antifeminism creepy eek tattoos evil fat fatties evil women hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA rhymes with roosh sluts

PUA dirtbag on why some women should be treated like “disposable blowup dolls.”

Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.
Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.

I’ve heard tell that some Pickup Artists aren’t actually misogynistic pieces of shit. Unfortunately, I keep running across guys like Firepower here, whose blog I discovered only yesterday, and purely by accident (though evidently I’ve quoted him off the Spearhead a couple of times before)

Here he is doing some wonderful PR work for his fellow PUAs, defending them (and himself) against accusations that they treat women like “disposable blow-up dolls.” Not so, says Firepower:

The only women puas treat as “disposable blow up dolls”

Are the actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.

That might seem like a pretty revealing confession on his part. But it turns out that by “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls” he doesn’t actually mean “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.” He means, you know, sluts.

The barsluts and bimbos.  The inveterate Jersey Housewives fan.  The JWOWW’s of the world.   Not female author types: The barslut dolls should be (and once were) the obvious natural enemy of good females.  Barsluts = BAD females.  Bad females are a Fuck & Chuck.

Not to be confused with Chuck & Buck.

Also, aren’t PUAs the very definition of barsluts themselves? Don’t they spend most of of their time in bars trying to have sex with every “hot” woman who will talk to them?

Never mind, because Firepower is off and running again, offering his fascinating opinions on how feminism is to blame for all the barsluts he runs across out there while he is barslutting gaming women.

Feminism was the worst Western Decline Symptom to happen to males vis-à-vis male courtship roles; it created entitled tattooed sluts with foul mouths and so many sex-partners that any decent man would cringe at the number. What True Man would marry a girl with a 300+ penis score – a proud whore who’s actually LOUD about it? It’s why roosh fled america.  Good women are low notch women.

Somehow I’m guessing the real reason Roosh fled America was because too many American women were calling him on his bullshit.

Feminism is only beneficial in the now facile, guilt-free, post-sex disengagement ritual freeing males from traditional chivalry via the implicit easy-exit Feminism unwittingly unleashed.

Was that even a sentence?

Dude, I think you might need to put down your copy of Day Bang and pick up Strunk and White.

Today, males get to naturally spread their seed and – as a true bonus – get a guilt-free conscience and total pass from a Feminist Society.  Who feels guilty about dumping a drunken Sloppopotamus with a foul mouth – who bragged to you at the bar she slept with fifty other males?

You know, this, uh, “Sloppopotamus,” is probably not interested in having a long-term relationship with you either. I mean, come on, who the fuck would want to spend more than a few minutes in your presence?

Abuse the bad ones; treat them like condoms.  Cherish the good ones.

Somehow I suspect that being “cherished” by Firepower would be the even worse fate here.

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11 years ago

*PUA: Exit left, pursued by bear*

That, my friends, is how you deal with douchebags.

If only the rumours of where I live were true. I could catch a polar bear on the street and train it to be my wingman-of-disposing-with-assholes.

11 years ago

Heh. See, you guys say ‘bear sluts,’ I think of something toooootally different.

Damn my gayness!

11 years ago


11 years ago

Tattooed sloppopotomous 4 lyfe!! Right here!!

Cherish my asshole, you cretin.

11 years ago

RE: cloudiah

I admit, the idea of PUAs in a bear bar is kind of amusing to me.

“You know, your face would look great, if you shaved.”

mikey armstrong
mikey armstrong
11 years ago

Meh, he’s a poor imitation of Roissy/Heartiste.

11 years ago

And he, and Roissy/Heartiste, are poor imitations of decent human beings. Your point, mikey?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Sorta-kinda on topic: I asked on the Pandagon article about whiny dudes and their lies about why consent is so haaaaard what it is with “fedora wearers” as an insult. One person said it’s because they’re turning up in cheap shops (damn you, WalMart) and someone else said it’s because PUA types tend to wear them.

To which milord said this morning, “They bring insult on men by their behaviour; why should fedora wearers be exempt?”

11 years ago

Cherish my asshole, you cretin.

