roughly 80% of sexual harassment in schools comes from other students and 59 from guys though only 17 are actual hard meant cases while 42 are false accusations or misunderstandings ( source: 2006 study by AAUW ) secondly false rape accusations fall at roughly 20-30% of all rape accusations (sources : Harris and Grace (1999), Jordan (2004), Kelly et al. (2005) ) and theirs so much more sources and ways in which they are both true.
I refuse to believe that anyone is that bad at spelling and grammar, so barring further evidence, I’m just going to assume that Travis is trying to sing scat.
I have a pro pong ideology. In fact, I’m pretty much pro Atatri in general.
Oh that’s mature ignore the source material and evidence and result to a childish insult.