antifeminism creepy eek tattoos evil fat fatties evil women hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA rhymes with roosh sluts

PUA dirtbag on why some women should be treated like “disposable blowup dolls.”

Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.
Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.

I’ve heard tell that some Pickup Artists aren’t actually misogynistic pieces of shit. Unfortunately, I keep running across guys like Firepower here, whose blog I discovered only yesterday, and purely by accident (though evidently I’ve quoted him off the Spearhead a couple of times before)

Here he is doing some wonderful PR work for his fellow PUAs, defending them (and himself) against accusations that they treat women like “disposable blow-up dolls.” Not so, says Firepower:

The only women puas treat as “disposable blow up dolls”

Are the actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.

That might seem like a pretty revealing confession on his part. But it turns out that by “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls” he doesn’t actually mean “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.” He means, you know, sluts.

The barsluts and bimbos.  The inveterate Jersey Housewives fan.  The JWOWW’s of the world.   Not female author types: The barslut dolls should be (and once were) the obvious natural enemy of good females.  Barsluts = BAD females.  Bad females are a Fuck & Chuck.

Not to be confused with Chuck & Buck.

Also, aren’t PUAs the very definition of barsluts themselves? Don’t they spend most of of their time in bars trying to have sex with every “hot” woman who will talk to them?

Never mind, because Firepower is off and running again, offering his fascinating opinions on how feminism is to blame for all the barsluts he runs across out there while he is barslutting gaming women.

Feminism was the worst Western Decline Symptom to happen to males vis-à-vis male courtship roles; it created entitled tattooed sluts with foul mouths and so many sex-partners that any decent man would cringe at the number. What True Man would marry a girl with a 300+ penis score – a proud whore who’s actually LOUD about it? It’s why roosh fled america.  Good women are low notch women.

Somehow I’m guessing the real reason Roosh fled America was because too many American women were calling him on his bullshit.

Feminism is only beneficial in the now facile, guilt-free, post-sex disengagement ritual freeing males from traditional chivalry via the implicit easy-exit Feminism unwittingly unleashed.

Was that even a sentence?

Dude, I think you might need to put down your copy of Day Bang and pick up Strunk and White.

Today, males get to naturally spread their seed and – as a true bonus – get a guilt-free conscience and total pass from a Feminist Society.  Who feels guilty about dumping a drunken Sloppopotamus with a foul mouth – who bragged to you at the bar she slept with fifty other males?

You know, this, uh, “Sloppopotamus,” is probably not interested in having a long-term relationship with you either. I mean, come on, who the fuck would want to spend more than a few minutes in your presence?

Abuse the bad ones; treat them like condoms.  Cherish the good ones.

Somehow I suspect that being “cherished” by Firepower would be the even worse fate here.

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buchanan maddox coleslaw
buchanan maddox coleslaw
12 years ago

@feminism rules bro sing it bro is all about arousal and lets be real here

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ellex — sadly, I had to move back in with my parents in CT >.< *waves long distance* lovely area!

And now my father is trying to claim we’re gonna get 2’+ …weather channel says 12″-18″

12 years ago

My sister and brother-in-law are in CT too, and they’re expecting over a foot of snow. Hope all you East Coasters stay safe and warm through this blizzard!

12 years ago

@Fatrelle, First what a clever name! You must be really intelligent, especially compared to the rest of the 3rd Grade. And I love your nails — are they press-ons?

PUAs are out with moist women every night.

Do you wipe them with mineral oil or something? How moist are they? If they come over to my house, would I need to put a tarp on the sofa?

12 years ago

Coleslaw, what language are you speaking in? Just curious.
Fathead, “…moist women?” Um, do you mean women who use night cream?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

New troll, praising other newish troll, both with terrible nyms — one meant to mock feminism, the other a strange pseudo-name that’s vaguely reministant of Torvis Butthorn.

Anyone else thinking what I’m thinking?

12 years ago

*raises hand* I was, Argenti!

12 years ago

@ David Futrelle

Against my better judgment, I clicked the link you gave to Mr. Fire-something’s rant, and to call it strange is quite an understatement. I couldn’t even read it all. I initially considered commenting to point out how he was being hysterical and illogical (like a *woman*. GASP!), but then realized:

1. Unlike the “women are hysterical and illogical” thing, his hysteria and logic fail are not a stereotype or gaslight. They’re totally real. And despite it saying my required email will not be published, I don’t trust that. I don’t know how these websites are run and modified or whether you can see my email, but it has clues to who I am. If he could see my email address, he’s probably crazy enough to set me up to be cyber-stalked.

2. I’m not funny or stubborn enough to be a good troll.

12 years ago

Maybe some bleach too, just to be safe. Also some drain cleaner, so the ick doesn’t get stuck there once you wash it off.

I can’t use bleach. We have a septic tank, and I care far more about the microbes living in my sewerage than I do about Eurosbra.

12 years ago

David: Your parodist “David H. Fucktrelle” has got Firepower fooled into thinking that they are you 🙂 See the comments section of Firepower’s bizarre and homophobic reply to you.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I’m just going to leave this chart here.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Wow. He is mind-bogglingly dense, isn’t he?

It is like someone mistaking a porno-parody for the award-winning movie (AFTER HAVING WATCHED IT)!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

BritterSweet — the homophobe asshole of the day is running WordPress so yes, he’d see your email.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


That chart is great! I feel so bad for the poor tense woman with the inadequate partner (all huddled up by herself). 🙁

12 years ago

When he says “moist women” do you suppose he means menstruating women and just does not know the right word or how to spell it?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Maybe he is with women with excessive sweating (a charming side-effect of Cymbalta, I learned today)?

12 years ago

To all of Little David commentes, you can defend the Tub of Lard all you want, the fact is that every night he has a RealDoll (Latex and hard) while the PUA community are sleeping to wet squishy women, with RealSkin.

12 years ago

That is a possibility I had not considered. My cousin takes a med that causes profuse sweating. I’m sorry you had to find out about that side effect up close and personal. It sounds like you are as delighted with your discovery as they were.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

The other side effect was a slight disorientation that made me feel a bit high (I get that with a lot of drugs) so overall I’d say the side effects are pleasant. Sadly, I have a feeling the unpleasant one will be the one that lasts (although maybe neither will).

I just spent the day slightly damp (with a window cracked in Massachusetts!), and it finally occurred to me that maybe the PUA spent his evening the same way.

12 years ago

Some Gal:

He is mind-bogglingly dense, isn’t he?

Mind-bogglingly dense and completely unable to admit that he made a mistake 🙂

12 years ago

Maybe Firepower is always setting off sprinker systems, and that’s what is making the women moist.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Ooh! That’s a good one!

12 years ago

Having read a few paragraphs of his prose I have now determined that Kim is most likely correct. His hair is definitely on fire.

12 years ago

Oh god I missed you people and your jokes! Had to escape the Feministe clusterfuck. >_<

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Bagelsan — the thread regarding sex work, or has the tipping one blown up? (Cuz duuuude, I am not tipping 20% if the service was shitty, I’ve had waitstaff roommates, fuck, I’ve covered rent because the tips sucked, but if you fuck up repeatedly you’re just going to have to deal with 10%)

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