I’ve heard tell that some Pickup Artists aren’t actually misogynistic pieces of shit. Unfortunately, I keep running across guys like Firepower here, whose blog I discovered only yesterday, and purely by accident (though evidently I’ve quoted him off the Spearhead a couple of times before)
Here he is doing some wonderful PR work for his fellow PUAs, defending them (and himself) against accusations that they treat women like “disposable blow-up dolls.” Not so, says Firepower:
The only women puas treat as “disposable blow up dolls”
Are the actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.
That might seem like a pretty revealing confession on his part. But it turns out that by “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls” he doesn’t actually mean “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.” He means, you know, sluts.
The barsluts and bimbos. The inveterate Jersey Housewives fan. The JWOWW’s of the world. Not female author types: The barslut dolls should be (and once were) the obvious natural enemy of good females. Barsluts = BAD females. Bad females are a Fuck & Chuck.
Not to be confused with Chuck & Buck.
Also, aren’t PUAs the very definition of barsluts themselves? Don’t they spend most of of their time in bars trying to have sex with every “hot” woman who will talk to them?
Never mind, because Firepower is off and running again, offering his fascinating opinions on how feminism is to blame for all the barsluts he runs across out there while he is barslutting gaming women.
Feminism was the worst Western Decline Symptom to happen to males vis-à-vis male courtship roles; it created entitled tattooed sluts with foul mouths and so many sex-partners that any decent man would cringe at the number. What True Man would marry a girl with a 300+ penis score – a proud whore who’s actually LOUD about it? It’s why roosh fled america. Good women are low notch women.
Somehow I’m guessing the real reason Roosh fled America was because too many American women were calling him on his bullshit.
Feminism is only beneficial in the now facile, guilt-free, post-sex disengagement ritual freeing males from traditional chivalry via the implicit easy-exit Feminism unwittingly unleashed.
Was that even a sentence?
Dude, I think you might need to put down your copy of Day Bang and pick up Strunk and White.
Today, males get to naturally spread their seed and – as a true bonus – get a guilt-free conscience and total pass from a Feminist Society. Who feels guilty about dumping a drunken Sloppopotamus with a foul mouth – who bragged to you at the bar she slept with fifty other males?
You know, this, uh, “Sloppopotamus,” is probably not interested in having a long-term relationship with you either. I mean, come on, who the fuck would want to spend more than a few minutes in your presence?
Abuse the bad ones; treat them like condoms. Cherish the good ones.
Somehow I suspect that being “cherished” by Firepower would be the even worse fate here.
Never apologise for bulldogs!
And I’m breakin’ out the popcorn.
… Just read the suuuuuuper racist and anti-Semetic “critique” of pickup culture. And just, well, gaaah. What a horrible woman.
Well played, SRS. (I actually wasn’t aware that Norton blocked hate groups, which seems odd on the face of it. But if they do, AVfM qualifies.)
Blue or orange portals? I need to know which color to open to revoke / invoke said portal.
Practice Safer Sex! Bring along a Companion Cube!
Portals? Just experiment around with it; you’ll suffer some nasty falls but eventually you too can learn to access the
hiveVagina.Practice terrifying sex! Think about GlaDOS!
@Bagelsan- Practice confusing sex! Go to spaaaaaaaaaaaace!
The cock is a lie!
Well played, Karalora.
@Karalora, bravo/a.
That reminds me of what Wallenstein said when Gustavus Adolphus was killed in 1632 – “There was room for only one cock on this dunghill.” A dunghill pretty much describes the sort of world PUAs make for themselves.
… and my brain just did a Blue Screen of Death at “… it’s so delicious and moist…”
This reminds me of a what I took away from a pamphlet from Focus on the Family. The pamphlet was supposed to demonstrate how bad anal sex is for you and it did this by focusing on how horrid ejaculate is (there were the other normal homophobic things as well, of course). I read about how (horrors!) ejaculate contains trace amounts of urine and other grossness that will damage the tissue in you colon, etc.. If I’d been younger, it might have scared me off of ever having ejaculate anywhere near me ever. And that’s weird, right? They want people to have hetersexual sex and ejaculate is often involved in that. Anyway, the best I could do to figure out how the vagina was safe from dirty ejaculate in procreative sex was that, during this blessed act, a portal must open up inside the vagina, safely depositing the deadly substance far from human tissue.
Off topic but somehow relevant. A student newspaper I saw while travelling for work said
“Team A may have got team B drunk, but it was team C who took her home”
where team A was the team of the school that the newspaper was from, and team B was their rival.
@yaoi huntress earth: No, used to live in California. Two buck chuck is the nickname given to “Charles Shaw” wine, sold at Trader Joe’s. Back when I lived there, it actually was $2 a bottle, although I thin it’s up to $2.49 now.
Being one of those ‘female author types’… I may have advised the boyfriend on the purchase of solo sex toys for penis-owners today.
And I’ve recently been prescribed vaginal dilators and HOLY SHIT IS THIS THE GREATEST MEDICAL TREATMENT EVER. (They’re going into the sex kit after I’ve done with them, they’re awesome.)
Please leave your creepy prim-ingenue author-girl fantasies at the door, OP!PUA.
As for the Norton blocking Elam thing – this is the only time I will ever agree on anything an MRA says: Norton Internet Security really isn’t that good.
I don’t agree with blocking them, because I kinda take the view of “I may not agree with what your saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it, BUT YOU ARE WRONG (AND A HORRIBLE PERSON) AND THIS IS WHY.”
But what the hell, we’ll be getting some classic arglebargle from Elam.
Firepower projects more than an IMAX theater. That response was an incoherent homophobic arglebargle.
As far as Norton blocking AVfM, anything that gets PaulE’s undies in a twist and raises his blood pressure is OK with me.
I wasn’t aware that Norton, McAfee, etc. blocked hate sites. This is because I don’t visit hate sites.
If they’re doing it purely because of the hateful speech then I’m not sure that’s really justifiable. Maybe they figure that people that horrible will also try to infect visitors with malware? That’s one of the reasons I don’t follow links to MRA sites.
BTW, the one time I did try to visit one of the big MRA sites my anti-virus did freak out and pop up some warnings. Can’t remember which site it was though.
It’s kinda like the annoying weeaboo kid throwing a copy of Dracula at the bigoted wannabe-suburban-gangsta kid (you know the type). You don’t like either of them. You don’t agree with WK’s methods.
But this is going to be highly entertaining.
Also, JWOWW wrote a book.
I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THESE! 4 serious. I have chronic pelvic floor pain. This sounds like a fantastic (and also sexy) idea.
If nothing else, it seems like misrepresentation. Antivirus software keeps away, you know, viruses. If something isn’t going to actually infect your computer, they shouldn’t be blocking it.
A content filter, OTOH, is supposed to block objectionable sites based on content and would have every right to block AVfM.