*mental picture*

… the HORROR…

*covers bum*

11 years ago

Oooh, I have just opened that article! I emailed it to myself in work earlier cos I KNEW I would get stuck in. Will look for your comment (I am Kundah on Disqus).

I was reading one article earlier about the Audi ad from Superbowl, and in the comments, a guy who has actually been arrested and charged for having thousands of images of child abuse on his computer was whining about all the pesky laws that make rape and rapey behaviour punishable. Boooo! Including the fact that the age of consent is so high, and a 26 year old can’t do sex with a 15 year old. Oh, and your not even allowed get girls drunk to fuck them, wahsadfacesallround.

What. The. Actual.

11 years ago

stupid forgetting to close the stupid italic thingy!!!

Sorry for the horrible visual Dagrabbit, I have had around half a bottle of wine and am really becoming the foul mouthed sloppopotomous that this dude despises!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Dagrabbit – there could be the sound of butt-cheeks slamming closed all around the world.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Wow, he’s really worked up. So irrational.

I’m curious why somebody who won’t use the vagina defends what’s attached to it.

So. Much. Fail.

In other news, apparently SRS got AVfM blocked as a hate site.

Warning: the first link is a massive screenshot of an AVFM article and its comments.

Elam is angry.

11 years ago

Not female author types: The barslut dolls should be (and once were) the obvious natural enemy of good females. Barsluts = BAD females.

In my mind, he’s using the same tone you would to get a dog to sit.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

From that post — “…quippy-pix of rough anal sex as Logical Debate…”

We do pics of rough anal sex? I feel I’ve been missing out! (Ok, rough anal sex sounds a bit, well, rough, but manboobz, were are the butts I’ve been missing!)

As for the rest, he has to be a Poe right? …right? Guys, someone tell me he’s a Poe…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I took a glance at that stupid page from SquibFail, but I’m not going to bother reading it. What Tulgey quoted is quite enough – “I’m curious why somebody who won’t use the vagina defends what’s attached to it.” Not just for the homophobia, but the rancid hatred of women and absolute refusal to see us as people rather than things inconveniently attached to vaginas.

Dude, if all you want is a warm wet place to shove your precious dick, there are these things called Fleshlights. Much less bother than trawling bars. But then your boner’s really from hating women, isn’t it? What a sad little loser.

I wonder if the women he claims to have had sex with were actually his mirror image: they took one look and thought, “Yeah, PUA type, he’ll be easy pickings.”

11 years ago

“somebody who won’t use the vagina”

What is it with that particular form of grammar fail recently? DL Colvin was doing it too. Maybe the belief that other people aren’t really quite people leads to inability to use articles correctly?

11 years ago

“Why does someone who does not use the vagina defend the vagina?”

It’s like an MRA koan.

11 years ago

Alternatively: “Defend the vagina, you must!” –feminist Yoda

It’s just odd sounding.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

I don’t recall any time we’ve used rough anal sex as a premise in an argument in the comments here. Maybe from our trolls, but not in my memory.

I’m mostly confused as to why he thinks that wanting to have sex with “the vagina” and the women so inconveniently attached to them would make one predisposed towards supporting feminism. It clearly has not had any effect on his Reason And Logic™ abilities.

11 years ago

RE: Govn’t girlfriend guy and Pierre.

I made the terrible, horrible mistake of visiting his blog again. I wish I hadn’t. He’s seriously ill, not just a guy with a sad. He’s a ticking bomb, and I will not read that blog again.

At least over here we have Pierre! And cats. Oh, and bulldogs. Sorry about the bulldog, but I need brain bleach, and even this is not enough.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

The barsluts and bimbos. The inveterate Jersey Housewives fan. The JWOWW’s of the world. Not female author types:

… Wait, he does realize that lady authors also have teh sex, right? And often, A LOT of teh sex?
I mean, Margaret Meade slept with EVERYONE (seriously, that lady had some incredible game)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Maybe he thinks there’s just one vagina and so people “with” vaginas actually just have portals in their crotches that link to The One True Vagina.